Chapter 448 Is You (1)
"You, who are you talking about?" Looking into his eyes, Yue Churen leaned back completely on the back of the chair.This person's eyes are too stressed, just looking at her like this, the two eyes are like two mountains.

"That Xiaojiang." His expression was indifferent, and when he mentioned the word Xiaojiang, he was also extremely indifferent.

"You said him, I can no longer have contact with him, why?" She didn't understand this, very much.

"Because, I don't like it." The reason is very simple, and he said it very confidently.

Yue Churen choked, opened his eyes slightly and looked at him, took a deep breath for a long time, "General, it's inappropriate for you to meddle in business like this, the point is, who are you meddling me like this? Could it be, you really are right Am I interested?" Tilting his head, the smile in his eyes was stained with a trace of deliberate evil, but his heart was beating drums.

Yan Jin's eyes sparkled, and a trace of embarrassment quickly flashed across his sharp-edged face, "Can't you?"

Yue Churen sighed for a while, "Really? Wow, I'm flattered!" Standing up, Yue Churen exaggeratedly turned around and looked at himself up and down, "I said General, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"No, it's you, Yue Churen. Sit down and eat, the food is going to be cold." Glancing at her, he picked up his chopsticks to eat, although he admitted it, but admitted it very chicly, on the contrary, Yue Churen felt that he Standing here staring at people seems to be very eager.

Sit down, throw the useless cell phone aside, let alone the cell phone is broken now, even if she is broken, she can't say anything.

Eating quietly, the people of Yue Chu kept silent, and neither did Yan Jin. It was the first time that they ate quietly like this.

After eating, Yan Jin started to clean up the plates and put them in the sink to wash.Yue Churen sat in his original position holding a water glass and watched him work without blinking. His back became more and more stylish, and Yue Churen couldn't help curling the corners of his lips.

Turning her bright eyes, she quietly put down the water glass, then stood up, and walked towards him step by step as silently as possible.

While rinsing the dinner plate, Yan Jin kept moving and didn't see behind him, but it didn't mean he didn't know what the people behind him were doing.The corners of his pursed lips moved almost insignificantly, but he didn't say anything, nor did he look back.

Walking quietly behind him, the distance was less than ten centimeters; Yue Churen bit her lips and rolled her eyes, thinking for a moment, she suddenly raised her arms, her hands formed into claws, and went straight to grab the meat on both sides of his waist.

The moment her hand was about to grab it, the person in front of him turned around at an impossible speed and angle, he was facing her, and her hand also grabbed it, and the grasp was very precise, and he grabbed it immediately. his flesh.

Looking up, the person with a calm face was also looking down at her. There was nothing in his clear snow-like eyes, but he was just looking at her, reflecting her completely.

There was a moment of silence, and the next moment, Yue Churen sneered, "It's really strong."

Yan Jin looked down at her, Junyi's face was still indifferent, "Don't make trouble, I'm working." The deep voice has a sexy that can make people's heart tremble.

Yue Churen couldn't help shaking, and then let go of his hand, "General, do you really like me? You have to think about it, if you half-heartedly, you will die a miserable death." He tilted his head and looked at him , Yue Churen's face was weak and pitiful, but what he said was something that people couldn't ignore.

Yan Jin was slightly stunned, and the corners of his pursed lips burst into a faint smile the next moment, "It's up to you."

"Wow." Uncontrollably exhaled, Yue Churen took a step back, "Are you serious?"

He didn't seem to like hearing these words very much. He glanced at her, turned around and continued to work.

Looking at his straight and strong back, Yue Churen let out a sigh of relief, turned around and walked away quietly.

Although he thinks Yan Jin is good, but he likes that Yue Chu person, that's not her at all, she looks like a substitute now?
Thinking of this, Yue Churen snorted softly, she was not interested in being someone else's substitute.Otherwise, stay away from her, or forget about others, otherwise, there is no good fruit for him.

However, this ancient man is full of charm. I have to admit that he has some things that modern men rarely have. Moreover, he is really handsome and has good genes, which is very beneficial to future generations.

Pulling the corners of her lips and smiling, she really thought a lot.

Continue to go downstairs to work, and forget about the dead phone.

On the second floor, Yan Jin cleaned up the kitchen. Although he lives in the camp all year round, he can do housework well.He has studied martial arts in Huguo Temple for many years, and he does everything by himself, so there is no difficulty for him.

Walking into the bathroom to wash his hands, he saw the clothes that Yue Churen had changed in the basket. After thinking about it for a moment, he walked over to pick up the basket, and then threw them into the washing machine one by one according to the steps that Yue Churen used to wash clothes at that time. inside.

There are a few pieces of clothing that are very strange in shape, but he knows what they are, they are her underwear.

Although the shape is strange, but I have to admit that it is really pretty, and it will look even better if it is worn on her.

Find the plug and plug it in, press the switch, the roller rolled, Yan Jin barely nodded, it was a success.

Taking advantage of the spare time, she tidied up the living room again, and when she was about to tidy up Yue Churen's bedroom, she came up from downstairs.

Seeing Yan Jin open the door of her room with a vacuum cleaner, Yue Churen raised his eyebrows, "I said why there is no dust in my room these days. It turns out that the general is cleaning my room." Walked a few steps He opened the door, looked at him with a smile, and signaled that he could go in and clean.

Going in with the vacuum cleaner in hand, Yan Jin did things silently, very delicately and skillfully.

Standing at the door and looking at him, I feel very satisfied for some reason. This kind of goods are extremely rare, and they are necessary for home travel.

Letting him tidy up the bedroom, Yue Churen turned and walked towards the kitchen. When he passed the bathroom, he paused, took two steps back, turned his head to look at the bathroom, frowned, and then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at the clothes being rolled in the front-loading washing machine, and at the empty clothes basket, Yue Churen's eyes widened, and he turned and rushed out of the bathroom and went straight to the door of the bedroom.

"General, did you throw all the clothes I changed into the washing machine?" Looking at him, his eyes glanced at his hands, Yue Churen was embarrassed for a while.

"Yeah." Looking up at her, Yan Jin continued to work with his head down. The carpet under the bed was fluffy, and it was not easy to suck dust.

"There are my underwear and panties over there." And she changed them out, even if there are no strange things, but they are still worn by her.

"Yeah." There was another yell, indicating that he had seen it all.

Choked by his attitude, Yue Churen was so speechless, "General, don't be stingy at this time. Are you really planning to pursue me? It's not impossible to pursue me, but you have to be wholehearted, otherwise, don't Blame me for turning my face."

After she finished speaking, Yan Jin turned off the vacuum cleaner, stood up straight and looked at her, "I have always been single-minded."

(End of this chapter)

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