The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 415 He Loves Her, She Doesn't Know

Chapter 415 He Loves Her, She Doesn't Know (2)
Another story is about two people, a husband and wife, supported and loved each other by their youth.Until they are old, they can still cuddle with each other, and they are still together even when all their teeth have fallen out.After staying for a hundred years, buried in a coffin, sleeping underground is not alone.

Putting down the charcoal pencil and looking at it again, Yue Churen thought it was quite good, and hoped that he could understand Yan Su's painstaking efforts.

Put it in an envelope and give it to Ding Dong to let her hand it over to the guards in the mansion to send it out.

The housekeeper was in charge of preparing for the wedding and sent all the necessary items to the house in the suburbs.Dingdang and Zhang Ke went there several times, and every time they came back Dingdang looked satisfied.

"What do you think is still missing, tell me, as your only master, I will satisfy you with everything you want." Eating grapes, Yue Churen smiled and looked at Ding Dong with a happy face.

"It's not missing, everything is available, Wangfei, I'll let you worry about it." Stirring her two hands, she never thought that she would have such a spacious home and such a satisfied husband in the future.

"It's nothing, you've been with me for so long, we can be said to have come together from a difficult time, and I'm rich and powerful, so naturally I have to take you with me. By the way, the tailor who makes wedding clothes may come over in a while, Feng Guanxia, We all want the best." Seeing Dingdang getting married, the people of Yuechu felt like marrying a daughter.

"Thank you, Princess." She pursed her lips and smiled contentedly, Ding Dong was full of happiness.

"After you get married, let's go to Zhinan Bamboo Sea. I will raise a baby in that place, and you will treat it as a honeymoon. No one will bother you, and I don't need your services." And she has to see Feng Zhaotian.Every time she thinks of Feng Zhaotian, she can't help but think of the first time she saw him. It can be said that she is full of domineering, but in the end she didn't beat the rising star.

"Is the princess planning to give birth in Zhinan?" Ding Dang naturally felt good, the place was beautiful and clean.

"We'll talk about it later. Anyway, I'm planning to kidnap Xiao Cangzi, and no one can rescue him." In the past few years, the couple has been traveling around, and now it has finally subsided. They need to have a good rest.

"Are you planning to kidnap me?" Suddenly, a voice with a smile came from outside the door, the two looked up, and it happened that Feng Yancang stepped into the door.

"My lord." Ding Dang blessed his body, stepped back and left.

Yue Churen watched him approaching with a smile, and said, "Yes, I just want to kidnap you, why, you don't cooperate?"

She was dressed in a white shirt, spotless, with soft smiles on the corners of her eyes and brows, so eye-catching.

"Cooperate, even if you tie me up and seal my mouth and nose, I will cooperate." He walked up to her and leaned over, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and then sat down next to her.

Yue Churen laughed lightly, and he cooperated obediently, which put her in a good mood.

"I'm talking about their wedding again. Don't you leave it to the housekeeper? Don't worry about it." She said softly, her beautiful phoenix eyes stared at her, Yue Churen liked him very much , at this time only her eyes are full.

Slightly squinting and enjoying, Yue Churen nodded, "I don't care, just ask her what else she lacks. I'm just such a girl, and she will accompany me through the suffering, so naturally I can't treat you badly."

"Have you experienced those sufferings? Why don't I remember." Feng Yancang disagreed, since she came to this world, she has been in the palace, and he has never made her suffer a little.

"Tch, I don't know who it is. During the first few days when I first came, I was put under house arrest in the room, and I was not allowed to go out after eating, drinking, or drinking." She couldn't wait to spit, she, Yue Chu, remembered these things clearly.

"Isn't that a misunderstanding? After that, I never made you wronged." Feng Yancang is innocent, he has always respected her.

Squinting at him, she didn't appreciate it.

"If we really say that we share weal and woe, it has to be me and Ding Dong. In the past few days, she cried with snot and tears, for fear that we would die in that room, poor thing. Now she must be happy, and we will get married in the future You have to be the master of the house." The matter of the young couple has not been settled by herself, but she has decided on it.

Feng Yancang was speechless, but let her do what she wanted, at this moment, he didn't dare to provoke her.

"I sent a letter to Eastern Xinjiang a few days ago, but General Yan replied?" Yue Chu people didn't say anything about certain things, but it didn't mean he didn't know, he knew it clearly.

Shaking his head, the Yue Chu people looked at him indifferently, "I'm just persuading him on Yan Su's behalf. Besides, he is angry, so he may not reply to my letter. As long as he can not get angry, it's fine, otherwise Yan Su will always be depressed."

Feng Yan smiled faintly, but a trace of unhappiness flashed across his deep eyes, "It's human nature to marry a wife and have children, why don't I inquire around on my behalf, maybe I can find a woman who matches General Yan."

Yue Churen raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Don't mind me, Yan Jin will be angry and won't even recognize me as a friend."

"You care about it?" Feng Yancang asked with a smile when he caught the flaw in her words, and he smiled beautifully.

Yue Churen nodded, shook his head again, and finally snorted, "Look at your face, as if you caught me cheating. My lord, you don't have to be so small-minded. You are just friends. I don't have any thoughts. "

Feng Yancang twitched the corners of his lips and smiled, she had no idea, but it didn't mean others had no idea.

"So what do you mean by laughing? I'm serious. Listen carefully." He raised his leg to kick him, but he dodged away, and Fu raised his hand to lift the hem of his robe, which was very coquettish.

Yue Churen couldn't help but want to laugh, but because he was being cautious for no reason at this time, she could only hold back.

"Xiao Cangzi, are you listening to me? Turn around and look at me." Holding his chin with one hand, Yue Churen looked at him without blinking.

Feng Yancang looked elsewhere and ignored it.

The corners of his lips were curved, and Yue Churen liked to see his angry face.

"Little Cangzi!" The voice was drawn out, but the other side still ignored it.

Turning his eyes, the Yuechu people smacked their lips and sighed, "If you ignore me, then I will ignore you too. Before I ignore you, let me say the last sentence. If you ignore me, then I will ignore you in this life." I won't even say this sentence again. Xiao Cangzi, I love you, I love you so much."

The hall was silent for a moment, and Yue Churen looked at his profile, but he didn't respond for a long while.

With a soft scold, Yue Chu stood up abruptly, "Okay, from now on, neither of us will know each other." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, the waist tightened, and the next moment the whole person was hugged in a warm embrace.

Pursing his lips, Yue Churen bumped his elbow into the person behind him, "Didn't you ignore me, why are you hugging me?"

The warm breath hit her ears, tickling her.

"Say it again, I still want to listen." The gentle voice is like old wine, mellow and intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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