Chapter 379 Fairy Cave (3)
"I'm sorry, but this time he can't escape." Feng Yancang didn't say that it was Pei Xiye's fault, but just apologized, which easily dissipated the anger in people's hearts.

"I know, so many people can make him run away? If he can run away, a monk can't run away from the temple." Yue Churen lay on Feng Yancang's neck. There was a trace of sweat on his body, but it smelled good.

The sound of people and herds, everyone is chasing, he can no longer run.

Running straight to the north, he may have been in a panic, and the crowd chased him, but he didn't notice where they were approaching for a while.

However, when it was noticed, it was too late.

A bare rocky mountain, [-] meters high.The dead master ran up staggeringly, and the people below jumped up the rocky mountain one after another to catch up.There is really no plant in the entire rocky mountain. It is bare, and there are many raised stones, and the slope is steep. People with poor balance can easily roll down when walking on it.

"General, this is the Immortal Cave!" Suddenly, a soldier in Yan Zi's army shouted, and the Yuechu people who had just climbed up the mountain with Feng Yancang were shocked, and the Immortal Cave...

"He can't run anymore." Fei Song roared, using the big knife in his hand to support the ground, jumping and climbing to catch up.

"Hurry up, Xiao Cangzi, we can't let him run away." An inexplicable uneasiness came to his heart, and Yue Churen felt that if he couldn't be caught this time, then he really couldn't be caught.

Feng Yancang also seemed to have thought of something, quickened his pace, and quickly climbed up the mountain.

Judging from his pace, he is already dead.But he was the first to climb to the top of the mountain, his feet were weak, and he staggered and fell.

Behind, a group of guards caught up first, followed by Yan Zijun's personal soldiers, and hundreds of people blocked his retreat.

On the top of the stone mountain, a big black hole stood impressively. This big hole went straight to the center of the stone mountain.

The area of ​​the top of the mountain was not big, he retreated to the side of the big hole, knelt down on one knee, looked at them with eyes like two black holes, panting heavily.

Finally came up, Yue Churen jumped off Feng Yancang, pushed away the crowd and walked to the front.

Seeing the dark hole behind him, the inexplicable uneasiness in Yue Chu's heart became more and more violent.

Feng Yancang walked behind her, and his beautiful phoenix eyes also noticed it. In his heart, this place was also very dangerous.

Except for these two people, others don't understand.

"Come on, follow me and catch him." Fei Song vigorously swung the big knife in his hand, making a gesture to catch him.

"Wait!" Yue Churen said, successfully stopping Fei Song's footsteps.

"What's wrong?" Fei Song was puzzled, his eyes widened like two copper bells.

Yue Churen looked at the dark hole, and then turned his gaze to the person squatting on the edge of the hole, "Do you think that you can disappear miraculously like him and escape disaster?"

"Of course." His dark eyes were gloomy, like the eyes of an evil spirit.

"You won't be so lucky. If you jump down, you will die." Even though he said so, Yue Churen was very uncertain.She didn't know what he would do to that world if he jumped and disappeared, maybe it would be devastating.

"It's better than being chased by you like vicious dogs." His voice was burned, and he spoke very hoarsely.

Yue Churen chuckled, "Vicious dog? In comparison, you know who is the vicious dog. Don't you want this, come here and give it to you." He took out the copycat "Yuan Gu Zha", Yue Churen wanted to lure him away from the hole, as long as he could walk a step or two, she could restrain him.Although she could restrain him by taking a step forward, she dared not move forward.

When he saw the "Yuan Gu Zha", his eyes lit up obviously, this thing was not so attractive to him.

There seemed to be some heartbeat, and the body moved, but stopped at the next moment, "It's useless to me, you keep it."

"You really don't want it? Then I'll give it to Pei Xiye." Then, he handed the book to Pei Xiye who was beside him.

Knowing that it was fake, Pei Xiye snorted with disdain, but in the end he still stretched out his hand to cooperate with her in acting.

"Wait!" Seeing that "Yuan Gu Zha" fell into Pei Xiye's hands, he suddenly shouted.

Yue Churen twitched the corners of her lips, "You still want it, come here, and I'll give it to you when you come here." Putting the book back, she raised her hand and handed the book in mid-air.

He was only three or four meters away from them, so close that the book was shaking under the blowing of the wind, and his eyes seemed to glow.

Pei Xiye sneered with his arms crossed, "If you don't want it, I'm going to grab it."

"Snatch? Haha, you can grab it. You are so afraid of me jumping down, I am afraid there is a secret down here. Your master disappeared here, but he later appeared intact and handed the "Yuan Gu Zha" to you, then this There must be secrets below. You don't want me to know, but I just want to know." He stood up and laughed after speaking.Because of the scorched face, such a smile is even more creepy.

The Yue Chu people sullenly said, "He died not long after escaping from here, normal people can't bear it for long, if you really want to try, then I won't stop you." Withdrawing his hand, Yue Chu People have changed another way.

However, he didn't believe anything, his eyes fixed on the "Yuan Gu Zha" in Yue Churen's hand for a while, then he turned around and jumped down.

Everyone rushed over, but they didn't catch anything. The pitch-black hole was bottomless, and the sun was westward at this time, so they couldn't see anything.

Yan Jin took the lead and tried to jump down. The people from Yue Chu, who had not moved all this time, immediately stopped when they saw it, "Yan Jin, don't jump."

Yan Jin looked back at her, there was a little fear deliberately concealed on her pale face, which made him startled, and wanted to know what was going on underneath.

Feng Yancang moved his body, facing Yue Churen, raised his hand to stroke her face, and said in a low voice: "Do you think he will disappear into this world?"

Yue Churen nodded, "If you don't believe me, let's wait here and see if he can show up again."

"Okay, if he can climb up, it proves that your worries are unnecessary. You don't have to be afraid of this place in the future, maybe you can take me down for a swim." Her fear was obvious, it was the fear of leaving here of fear.But why is Feng Yancang not afraid?If this place has magic power, and he perceives the difference between Yue Chu people and takes her away, what will he do?
Pei Xiye stood far away, watching all this with eyes full of secrecy.What Yue Churen said just now is three parts true and seven parts false, but she really has a strange attitude towards this fairy cave. What is there?

(End of this chapter)

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