Chapter 387 The Old Man (3)
She has been like this since she came to Dongyang, she likes to walk like this even in places where no one is around, it's very funny.

The two settled down in a homestay in an earthen house. Although they were dressed as old people, they were still interrogated by the landlord for a long time.This is a sensitive period, and any suspiciousness must not be let go, otherwise it will lead to a fatal disaster.

The two of them were well-prepared, and there was nothing fake about the identity card and the like, which easily dispelled their doubts.

The condition of the room is not good, the earth kang, the mud floor, and the only wooden table is covered with dust.The Yuechu people, who are not so particular, can't stand it any longer. The small animals in the mansion will not live in this kind of place.

The two of them sat on the edge of the Kang, the oil lamp was extremely dim, they stared wide-eyed for a while, and Yue Churen broke his skills first, "Let's just sit like this all night?"

Feng Yancang sighed, "It's okay to sit all night, but the stuff on my face is very uncomfortable." He really wanted to wash it off.

Yue Churen blinked, "There's no other way, you just have to endure it."

"Following you out to make a living, it's fine if you don't take good care of me, and you don't care about me when you feel unwell, it's so sad." The accusation made Yue Chu people speechless.

"It doesn't look like it at all! Come on, let me see how uncomfortable you are." Moved his buttocks and approached him, the two 'sixties' people stuck together sticky, not a bit strange.

"It's really hard to see your face." She leaned in front of him and 'winked'. Looking closely, the things painted on her face were particularly obvious.It seemed to be covered with a layer of paste, white flowers, Feng Yancang finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Tch, it seems that you are so handsome. I really should show you a mirror to see how ugly you are." Not happy, Yue Churen also satirized him.In fact, he is not that ugly, even with so many paints, wrinkles and age spots, it can be seen that this man is definitely not bad looking.

His pitch-black eyes were full of helplessness, "Isn't it your masterpiece?" Fortunately, there was no smell, otherwise he really couldn't pretend anymore.

"Isn't this a helpless solution? Maybe there will be someone who knows you and me. Besides, if you are recruiting here, you will be arrested as soon as you show your face." He didn't like her face, so she hugged her tightly. He leaned his neck forward, made some exaggerated expressions on his face intentionally, and the layer above his skin was deformed by her, Feng Yancang was so excited that he could only look away from her.

"Yes, Ma'am is correct." Feng Yancang supported her body, raised his head and hid back.

"What's your tone? Do you despise me? I'll look like this when I get old. It seems that when I get old, I'll have to be abandoned." He kept moving up, and finally sat on his lap. I can't hide anymore.

"Could it be that when you are old, there will be a layer of white paste on your face?" He looked at her while talking, but still couldn't bear it, and turned his head to the side again.

"There is definitely no paste, but there are definitely wrinkles, sagging skin, and spots." Thinking about it this way, getting old is quite scary.

"But not only you can do that, I can do that too. We are the same, why do I despise you?" A smile overflowed from his eyes, he liked her very much when she was a little girl, but it was also very annoying.

"That's not necessarily the case. If you change your mind at that time, it's too late for me to regret it. Let's see if you have a second mind now." He started to take off his clothes, and in a dimly lit room, an old lady rode on an old man's body and slapped her hands .

"This house is not soundproof, you will be heard." Unable to stop her, Feng Yancang sighed helplessly.

"So what? We are husband and wife, can others take care of it?" Yue Churen ignored it, with good reasons.

"But have you ever seen an elderly person who stays outside and still makes firewood?" Feng Yancang asked back, and Yue Churen was stopped by the question.

Stopping what she was doing, she looked up at him and nodded for a while, "Indeed, the old man is not so interested. Forget it, let you go." Pulling his clothes together, Yue Chu was a little disappointed.

Feng Yancang hugged her tightly, "If this is even in the wild, I will follow you. But this place is really not very good, bear with it, huh?"

"It sounds like I'm very hungry. It sounds really awkward. Let me go, I'll sleep." Breaking free from his lap, Yue Churen rolled over and lay on his lap.

Looking at the person lying on his lap, Feng Yancang shook his head, it seems that he will have to sit like this all night.

Maybe there is no entertainment, the night is very long.

He opened his eyes several times in a daze, but it was still pitch black outside.The small oil lamp in the room was almost extinguished, and the light in the room became even darker.

Suddenly, the person lying on his lap sat up suddenly, Feng Yancang was startled, and instantly woke up, and at the same time, he was vigilant about his surroundings, but there was nothing inside or outside the room.

Looking at the person sitting up in a blink of an eye, Feng Yancang put his hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong? Have you had a nightmare?"

Yue Churen remained silent, eyes still closed, the layer of paint on her face made it impossible for people to see her face and expression clearly.

Feng Yancang looked at her without blinking, as if he guessed what she was doing.

After a long time, about two quarters of an hour passed, the small oil lamps on the table were almost all extinguished, and there was only a movement from Yue Chu here.

Taking a long breath, he opened his eyes the next moment, those eyes were extraordinarily bright, completely incompatible with the gray hair on that old face.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her open her eyes, Feng Yancang felt relieved.

"They were arrested. This move was really fast. They just entered the city today." It was about the two dwarfs of the beggar gang, who were brought into the capital by an old disciple of the beggar gang. Cheng fled from the north.At night, the three of them found a shelter under the eaves for the night, but in the dead of night, someone came and took them away.

Feng Yancang was stunned, "Your move is wonderful, you have started the game so quickly."

Yue Churen shook his head, "I don't know yet. The two of them were locked in a dark room. It was still dark, and I couldn't see the surroundings clearly."

"No rush, you can't wait long." Feng Yancang comforted, but lamented the other party's confusion.Although it is easy and not easy to catch children who come from abroad, isn't it more dangerous not to know the truth?madness!

(End of this chapter)

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