Chapter 398
The straw scattered all over the ground and the skins of the dolls burned quickly. The red flame seemed to have eyes, and rushed towards the still intact dolls around, but in the blink of an eye, all of them caught fire.

Zhao Anyang was obviously afraid of the fire, and retreated quickly, but Yue Churen had already chased him.Her bright eyes were dyed crimson, and for a moment, she also looked quite creepy.

Pushing him back to a corner, Zhao Anyang brandished a dagger to stab her, Yue Churen raised his hand and sprinkled the Yuanyang Gu powder in his hand, the powder touched his hand, and he immediately dropped the dagger, hugged his hands and feet Standing on tiptoe, she got out along the gap beside her.

He was so fast that it was too late for Yue Churen to reach out and grab him.

But she couldn't catch it, her other helper was still there, and shot out like a flying arrow, successfully blocking Zhao Anyang who was running towards the gate.

At this time, the fire in the small building was already very strong, and the straw doll skins scattered on the ground were burning extremely vigorously. He was stopped and fell to the ground, and the corner of his robe was ignited by the flames. Bigger and faster.Just in the blink of an eye, he had no time to shake off, the flames had already surrounded him.

Feng Yancang retreated to the side of the Yuechu people, surrounded by fire, the two of them could not stay here for long.

"Wait a minute." Yue Churen held his hand, looked at Zhao Anyang who was struggling in the fire and said in a low voice.Yuanyang Gu will borrow the yang energy from her body, the more the red fire burns more vigorously, the cold sweat on her body will continue to break out.

"You're starting to sweat again." The sweat on her palms was like running water, Feng Yancang frowned slightly, the flames jumped around, and the burnt smell spread, the two of them seemed to be standing in the fire.

"It's okay." Shaking her head, her eyes were still fixed on Zhao Anyang over there.

Zhao Anyang actually just struggled a few times, the Yuanyang Gu was too strong, his body full of evil energy couldn't help it at all.

It was obvious that he was kneeling down, the fire on his body was burning extraordinarily vigorously, and the crackling sound was very loud. As his body was gradually scorched and his torso shrank, the position of his heart was gradually revealed, and something as big as an adult's fist was crumbling. , and finally rolled down from Zhao Anyang's body with a grunt.

The moment the thing fell, Zhao Anyang's scorched body instantly melted, and fell to the ground with a crash, as if lamp oil was flowing all over the ground, the flames were burning on it, and what fueled the flames was some black and yellow sticky liquid .

The Yuechu people kicked away the piles of fire on the ground, and walked towards the scorched yellow thing the size of a fist that rolled to the ground. It was Zhao Anyang's heart, made of turpentine.

Reaching out to pick it up, Yue Churen turned to look at Feng Yancang, "Let's go."

Feng Yancang understood that she was waiting for this.Walking to her side with one step, holding her feet with one hand and tiptoeing lightly, the two of them disappeared in the burning small building in the blink of an eye.

Yu broke into the place of the mansion and came out again, the guards in this area stood like wooden stakes and did not move. If one looked closely, they would not blink their eyes, like stone statues.

The two people left between them, they didn't react at all, the sun was hanging in the middle of the sky, but this place was eerily quiet.

After leaving the Prince's Mansion, the two did not go back to the inn, but headed towards the outskirts of the city.

There were a lot of people on the street, and they were all paying attention to the palace at the moment. The two of them walked among the crowd, noticing how little they were.

Holding the heart of turpentine, it is hard, but it has a very weird touch, because there seems to be something flowing on it.Under that scorched-yellow envelope, something was wriggling, spreading all over the surface of the turpentine.It doesn't feel good in the hand, it itch on the skin.

Passing through the dilapidated archway, there are few people. Due to what happened in the palace yesterday, most people have left the suburbs of the city today.Although none of them are wealthy, their lives are more important, not to mention that they have no money and are light, and they walk with the whole family, young and old, in style.

A delicate archway among the many archways appeared on the opposite side of Qingshi Road. There were several strings of bells hanging on the gate. When the wind blows, the bells jingle, which sounds very nice.

"This is where he lives, tsk tsk, it smells so strong." Standing on the side of the bluestone brick road, Yue Churen held the fake heart of turpentine and said coolly while sniffing.

Feng Yancang raised his eyebrows slightly, and imitated her and inhaled, but he didn't smell anything.

Yue Churen turned his head and looked at him with a chuckle, "Have you heard it?"

Feng Yancang shook his head, a faint smile hung on the corner of his thin lips, "No."

Sneering, Yue Churen stepped onto the Qingshi Road and walked towards the opposite archway, Feng Yancang followed slowly, his gestures were full of elegance.

Walking to the gate of the archway, Yue Churen looked up at the bell, narrowed his eyes slightly, and snorted for a while.With a shake of the other hand, the purple bamboo flute slipped from her cuff.

"Take it." Handed Feng Yancang the false resin heart in his hand, completely ignoring Feng Yancang's disgusted expression, picked up the purple bamboo flute and put it to his lips.

A sharp monotone came out, and the bell vibrated strangely without any wind, and the tinkling sound was also very distorted.

Feng Yancang couldn't help taking a step back, slightly raised his head to look at the string of bells as if bewitched, his beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

After about three or four monotones, something suddenly slipped out of the horn under the string of bells.Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be several small white snakes.

One of each bell twisted and slid down, fell to the ground with a clatter, and instantly turned into water when it saw the sun.

"Hmph, it's disgusting to have such a few things to guard the gate." Yue Churen scolded coldly. Just when the two of them appeared on the opposite side of the road, the bell rang here, and she felt something was wrong.

Feng Yancang also showed disgust in his eyes, after all, it was disgusting to see them coming out of the bell just now.

"Let's go." Stepping towards the closed gate, the gate of this archway is different from ordinary mansions, it is very narrow, but very high.

Lifting his leg and kicking it, the door opened easily without being bolted from the inside.Perhaps in the past, no one would barge in at random, and there was a bell guarding the door, so it seemed very reassuring.

When the two of them entered the gate, they saw a long alley-like road, which was the conventional design of the archway, and when they walked out of this extremely narrow road, they saw the ring building.

It is three stories high and built around a small courtyard of more than [-] square meters. Yuechu people like this style of house very much.

The two stood still in the courtyard, each looked around, and before speaking, a parrot appeared from the railing on the second floor on the left.

One parrot, two parrots, three parrots.One by one, within a short while, the entire fence on the second floor of the ring building was covered with parrots.

Feng Yancang slightly raised his eyebrows, "Is this the nursing home?"

Yue Churen laughed out loud, "The analogy is appropriate."

"What should I do?" Feng Yancang stood behind her, looking at the parrots that had not moved with his beautiful phoenix eyes, and said softly.

"How about it? Let it go with fire." These things can only be attacked with fire, otherwise they won't die.

"Okay." Feng Yan said palely, he likes to have fun.The wrist injury is still not healed, and he fought Zhao Anyang again in the morning, so he really doesn't want to do it now.

"Squat down." Yue Churen ordered while lowering his head to take something out of his waist.

Feng Yancang was also obedient, shook the corner of his robe, and then squatted down.

At the same time, Yue Churen pursed his lips and whistled, hula la, all the parrots on the second floor flew towards them in the courtyard.

He raised his hand and threw Yuanyang Gu powder into the sky, the next moment Yue Churen also squatted down suddenly, Feng Yancang raised his arms to hug her, and the two quickly lay down on the ground.At the same time, flames were blowing in the midair, and the crimson color was like a lotus flower in hell.

The extremely fast spread covered the entire mid-air, and the hundreds of parrots that flew down were all swallowed by the flames, without even making a sound, they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Dots of flames fell down and fell all over the ground.

The two people lying on the ground stood up, Feng Yancang, who was pressing on Yue Churen's body, was burned by the falling flames without avoiding it, and there were several holes in the corner of his robe instantly.

"The hair is scorched. Hehe, it's lucky that the fire is not strong, otherwise you will be burned bald." Holding his strand of scorched hair, Yue Churen teased.The air is filled with the smell of burnt bird feathers, which is very unpleasant.

"Do you still want me after you become bald?" Feng Yancang smiled softly, looking down at the scorched hair on his shoulders.

"People are handsome, and they won't be so ugly if they become bald, yes." Yue Churen smiled, and at this time, he could look at each other and flirt.

Taking the false resin heart back into his hand, the two walked towards the building.

There is only one door in this circular building, and there are no partitioned rooms in the building, so the circular building on the first floor can be seen at a glance.

There is nothing special on the first floor, just some valuable decorations.

There are many advantages to being a celestial master in Dongyang. If you tidy up these valuable belongings, you can probably sell them for a lot of money.Coupled with this land, tsk tsk, becoming the richest man in one party is not a problem.

"There are so many valuable things, why aren't you jealous?" Feng Yancang followed Yue Churen directly to the second floor, feeling very novel.She didn't even go to pick up those valuable things, it's a novelty.

Yue Churen snorted coldly, "What are you talking about, I'm so blind to money?" Not happy, although she likes money, she has to do business first, right?

"Okay, I'm a villain. But what are you looking for? Pull me over, and you don't say anything." Walking to the second floor, an unpleasant smell wafted over, Feng Yancang seemed to have guessed that There is something on the second floor, and the footsteps are a little hesitant.

"You'll know in a while, let's go." Yue Churen seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and Yue Churen turned around and dragged him up the second floor in a few steps.

Standing by the stairs, the two of them looked around. There were countless earthen jars, piles of bones, and there were hundreds of corpses standing in a row in the dark place against the wall, from left to right without end.

All of them were so dark that they were almost rotten, but bones were hidden, but there was no smell. On the contrary, the sour smell wafting from the earthen pots was very obvious.

Looking at those corpses, Yuechu people exclaimed deeply, it really is the old nest!
(End of this chapter)

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