The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 453 Waiting For My General

Chapter 453 Waiting For My General (1)
Yan Jin was stunned for a moment, looking at her face, and finally focused his eyes on her lips.

Red and tender, very tempting, her throat was dry, and she couldn't help swallowing.

Slowly lowering her head and getting closer, her breath was blowing on her face, causing his back to go numb.

Seeing him lower his head, Yue Churen narrowed his eyes slightly and kissed, she had never tried it before.Looking at his lips, she really wants to feel, is it as cold and hard as it looks.But she thinks it must be soft and warm, and it will taste good.

When the tip of the nose touched, Yan Jin hugged the person in his arms tightly, his heart was shaking, and finally pressed hard on her lips.

There was a momentary pause in breathing, Yue Churen's eyelashes flickered extremely quickly, he turned around, leaned into his arms, and hugged his waist forcefully.

His lips moved slightly, his tongue stuck out and touched his lips, and the stiff person trembled.

Feeling his reaction, Yue Churen couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips, and continued to touch him with his tongue, but he was still stiff.

"Hehe, General, you are such a piece of wood." Unable to bear it any longer, Yue Churen turned her head and chuckled, and when she heard his relaxed breathing, she laughed even louder.

"Sorry." His voice was a little hoarse, and Yan Jin's side face was a little red.

Yue Churen was still laughing, lying in his arms until his body was shaking.

The more she laughed, the more embarrassed Yan Jin felt. He was so excited. The moment he touched her lips, his mind went blank, and he didn't even have the ability to think.

"But even though it's a piece of wood, I like it. Tsk tsk, this pure little thing makes me look so wretched and dirty." Looking up at his face, Yue Churen shook his head and sighed exaggeratedly, with smiles in his eyes.

Yan Jin couldn't help but bend his lips slightly, hugged her tightly and lowered his head to touch her forehead with his forehead, "I'll try not to be nervous next time."

"It's okay, you can continue to be nervous, I like it." He patted his chest vigorously, it was extremely firm.

Let her slap, no matter how hard she pats, to him it is nothing more than a tickle.

"Okay, let me go quickly, you're not hungry, I'm going to starve to death." Twisted, this person is very strong, compared with him, it is estimated that she can't twist him with all the strength in her whole body hand.

He let go of her, but his hand didn't completely leave her waist, so soft, he really couldn't bear to let go.

"General, I remember that no matter it's film and television dramas or official history and unofficial history, the men in your era had three wives and four concubines, and many women. It seems that when they were teenagers, they knew about men and women, and there were maids. You General of an aristocratic family, you are tall and important, so you don’t have three or two concubines?” Leaning at him, Yue Churen was very curious.

Yan Jin shook his head, "Don't talk about me, even my father, and only my mother."

"Wow, the old man is extraordinary. No wonder you were born so well and inherited well." Yue Churen was quite surprised, and his eyes lit up.

Seeing her so happy, Yan Jin's lips were stained with a smile, "I practiced martial arts since I was a child. I entered the Huguo Temple at the age of seven, stayed in the temple for ten years, and then entered the military camp. Do the math, where do I have time to meet women? Besides , I wholeheartedly hope that Su Er will have a good life and a stable position; the condition for her to be stable is that I must guard the frontier, so I have long been prepared to die alone in this life."

Yue Churen stopped moving his hands, looked at him, and felt pity in his heart.

"Follow the family precepts when you were young, and run around for your sister when you grow up, General, from now on, you will live for yourself." She could clearly feel his feelings, so helpless.

Yan Jin looked at her, her clear eyes clearly reflected her face, "I live for you."

With a heartbeat, Yue Churen pursed his lips, "Okay, I'll take you in, completely."

Raising his hand to clasp the back of her head, Yan Jin leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead, "Thank you."

Chuck, this ancient man, the more he looks the more pleasing to the eye, the more he looks the more he likes it.

The food cooked by the Yuechu man was very suitable for Yan Jin's taste. In fact, he was not picky. He was a vegetarian for many years in Huguo Temple, and he was even more picky about food in the army.During the war, let alone any dishes or soups, anything that can be eaten in the stomach will not be judged whether it is cooked or not.

Now that life is so exquisite, with her by my side, everything seems to be perfect.

At night, everything is silent, but the sound of traffic on the road is constant, especially the sound of police sirens, which can be heard far away.

The two were at home, the lights outside the fence were not turned on, it was pitch black, and only the dark lights were turned on in the living room, all protection was removed, and the two of them were waiting for the person to arrive.

The shotgun was by his side, and Yan Jin was leaning on the sofa, concentrating on it.

Yue Churen was still very relaxed, wearing a long striped skirt with neck and arms exposed, the comfortable fabric was very close to the body, and it was extremely comfortable and loose.

Leaning against Yan Jin, Yue Churen stared at the TV, laughing from time to time.

The police sirens sounded on the road again and again, and Yue Churen sighed, "I guess I won't come tonight. The police cars are coming one by one, and they scared him away." Her phone was also dead, and a new one I haven't bought it yet, and I can't find out about the situation at all.

But she can't say this, if the ancient man next to her hears that she wants to contact Xiao Jiang again, he will definitely be angry.

"Don't slack off." Yan Jin said in a deep voice, listening to him would never make people sleepy.

Yue Churen couldn't help chuckling when he heard his tone of voice, and she also liked his serious appearance.

"Okay, look at the general, I'll sleep for a while." Yue Churen said leisurely, eyes a little hard to open.

"Go back to the room and sleep, I have everything." Looking down at her, most of her clothes are loose and the neckline is very low, as long as he lowers his head, he can see some scenery.Despite being charming, he still looks away politely.

"No, I will rely on you to sleep. When I fall asleep, you send me back." Closing his eyes, Yue Churen fell asleep comfortably.

Let her lean on, Yan Jin played the role of the pillow intact, motionless, even breathing very lightly.

Picking up the remote control and turning off the TV, the person leaning on him didn't respond at all, it seemed that he was really asleep.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, Yan Jin moved her body, she slid down his arm, and then lay down on his lap.

Looking at her, Yan Jin raised his hand to touch her face, his eyes as clear as snow water were filled with tenderness.His whole body softened, and the indifference that had surrounded him all his life had already disappeared. It turned out that a cold person can be so gentle.

He couldn't help but think of her ravings after she fell asleep last night. Yan Jin's jaw was stiff, and he stroked her face with light movements of his hands, because he knew that his hands were rough.

Because he kept touching her, Yue Churen turned his head uncomfortably, and finally raised his hand to grab his hand, lying on his side, facing his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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