Chapter 374 Bad things (1)
Turning around the big glowing grass ball, Pei Xiye's expression was always deep, and his delicate eyes were shining brightly because of the bright light.

Fei Song has been following behind him, staring at Pei Xiye with his eyes wide open for a while, and then turning his head to look at the big glowing grass ball for a while, with an anxious expression on his face.But seeing Pei Xiye's deep look, he didn't dare to disturb him.

After turning around a few more times, Fei Song finally lost his composure, "Have you figured out a way? If not, I'll do it myself."

Pei Xiye turned his head and glanced at Fei Song indifferently, "What is General Fei going to do?" This simple-minded person is good, and he can talk about everything.

Fei Song choked up, then picked up the knife, "Chop!"

Pei Xiye looked at him like a fool for a few seconds, then took a few steps back, "Please, General Fei."

"You... hmph, you're just pretending, don't think I don't know, in fact, you don't know what to do, just wait and see what I do. If I fail with this knife, you will laugh at it. If it succeeds, you will also You can follow along to study the method. Don't think I'm stupid, I really don't want to cut it." Putting the knife away, Fei Song's words startled Pei Xiye.

Smiling, he was very cute and pretty, "I didn't realize that General Fei still has brains! It's really gratifying, congratulations to General Fei for having brains." He clasped his hands, and that look was even more annoying.

Fei Song stared, his chest heaving violently with anger, Pei Xiye ignored him and continued to circle around the big grass ball.

"General Fei, come here to rest for a while. Maybe the King of the North really has a solution. After all, he is the only one who understands this." The guard came to talk, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't believe Pei Xiye at this time.Fei Song kept following him, although he was in a hurry, it was no different from making trouble.

Fei Song walked away angrily, and Pei Xiye completely ignored him, his eyes flicked over the palm-width blades of grass one by one, and he couldn't see anything inside.

The grass leaves were so tightly wrapped that he couldn't see the inside at all, and he was quite surprised that the layers were complete and orderly.

He really couldn't tell what it was. For so many years, he had never seen anything like this before.In his opinion, the properties of this Gu are extremely yang and fierce, and it is indeed the best choice to deal with the most yin and evil such as the death master.

However, he doesn't understand how to stimulate the generation of this most yang and most powerful Gu, let alone comprehend it.

Blood?Could it be that the inside is fueled with blood?But Yuechu people are women, and women belong to Yin.Maybe Feng Yancang?
Thinking of this, Pei Xiye's expression was a little playful, maybe, he shouldn't help, it's okay to let Feng Yancang bleed, he was happy to see that kind of scene.

Raising his hand to touch the broad glowing blade of grass, he immediately withdrew his hand due to the scalding heat.

I really don't know if it's the same temperature inside?If so, how can you bear it?I can't help but admire Feng Yancang a little bit, even though the admiration is only a little bit.

After walking a few steps, Pei Xiye threw off the front of his robe and squatted down, dug the soil twice, and felt a difference.

He narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then began to dig again, turned over the soil, and then inserted his hands into the soil.

When his finger touched something, Pei Xiye frowned, something was biting his finger.After the bite, blood flowed out along the broken place, as if something was sucking in the soil.

"So that's how it is!" Pei Xiye suddenly realized, and then inserted his other hand into the soil.

All ten fingers were damaged, and the blood flowed out. Although he didn't feel much, the feeling of blood loss was really bad.

Fei Song and the others saw it and came over to surround him one after another.The rest dared not move, but Fei Song squatted down.

After looking at Pei Xiye for a while, he also put aside the knife in his hand, imitating him and inserting his hands into the soil.

After 1 minute, the big grass ball changed, the dazzling light began to dim, and the golden light flowing over the wide grass blades also gradually weakened, and the grass blades began to turn yellow, no longer full of vitality.

Looking up, Fei Song saw the change, "Hey, what's going on?"

Pei Xiye frowned. In fact, he didn't know what was going on, but looking at the change, it didn't seem like a good change. It seemed that he joined hands, but it was a bad thing.

The light on the big grass ball quickly weakened, and the grass blades withered quickly. The tall grass ball slowly collapsed, and it was only one meter short in the blink of an eye.

Pei Xiye was startled to realize that something was really wrong, so he immediately pulled out his hands and pulled Fei Song back.

But it was too late, the big grass ball withered, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a pile of hay lying on the ground. On the top of the haystack, among the layers of withered and yellow hay, a person was exposed.

"It's the grandson of Dongjiang." Fei Song recognized it at a glance, and then jumped up with a knife.

However, Fei Song moved quickly, but just as he landed on the dry grass, the person lying in the dry grass stood up.

It was the dead teacher in Dongjiang, but at this moment he was completely terrifying, his whole face was distorted and his hair was like a mess of weeds.Both eyes stared straight at Fei Song as if they were holes, and Fei Song was so startled that he forgot to move.

"Catch him...he's dying..." A weak voice came from under the haystack, half a person's height. Although it was weak, one could tell that it was from Yuechu!
Fei Song froze for two seconds, then swung his knife and slashed, but the man dodged very quickly.Jumped off the haystack, and quickly ran into the night.

The guards below and Yan Zijun's personal soldiers immediately chased after him, Fei Song also jumped down, ran two steps to chase, but stopped suddenly.

Turning around and walking back, he dropped the knife and began to scrape the haystack, he forgot that Yue Churen and Feng Yancang were still inside.

"Sister, are you okay? Wait for a while, I'll push it away." Fei Song shouted loudly while scratching.

"Thanks to your help, I'm 'very good'!" Yue Churen's voice came from inside, which was completely ironic.

"Stop talking about it, you have to talk to that guy named Pei, he is pretending to understand." Fei Song did not shirk it.

On the other side, a voice of rebuttal quickly sounded, "General Fei, this young master is still here, you've pushed the blame completely, isn't it too unkind?"

"Then do you think you stuck your hand into the dirt first? I'll just follow your example." Fei Song raised his voice, and his words echoed throughout the night.

"It's you who are urging this young master to find a way. Didn't this young master be forced by you?" Pei Xiye had many reasons, which made Fei Song speechless.

"Don't say a few words, it's too noisy!" Yue Churen's voice was getting closer, weak, and more irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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