The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 446 Confirmed, not allowed to contact him

Chapter 446 Confirmed, not allowed to contact him (2)
Seeing her smile, the corners of Yan Jin's lips twitched slightly, and he took a step forward. Yue Churen watched his movements, and his smile gradually stopped.

"What's the matter? If it's not funny, then I won't laugh." The light of the TV was a little weak, and he turned his back to the TV again, looking at him from her angle, and his heart beat for a moment.

Looking down at her, even though there was nothing in his eyes, those eyes were also full of pressure.

The sound of the TV continued, and the two people here looked at each other, as if they had been ordered to pause.

Yue Churen looked at him, the sound of the TV gradually faded away, the sound of her own heartbeat gradually increased, unconsciously, her breathing also began to become subtle.

After a long while, Yan Jin finally said, "Don't wear such revealing clothes in the future."

After being stunned for a moment, the Yue Chu man then looked down at himself, "General, you won't treat me like that Yue Chu man to discipline you, will you? You have to be sober, I'm not that Yue Chu man. You are so handsome , always use this kind of tone to control me, I will be tempted. If I am tempted by you, you should stop thinking about going back, and you will never see that Yuechu man, the loss outweighs the gain!" Holding high heels After shaking his body, Yue Churen finished speaking cutely, then turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Watching her leave, Yan Jin stood there and his heart was beating violently, was he tempted by him?He would never hear such words in that world.

For a long time, I leaned against the sofa with a tall and straight body, tilted my head to look at the closed door of the bedroom, my sharp face softened a lot, the next moment, a faint smile flashed across the corners of my pursed lips. So strong.

Changing clothes in the bedroom, Yue Churen came out to go to the bathroom to take a shower.Pushing open the door, the TV was still on in the living room, but Yan Jin's person was gone.

Turning to look at the door of the guest room, the door is closed, and fell asleep so soon?Usually, he would only return to his room in the middle of the night.

He dragged on his slippers and wrapped himself in a bathrobe and rushed into the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, there was the sound of a lock being locked.

There was an advertisement on the TV, and the picture was bright and dark for a while, and the small lamp on the TV wall was glowing faintly, which did not play any lighting role at all.

About 10 minutes later, a figure jumped down from the night and landed on the door accurately.

Yan Jin's eyes were dark, and he looked around the living room, then fixed his gaze on the bathroom door.

He paused for a moment, then walked to the bathroom.

Just when he was one step away from the door of the bathroom, Yue Churen's exclamation suddenly sounded inside. Yan Jin reacted very quickly, his foot flew up, and the bathroom door shattered instantly.

He also disappeared in place immediately, and flashed into the misty bathroom.

Next, Yue Chu people screamed again, followed by the sound of glass windows shattering.

The water in the nozzle was still rushing down, Yue Churen's whole body was covered with water, her hair was also wet, it was dripping down her face and she couldn't open her eyes.

Yan Jin held on to the window sill with one hand, the glass window was broken, he could clearly see the outside from standing here.His eyesight was very strong, even in such a dark night, he also saw a shadow jumping out of the fence very quickly, and then disappeared after moving in the field for a while.

The front of her body pressed against him, Yue Churen protected her chest with one hand, and raised the other hand to wipe off the water on her face, "Who is that man?" She looked up by accident just now, and saw the bathroom. The upper part of the window that is usually used for ventilation is close to a face.Her eyes were full of water, and she couldn't see clearly, but the chin and mouth were definitely human.

"It's him." Yan Jin said in a deep voice. He heard some movement just after he went out, but he didn't catch up.

"He actually came here? Why don't we call the police?" Someone from the criminal police team is still lying in ambush in the mountain village near Guangjian Village. As long as she calls the police, they will definitely come.

"He has already run away. When the police came, he would have already run away. It is useless to call the police." Frowning slightly, Feng looked at the dark night and could not find his breath. He had run away.

"I don't know when he will come over again, it seems that I have to prepare." Damn it, I actually peeped on her taking a bath, and I don't know how long he has been lying there.

"Alright." Yan Jin responded in a low voice, then slowly withdrew his gaze, looked down at the person in his arms, and was stunned for a moment.

The person in my arms is naked...

When he looked down, Yue Churen was also stunned. Originally, the breeze made her feel cold, but she suddenly blushed.

She raised her hand abruptly, covering Yan Jin's eyes, "Don't look."

"Sorry." Squeezing out two words, his eyes were covered.

"What's the use of being sorry? It can't clear the memory in your brain. We'll be even." Yue Churen tried to speak in this tone, trying not to be so embarrassed.

"Let go of me." Her heart was beating extremely fast.This is the first time she has experienced such a thing. This ancient man is so handsome and manly. If this continues, she may not do something good.

Very obedient, Yan Jin slowly let go of his hand, and the muscles of the exposed half of his arm were tangled.

"Don't open your eyes." Slowly moving away the hand covering his eyes, Yue Churen rushed to the side quickly, picked up the bathrobe to wrap himself, and turned off the shower head with his backhand, the sound of water in the bathroom finally Stopped.

"Okay, open your eyes. You broke the door and the glass window. Clean it up. I'll go downstairs and get something up." Looking at the bathroom door, it was not just a speck of tragedy, but all the broken pieces were turned into slag.

When he opened his eyes, Yan Jin didn't look at her either. Under the light of the bathroom, his side face was a little red.

Yan Jin froze and lowered his eyes, "I'm sorry." The apology indirectly proved that what Yue Churen just said was exactly what he thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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