The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 420 Good year is not good, Bao Satisfied

Chapter 420 Good year is not good, Bao Satisfied (1)
From summer to autumn, from autumn to winter solstice, time always flies by.But in this place, you can't feel the cold of winter. Zhinan is really a good place, no matter how the outside world changes, this place is always the same.

Yue Churen's belly was also swollen high, compared to his lazy state when he was pregnant with Feng Nianfei, this child is very lively.Sometimes when I slept soundly in the middle of the night, I would be woken up by him turning over, stretching his arms and kicking his legs.

No wonder the old monk Yulin said that this child is a good seed for martial arts, and it really doesn't stop.

Although a little tired, Yue Chu people are still very happy.In this life, she would never want to have the martial arts of flying around and pulling mountains and rivers. Her son can do it, and it is too beautiful to think about it.

It has been very quiet in this bamboo sea, and Feng Yanshao did not disturb them as promised.Yan Su sent her a few letters, all of which said that Feng Niantong had started to learn poetry, even though he didn't speak very slickly.And let's talk about Yan Jin, she always writes letters to him, or sends him some medicinal materials to nourish his body.But Yan Jin seldom replied to her letters, and basically asked the messenger to bring her a message.

What upset Yue Churen the most was Pei Xiye. Since Yue Churen sent him the letter, it took nearly two months for him to reply to her letter.All kinds of madness in the letter, saying that she has another child in her stomach, and still thinking about what his son is doing?
The outspoken virtue made Yuechu people angry, and he took his son one by one, Feng Nianfei seemed to have nothing to do with their husband and wife.

Compared with Feng Yancang, he was very calm. After all, he had a gentleman's agreement with Pei Xiye before, and he knew in his heart that Pei Xiye did this on purpose.He didn't want Yue Churen to forget him, so he specifically confronted her. This trick also succeeded in making Yue Churen remember him, even though it annoyed him more and more.

For Pei Xiye, Feng Yancang was very generous and didn't care, because he enjoyed Pei Xiye's envious and jealous look very much, which could provide him with a lot of fun.

The weather in Zhuhai has dropped slightly, but you can't feel it if you wear thicker clothes.The bamboo stretching all around is still green, and the fragrance of bamboo is wafting. After living here for a long time, it seems that the smell of bamboo is exuding from the body.

By the lake, there is a rattan chair woven from bamboo.There was a person sitting on the wicker chair, dressed in white, which was particularly conspicuous in the greenery.

He was fishing quietly with a fishing rod, and he had already caught one in the small bucket beside him, which was not too small.

Feng Yancang had been sitting here fishing since noon, and it was already afternoon, and the second one hadn't come up yet.

In fact, it is easy to eat fish, just ask people to go down and catch two.However, someone said on a whim that he wanted to eat what he caught, so he could only follow orders to fish.

In fact, fishing is also a good job, a good way of self-cultivation.

After a long time, someone came over from the bamboo house, looked closely, he was wearing a loose purple dress, with a big belly, and walking very slowly.

Yue Churen just woke up. In fact, she wanted to sleep a little longer, but the dick in her stomach kept on making her feel uncomfortable even when she was lying down. Finally, she had to get up.

The second child seemed to be doing it on purpose. After she got up, the boy became honest and didn't move at all, which really made her dumbfounded.

Slowly walking towards Feng Yancang, he also turned his head to look at her, his eyes met, and there were smiles on both faces.

"How many have you caught?" He asked, his voice still hoarse from the beginning.

"One." Answered, he stood up.

"How big is it? If it's big enough, it's enough to eat." Walking over, she unceremoniously occupied the wicker chair, adjusted a comfortable posture, narrowed her eyes slightly, and it was obvious that she was very comfortable.

"Don't worry, if it's dark and no fish is hooked, just eat that one." Standing, Feng Yancang's hand was very steady, and the fishing rod in his hand didn't shake much.

"It's up to you, anyway, I'll just eat what I have." The people of Yuechu couldn't care less, the west slanting sun shone on their faces, making them feel warm.

There was a vague smile on the corners of the thin lips, and the eyes and brows were full of ease.He likes this kind of life very much, if possible, he hopes that he will not go out here for the rest of his life.With her by his side, he had nothing else to ask for.

Here Feng Yancang was enjoying the atmosphere, but the person leaning on the rattan chair began to hum a little tune.She hadn't learned to sing seriously, but she could imitate it very well. The onion song that she always hummed when she was doing things in the past became so funny and obscene in her mouth.

The people around slowly frowned, and as she hummed, the frown became tighter, but a certain person didn't know it at all, and hummed happily.

"You scare away the fish that are going to take the bait." Feng Yancang couldn't help it, he definitely saw a few fish swim away.

"Huh?" The rising humming stopped, and Yue Churen raised his eyebrows and looked up at him, with a deterrent expression on his face.

"It's not too late for you to torture me if you stay at night. The fish were about to bite the hook, but they were all scared away after listening to your song." Looking down at her, seeing her dissatisfied appearance, he couldn't help laughing .

"You can't catch fish, but you blame me for not singing well. If you continue to say that my singing is not good, I will sing with a loud voice." This deterrence is absolutely effective, and the corners of Feng Yancang's lips are almost twitching down.

"It sounds good, it's the best song I've ever heard, and it's unique in the world." Hurry up to praise, and someone will be satisfied.

Squinting her eyes, she leaned back into the rattan chair again, and every time he intentionally found fault and let him coax her to say something against her will, she was very happy.

"Actually, I haven't sung this song for a long time. There are no specific words, just humming and playing. In the village, sometimes villagers would come to me to help with errands. When I was happy As soon as I sang randomly, they would compliment me on my singing. Haha, it’s funny now that I think about it, but I know whether it sounds good or not.” Because she had recorded it before, and when she heard it, she instantly became Spartan.

"It seems that you were an untouchable devil before." Feng Yancang listened to her talk about that world very seriously.

"You can understand it like this. The villagers in the village call me Master Yue. Basically, every family has a headache, brain fever, serious illness, minor illness, and children who cry at night and don't sleep. Arms dislocated and ankles come to me. Usually, I basically I don’t need to cook by myself, as soon as the time comes, someone will come to deliver my meals automatically. Sometimes several restaurants will come to deliver, and I can eat a large table of dishes by myself.” I narrowed my eyes and thought about it, except that she was lonely , and the rest are fine.

"Sounds very good, but I don't know, but someone is interested in you?" Yue Churen never said these things.

Leaning at him, Yue Churen snorted softly, "My reputation is scary. Everyone knows what I am tinkering with. Who would dare to have ill intentions for me? Count so many people in our school. Those who have a partner No more than a few dozen. However, they all died very early, pitiful."

(End of this chapter)

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