The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 437 All kinds of coincidences

Chapter 437 All kinds of coincidences (2)
Taking a casual glance, I saw Yan Jin standing at the door staring at the induction cooker, the corners of his lips curled up, as if he really didn't understand anything, and it became more and more interesting.

"I don't know what this is?" Yue Churen asked, tilting his head and looking at him.

Yan Jin shook his head, "I don't know."

"Where you live, are you really still drinking blood?" Ancient?Unbelievable.

"Drinking blood? No. Dayan has a history of hundreds of years. It is both civil and military. Regardless of national power or people's lives, it is one of the best in all countries." Yan Jin replied seriously, how could Dayan be a sucker and drink blood? Woolen cloth.

Yue Churen nodded slowly, "Then you, the generalissimo, have you ever fought in the battlefield?"

"Naturally." His eyes were strong, and it was hard to doubt what he said.

"So powerful?" The more I heard it, the more mysterious it became.When the water boiled, pour the quick-frozen dumplings into the pot and turn them skillfully and leisurely to prevent them from sticking to the pot.

After a while, the dumplings came out of the pot, Yue Churen ate one first, and then walked to the dining table on the side of the kitchen with the dumplings.

When I came back to get the chopsticks and the bowl, I saw him still standing there, and laughed, "Come in for dinner, what about waiting for me to treat you?"

Yan Jin was stunned for a moment, saying that, he really felt a little hungry.

Walking in slowly, the dining table and chairs are very strange, but they are very beautiful.

"Sit down and eat. You don't have to be polite. Be generous. I don't like hypocritical people." Pushing the chopsticks and bowl in front of him, he started to eat on his own.

Yan Jin also picked up the chopsticks, his posture was very formal, even if he put them in his mouth to chew, he was much more refined than the Yuechu people, and he seemed to have received a very high level of education.

Looking at him while eating, Yue Churen pondered slowly.Looking at his appearance, he really doesn't look like someone who has never seen the world and received no education, but he doesn't know anything about everything, what a contradiction.

"Yan Jin, according to what you said, you can't go back now, and you are confused and don't know how to go back. If I drive you away, it's a bit too cold-blooded. I can take you in, and if possible, I will help you Find a way to go back. However, if it’s appropriate, you have to give me something in return, do you agree?” After eating a few dumplings, he put down his chopsticks and held a water glass, while Yue Churen looked at him with a smile.

After a pause of chewing, Yan Jin raised his eyes, "What do you want?"

"I want to study you." Yan Jin replied happily, and Yan Jin frowned slightly, puzzled.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to see how you are different from us Chinese. What's more, you can fly. I want to know how you fly." It's amazing.

His eyes moved slightly, and after two seconds, Yan Jin nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Then it's settled. You can eat quickly. Your outfit is quite awkward, and I don't have men's clothes at home. How about this? I'll go online and buy a few sets for you, and I think it will be delivered in the afternoon." Stand up , while muttering and leaving, although the delicate but well-proportioned and healthy figure is full of wanton and leisurely.

Watching her leave, Yan Jin slowly looked away, "Online?" What is that?
But at noon, the clothes that Yue Churen ordered online for Yan Jin really arrived.A shopping mall in the city sells both men's and women's clothing, focusing on leisure, and Yuechu people are regular customers.

So the little brother who came to deliver the goods was very familiar with Yue Churen, and he drove a small pickup truck, and it was quite easy to climb high slopes and cross grasslands.

On the second floor, Yan Jin stood at the door and watched Yue Churen have a familiar conversation with the short-haired man at the door. Looking at his clothes and short hair, Yan Jin fell into confusion again. Are all men like this?

"Okay, don't accept the change of 18 yuan. You want a few changes every time. I won't go to your house to buy it next time." After paying the money, Yue Churen automatically made up the whole amount for him, and also gave it to him. Regardless of his embarrassing appearance.

"Beauty, this is the first time you have bought men's clothing from my house. Do you have a man in your house?" The delivery boy was delicate and thin, like a bamboo pole.She usually buys women's clothing, but this time she bought men's clothing, and she bought several sets. She was so willing to spend money, and she probably gave it to her boyfriend.

"You care so much? Go shopping after you wear it. That's fine, I won't keep you anymore. See you later." Walking back with her clothes in hand, she walked into the door, which was slowly closed.

The delivery boy outside the door saw a person standing on the second floor when the door was about to close, but he didn't see it clearly, just a glance, it seemed to be a woman with long hair.

Carrying the clothes upstairs, Yue Churen had a smile on his lips, "The clothes are here, try it on, if it doesn't fit, you can change it."

"Are all men like this here?" It was not suitable for the parents with body, hair and skin, their hair was cut so short.

"Yes, but there are also people with long hair like you, but they are usually engaged in art." Walking into the living room, Yan Jin followed her slowly, thinking about her words.

"Here are pants, here are tops, this is underwear and socks, this big box is shoes, go to that room and change." These bags are not cheap when added together.

After receiving it, Yan Jin hesitated for a moment, then walked to that room.

Looking at his back, Yue Churen almost raised his eyebrows. She thought he would look good in clothes.

Turning on the TV, Yue Churen leaned on the sofa and waited. About half an hour later, someone came out of the room.

Yue Churen looked over in a blink of an eye, but was taken aback, "Why are you topless?" But this figure is really good!
Holding the nondescript dress that he didn't even count as a middle coat, "I don't know how to wear it."

Looking at the white T-shirt in his hand, Yue Churen stood up and walked over, "I will wear this this season, otherwise I will be hot to death. Look carefully, this is the front and this is the reverse." Take it over and demonstrate it, Yue Churen caught sight of the intertwined scar on his shoulder, and then froze.

Yan Jin followed her gaze to look at the wound on his shoulder, and couldn't help but think of her again, she sewed it up for him.

"This,,,, that person who has the same name as me sewed it up for you?" Raising her hand, the tip of her index finger touched the scar, which was obviously the stitch method that only she could sew.

"Yes." Stepping back a little, Yan Jin took the clothes in her hand and put them on happily.

The white T-shirt, the sturdy body is wrapped, looks quite tasteful.

"It's really evil. Obviously, only I can walk a needle like that, and the person you know can do it too. Could it be that she has peeped into my brain?" .

"Then why didn't you spy on her?" At this time, he wanted to defend her.

"Are you joking? Don't talk nonsense about things you don't understand. It's no good for you to offend me." Turning around and leaving, Yue Churen nestled back on the sofa to watch TV.

After standing still for a while, Yan Jin also walked over slowly.He felt a little uncomfortable in the clothes on his body. Although the fabrics looked good, the contours of the body were exposed, which always made him feel very awkward.

This TV is amazing, Yan Jin thinks so.There are people inside, they talk and do things inside, and they don't know if they are in pain or not.

Maybe they don't know that there are people watching them outside, if they know, they will probably be frightened.

The two of them occupied each side of the huge sofa. For a long time, the two of them stared at the TV and no one spoke.

Suddenly, the Yuechu people breathed a sigh of relief, "Yan Jin, in two days, can you take me to the place where you fell?"

Yan Jin raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at her. The long hair tied up on that handsome face and matched with his clothes made him look quite handsome.

It's just that this handsome guy is a little indifferent, but his eyes are faintly flickering with excitement, and his face is still indifferent.

"Okay." He also wanted to go and see again, maybe, he could go back.

Looking at him, the people of Yue Chu believed more and more that he might be an ancient man who traveled here through time and space.

"If possible, let's try to find a way to take you back, but you can't be too impatient. I think timing is very important for this thing." Looking at his slightly excited and expectant appearance, Yue Churen felt that he Would love to go back.

"I know. Until now, I haven't figured out how I got here. However, I would be very grateful to have your help." He clasped his hands, and it was very strange for him to do this action in this outfit.

Raising his eyebrows, Yue Churen nodded, "You're welcome, I also find it amazing to meet you. Why don't you tell me about the Yuechu people in your world?" She will, she will too, too Incredible.

Mentioning this, Yan Jin's eyes darkened for a moment, "I haven't seen her for a long time. But I have been communicating with her all the time, but she doesn't look good at handwriting, but she is good at drawing. The drawing is very different. It is drawn with charcoal. Yes, witty and humorous."

"Huahuaer?" Yue Churen sat up straight suddenly, staring at Yan Jin and asked.

"En." Seeing her nodding, Yan Jin's heart skipped a beat, could it be that she would do it too?

"You wait." Throwing away the cushions, she stood up, and quickly ran to her bedroom.

But after a while, she came out and handed him a stack of drawing paper, "Is this the case?"

Seeing the painting on the drawing paper, Yan Jin was also startled, "You will too?"

"Nonsense, this stick figure was only created in modern times. How could the ancients do it? It's too scary. Is the Yuechu person you're talking about a human or a ghost?" She was really scared this time, she was so similar to her .

Yan Jin was also puzzled. Thinking about it carefully, she did behave strangely in some places.With those unique things she knows, she is afraid of fairy caves, what secrets does she have?
The two of them were silent for a moment, each lost in thought, but the more they thought about it, the more terrifying they felt. What is going on with all this?
(End of this chapter)

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