The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 432 I'm Under Yan Jin

Chapter 432 I'm Under Yan Jin (2)
About two quarters of an hour, he approached the top of the mountain, and the hole that was originally filled with tight seams was cracked, and colorful lights emerged from the cracks in the stone, and when he looked down, he was dazzled.

Taking two deep breaths, Yan Jin bent over to touch the broken stone for unknown reasons.The hole that originally went straight from the top of the mountain to the center of the mountain was made of a whole boulder, but now it is shattered, which really surprised him. What kind of force was able to shatter that boulder.

After touching it twice, he then grabbed a stone that had been separated from the boulder, and pulled it upwards forcefully, and the stone was easily picked up by him.

A ray of light shot out unhindered and shone on him.

Throwing away the stone, Yan Jin squatted down, squinted his eyes slightly and looked down along this little gap. The colors were so dazzling that he couldn't see clearly.

I moved away other broken and easily extracted stones one after another. At the same time, I could see the bottom clearly. All the stones that blocked the deep hole below had been corroded, leaving only the top stone about [-] centimeters thick. , It used to be a whole, but now it is also torn apart. If there is a little external force, all these stones will be shattered into powder.

As he moved the stones away, the light from the cave also shot out in a large area, reflecting on Yan Jin's face, it seemed that the layer of indifference that surrounded him all day long melted away.

Looking down, Yan Jin's eyes also felt a little painful, but he could vaguely see some images shaking below.Soon, he didn't have time to catch it, but he was sure that he did see it, and it was definitely not a hallucination.

He couldn't see the specific image, the more so, the more he wanted to see it clearly.He bent down and stared at the eyes below without blinking, even if the colorful lights dazzled his eyes, he would not waver.

Gradually, his body got lower and lower, and his entire upper body almost entered the range of the hole.

The night was as black as ink, and behind the rolling mountains, a fast horse galloped across the plain, but no matter how fast it was, it was too late.

This Fangshi Mountain Immortal Cave, Yan Jin, who was leaning over the entrance of the cave, obviously tensed up.But the next moment, he fell headfirst from the entrance of the cave, and there was no sign of him in the entrance of the cave, which was glowing with colorful halos.

Falling rapidly, Yan Jin reached out to grab the surrounding stone walls, but the suction below was so strong that he couldn't resist at all.

The fall was endless, obviously the entire fairy cave was only five or sixty meters deep, but his fall seemed to be almost hundreds of meters.

Thinking of this, Yan Jin's heart thumped, and he used his strength in both arms, and with a sharp thrust, his fingertips touched the stone wall.But a strange thing happened just then. He obviously touched the hard stone wall at the first moment, but the situation changed suddenly in the next moment, and his whole body was uncontrollably sucked by the stone wall he touched.

The stone wall was so hard, if he bumped into it with such a strong suction force, his head would bleed.He tried his best to control his body, but he couldn't regain the powerful force at all. His whole body was sucked in, and he closed his eyes when he saw that he hit the stone wall.

However, the expected pain did not come, but the body tilted uncontrollably and faced downwards. The breeze was blowing, and he could feel that he was falling downwards, but the smell was so fresh, just like the smell of the forest...

The smell of the forest?Thinking of this, Yan Jin suddenly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the green hills and green land, and he was rushing towards that green land.

With strength in his limbs, Yan Jin turned over when he saw the ground hit the grass, and stood firmly on the ground with both feet.

There was a roar in his mind, and when the confusion in front of him faded away, Yan Jin looked at this place seriously. How could he fall from that cave into this mountain forest?
His eyebrows were slightly frowned, doubts floated in his eyes, and his calmness like ice water was washed away. He looked around, the blue sky, white clouds and calm weather, surrounded by green hills, and some plants he had never seen before. Where is this place?

He looked up at the sky, he fell from it, but where did he come from?Could it be heaven?
Thinking of it this way, his doubts became heavier, and after standing still and looking around for a long time, he finally took a step.

Thinking about the mountain shapes around the fairy cave, he wasn't sure where it was.But with Xianren Cave as the center, no matter which direction you go, you can go out.

After simply looking at the position of the sun, he walked towards the southeast.

The trees here are lush and hot.

After walking for a while in this poorly ventilated forest, he was hot and sweaty. There are many small animals in the forest, and many of them are poisonous.But he had taken the anti-gu pills given to him by Yue Chu people, so they ignored him at all, and even hated him.Smelling his scent, they all left in a hurry.

His footsteps were steady and his speed was not slow. When the sun was setting to the west, he had already climbed over four mountains.

He crossed another mountain and walked down the mountain. When he was halfway up the mountain, he suddenly heard an unusual sound.

Be vigilant and listen carefully to what sound it is.

chug chug?thud thump?It's not right, it's weird.

Eyes wide awake, he stood on tiptoe, an afterimage flashed across, and he had disappeared in place.

At the foot of the mountain is a very smooth and flat road. I don't know what kind of material it is paved with, it looks very smooth.

Far away, at the end of the road, there is a monster coming towards here?

The speed is very fast. Upon closer inspection, two very strange wheels are spinning rapidly.The wheels turned one after the other, almost invisible.

And there was actually a person sitting on the monster with two wheels.He wears a strange round helmet on his head, and the white one is reflective.

Standing on the branch of a tree, Yan Jin's eyes were sharp.Staring at the strange sound that the monster was getting closer, he thought for a while, tiptoed, and jumped off the tree. The afterimage flickered, and the next moment he had landed on the flat road.

Yue Churen, who was riding a motorcycle recklessly, enjoyed the breeze, and as she drove deeper into the road, her speed also accelerated.

Although it is not fast, she is also very satisfied.

However, just as she was about to speed up, something suddenly popped out on the road ahead.She subconsciously slowed down, but it was too late for such a short distance, she turned the handlebar decisively, and the motorcycle turned a corner and rushed directly to the mountain on the side of the road.

The motorcycle rushed up a few meters, the fire also went out, and then it slid back down the hill. Her feet dragged the ground, and she finally stabilized when the motorcycle landed on the road.

After stabilizing the motorcycle, she turned her head suddenly, looking at the 'thing' that rushed out suddenly.However, it didn't matter what she saw, but it startled her.

This is an actor?Wearing an ancient costume, with such long hair, he is handsome. This is a man.

Moreover, he was still looking at her with a very strange look, as if he saw a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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