The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 413 Hiding it, an impossible blind date

Chapter 413 Hiding it, an impossible blind date (3)
The Fu Yin sitting high in the hall was not afraid at all, he took a gavel and knocked, "Contempt the court, hit me."

After the words fell, there was crackling applause from below, and the voice was absolutely unadulterated.

The people outside the yamen are very calm, because such scenes are always seen.

Behind the curtain, Yue Churen frowned slightly, and hit him if he didn't obey, which seemed a bit barbaric!It's no wonder that this governor has been sitting for more than ten years. I'm afraid he will still have to sit here for the next ten years and won't be able to get promoted.

After more than a dozen slaps, Feng Yanyi finally stopped yelling, and his thin cheeks were flushed red from the slap.

The interrogation continued, Feng Yanyi was pressed down and knelt down, and there were discussions outside the yamen.

After asking a few questions, Feng Yanyi didn't cooperate with the answer, the governor executed another torture, this time Feng Yanyi finally broke out.

Vigorously breaking free from a group of yamen servants, he caught a yamen servant like crazy and beat him violently.The rest of the yamen servants rushed forward to restrain him, but a group of seven or eight people were thrown away by him vigorously, and they all fell to the ground.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment sitting next to him stood up and backed away in shock. They already knew that Feng Yanyi was a little crazy, but today he looked even crazier.

The yamen servant who was caught and beaten by Feng Yanyi vomited blood, struggled a few times and passed out.Feng Yanyi directly dumped him, reached out, and grabbed another person.

The entire courtroom was in chaos, and the people who watched the excitement outside started to back away in fright, for fear that he would rush out to catch them and beat them violently.

Behind the curtain, Shang Taiwei shook his head and sighed, waved his hands, and a young man in a blue shirt stepped back immediately.In just one minute, a group of forbidden soldiers appeared from the side of the courtroom, all of them were skilled in martial arts, and quickly subdued Feng Yanyi who was in a state of madness.

Shang Taiwei stood up, cupped his hands at Feng Yancang, and then walked out.

Yue Churen leaned slightly and approached Feng Yancang, "The play is over, let's go."

"Don't want to watch it anymore?" He raised his hand and pinched her face lightly, with a gentle smile rippling in the beautiful phoenix eyes.

"En." Slightly narrowing her eyes to enjoy his tenderness, she answered gently.

"Let's go." Pulling her to stand up, the two left along the back door of the courtroom, and the interrogation here was about to come to an end.

In Feng Yanyi's state, the interrogation could not proceed at all.However, the common people have seen his crazy behavior, and the purpose of today's public trial has been achieved. It took only half a day for the whole city to know about Feng Yanyi's crazy behavior in the courtroom.

More than one strange thing happened. When the two returned to the palace, there were two large boxes in the hall, which were obviously delivered not long ago.

"My lord and my concubine, these are sent by the Northern King. They are said to be some clothes and accessories of the young prince." The guards explained that they were sent by Pei Xiye.

Yue Churen frowned, feeling that he must have brought nothing good.After Feng Yancang folded his hands, he looked at the two boxes for a while, "Open them and have a look."

Yue Churen also took a step back, "Open it, you guys."

The guards were a little embarrassed, because they also felt that it was not a good thing.

However, there were orders, and they did not dare to disobey.Two people stepped forward, one person was in charge of a box, and they opened it at the same time, and a smell wafted out, making both of them retreat.

Seeing the two of them like that, Yue Churen laughed unkindly, even though he was standing far away, the smell wafted over, a smell of children's urine mixed into the air, not ordinary ecstasy.

Feng Yancang frowned slightly, turned around and sat down on a chair in the distance, "Carry it down."

Yue Churen shook his head and smiled, "My son may have eaten mutton, the smell is really pungent."

Feng Yancang snorted lightly, with a lot of sarcasm, "It's hard to be the king of the North, I saved up all the clothes and quilts that I urinated on and sent them here."

The Yue Chu people couldn't help laughing, "It means that he didn't treat your son badly. All the items are new. If you urinate and get dirty, save them up. There is absolutely no need for a second time. He has lost his money."

"He asked for it." Feng Yan satirized lightly.

Smiling, he walked to him and sat down, and the two boxes that smelled of urine were also lifted down, but the aftertaste still lingered in the hall.

"The house in Zhinan Bamboo Forest is almost finished. I sent back the completed atlas last night, and I haven't had time to look at it yet. Now look, if you are not satisfied, you can ask them to fix it as soon as possible." Feng Yan said. Cang Bian signaled the guards on the side to fetch it.

"It's so fast, your people are fast and well-trained." Leaning on the back of the chair, Yue Churen caressed his flat belly and said leisurely.

Looking at her, Feng Yancang couldn't help smiling, "I'll talk about it after reading the album later. If you are not satisfied, you can correct it very quickly."

"Okay." Nodding, Yue Churen actually didn't have high demands, but Feng Yancang had imagined her high demands.

The album was delivered quickly, and Feng Yancang delivered it directly to Yue Churen. He sat upright and opened it to read it. He was surprised when he saw it.

"It's very good, it looks quite quiet." It's a bamboo house, a big bamboo house, and the landscape is also drawn into the album, like a place of Taoyuan.

"Are you satisfied?" Looking at her, Feng Yancang asked softly.

Nodded, "It's very good, and the interior decoration is also very good. That's it, there is no need to change it. There is nothing else going on here, when are we leaving?" I can't wait.

"I'll make arrangements and leave as soon as possible." He raised his hand to touch her forehead, tenderness everywhere.

"Okay, then I'll wait." Smiling, she was looking forward to it.


Knowing that Yue Churen was going to Zhinan Zhuhai to raise a baby, Yan Su was a little bit reluctant, after all, she hadn't been back for long.In total, we spent very little time together this year, which is a pity.

"If you are bored in this palace, you can go." Even though you are the queen of a country, it doesn't mean you have to live here forever.

"Oh, it's so easy to walk away. By the way, there is something I forgot to tell you all the time. I want you to draw a portrait of Tongtong. Your paintings are very realistic and very fast, Gong The painters here are drawing for several hours, and Tongtong is too tired to sit there for too long." Yan Su said this, and then waved his hand, but after a while, the nanny came over with Fengniantong in her arms, and two court ladies brought paper charcoal Pen, fast.

"Portrait? What are you going to do?" Yue Churen asked while standing up to hug Tongtong.

"Send it to my brother, he has never seen Tongtong before, this child looks so much like him, he will be very happy to see it." In the bottom of her heart, Fengniantong is also her pride.

"It's easy, I'll just draw." Hearing this, Yue Churen was naturally obliged to help.

The nanny hugged Feng Niantong and sat down on the chair. The child seemed to know something. He was sitting upright with a serious expression on his face. He was already very similar to Yan Jin in appearance, but with such a serious expression, it became even more similar.

Yue Churen draws very easily, these are completely trivial to her.

Yan Su stood aside and watched, with a faint smile on his gentle face.

"By the way, Chu people, you can also write a few words to my brother. Tell him that you are pregnant again, and make him happy." Yan Su said softly when he was about to finish the painting.

Yue Churen looked up at her, "Tell him about this? Is it appropriate?"

"You are friends. I think you are the only one who considers the whole Yan as friends. If you have a happy event, tell him, and he will be happy too." Covering the regret in his eyes, Yan Su felt that this It can make Yan Jin give up quickly.

"Okay, it's not something shameful, it's okay to tell him to make him happy." Yue Churen readily agreed, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"Also, I have recently collected a lot of marriageable women from the courtiers' families, all of whom have portraits. You can also take a look and see if my brother likes it." Yan Su said, asking the maid to send those preparations to All the portraits from Yan Jin were brought over.

After finishing the last stroke, Yue Churen put down the charcoal pencil, and Yan Su who was on the side also showed her the portraits.

After receiving it, Yue Churen looked at each piece objectively. There were no beautiful ones, but they were all dignified.

"This is not bad, there is some temper between the eyebrows and eyes." There are about a dozen of them, and only this one seems to be able to match Yan Jin in Yue Churen's eyes.

Yan Su nodded, "You also think my brother would like this?"

Yue Churen blinked, thought for a while and then said: "He is a boring gourd in the first place, and if he adds a boring gourd, it will be two gourds, and we don't have to talk together. If he has a temper, maybe he will like it."

Yan Su nodded slowly, "It's true, he really likes people with character."

"You, sending these portraits is actually useless. If he finds it annoying, he won't read it at all. Why don't you just send people there, which is more effective." Return the bunch of portraits to her, Yue Churen He stood up and stretched his waist and said.

Yan Su smiled helplessly, "I really want to, but then he will definitely turn against me."

"Then I can't think of any ideas. After all, emotional matters can't be forced." Shaking her head, Yue Churen spread her hands to express her helplessness, even though she really hoped that Yan Jin could get married and have children like a normal person.

"Oh, let me try. Send these to him, and if you don't look at them, don't look at them. If you see them in the picture, it would be great." Although she didn't believe these words herself, she really hoped that Yan Jin Able to let go of obsession.

"I wish you success." She raised her hand and patted Yan Su's shoulder. Yue Chu could only give her blessings, but she believed that Yan Su failed [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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