Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1081 Do You Believe It?

Chapter 1081 Do You Believe It?
Baidi's eyes shone brightly, and he was [-]% sure that he could give it a try.

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Let's see the situation first. I'll go outside to see what that guy is doing. That guy is definitely not as simple as it seems."

Lin Yi's spirit controlled the body, at this moment, he saw Mo Hao who was poking his head out to observe the Killing God Tree.

Mo Hao looked very concerned. After observing for a long time, he nodded and said to himself: "That's right, this should be the branch of the power of the innate primordial seed back then, and it is also the second generation branch. The innate primordial force is relatively pure. If guided by this force, the chances of getting out are very high."

Mo Hao's eyes flickered, looking very eager.Lin Yi looked at the right time, chuckled, and said, "How is it? With this strength, I should be able to go out, right? Do you still want to eat my meat now?"

"Eat your meat? Little brother, stop joking with me. How could I have such a crooked mind? In fact, I have always admired you very much, and I believe that you are the one I am waiting for, especially after this past. The talent of a person made me think of taking you as a disciple. How about it? Little brother, do you want to learn a very advanced magic formula from this old man?" Mo Hao looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and his tone was full of flattery the taste of.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Do you believe these nonsense things you say? Let me learn advanced magic tricks with you? I'm sorry, I'm not interested in cannibalism at all."

Lin Yi's refusal was not polite. Mo Hao immediately smiled and said: "Cannibalism is just a little hobby of mine. The magic formula I practice has nothing to do with cannibalism. If you learn my housekeeping skills , you will definitely become the second Primordial Devil Emperor, and even surpass me, the old ghost Hongjun, and become a stronger existence. As long as you..."

"As long as I let you out, right? I really want to help you, but didn't the sky-locking chain lock you? With my strength, how can I break the sky-locking chain?" Lin Yi interrupted He said with a light smile.

Of course he was talking nonsense, and he had no mercy for this old man-eating monster.To deal with such a guy, the more soft-hearted you are, the worse the result will be, and you will definitely be eaten by this guy in the end.

If this guy tried to curry favor with Lin Yi before, maybe Lin Yi would show some compassion, now?Hehe, it's just delusional.

Hearing this, Mo Hao smiled, and said, "Little brother, in fact, this sky-locking chain is only my body, my soul is not locked. I just need to give up this body, and then temporarily parasitize on the I can leave here with you in your body. At that time, I just need to find someone to take away my body, and I can be reborn. How about it? Little brother, as long as you are willing to help me, I can give you any benefits, as long as You can bring it up! Back then, I left a lot of caves in this grand universe, which contained all kinds of treasures I collected, as long as you are willing to help me, I can give you all those things, and I will never break my promise!"

Mo Hao pointed to the sky swearingly, and spoke decisively and resoundingly. If this guy hadn't done what he did before, and if this guy's reputation was a little better, Lin Yi might really have nodded in agreement.

But now, not only does he not agree, but he also wants to make a big fortune!
He chuckled lightly, shook his head, and said, "Senior Mohao, what's the use of you telling me these nonsense? You're talking so nicely now, when I really rescue you, your first step should be to snatch the My body, I'm not a fool, don't I even understand this?"

"Little brother, you think too much! With my current soul power, I have no ability to take your house! What's more, you have the innate power to protect your body, and you have three little ghosts from the God Emperor realm to help. Even if you really want to, you can't do it!" Mo Hao's tone was very earnest, and he wished he could swear a poisonous oath immediately.

"Hmph, how can I believe one-sided words? Let's do this, you first show your sincerity, such as powerful magic formulas, such as the addresses and methods of entry of your caves. I have to inspect the goods first, otherwise how would I know? Are you cheating on me? You can also choose not to do it, then it will break up, you continue to suffer here, I will leave in my own way, anyway, I will never come here in my life." Lin Yi finished speaking These words began to slowly disappear in the Tree of Killing God.

Mo Hao really knew that Lin Yi was playing tricks, but he had no other choice now, if he didn't agree to Lin Yi, he would lose all hope.

He struggled a bit, and said: "Okay, okay, that's it, let me show you first, you can confirm the authenticity. Little brother, I really want to cooperate with you, the previous offense is my ignorance , I apologize to you. However, if you are playing with me now, I will definitely make you regret it! I, Mo Hao, have been able to dominate for so long, it is definitely not for nothing!"

Mo Hao's tone was extremely cold, and he showed Lin Yi his fangs.

Lin Yi's expression was much calmer, and he smiled and said: "That's easy to say, but your things must satisfy me. You can't make me pay such a high price like a three-legged cat. So stupid?."

"Hehe, of course, I, Mo Hao, will never lie to you with any rubbish, there is no need for that! However, for things like imparting skills, you must use the soul transmission, and you have to accept my soul transmission. I am afraid Don't worry..."

"Hahaha, if you want to use such a small trick, it's too bad. Let me open my soul realm so that you can pass on your skills at will." Lin Yi laughed loudly. Actually opened the realm of the soul, this action surprised Mo Hao, opened the whole realm of the soul, is Lin Yi audacious, or is he simply stupid?Woolen cloth?

He secretly sneered in his heart, before he was going to gain Lin Yi's trust by imparting his skills, and finally got Lin Yi to agree to let him stay with him.Once he is enslaved by his soul, he has countless ways to erase Lin Yi's soul and the soul of God's Punishment for the three of them. At that time, he will easily obtain such a powerful body, and he can wake up with a smile!
Now, Lin Yi actually wanted to fulfill his wish ahead of schedule, wouldn't he be stupid if he didn't accept it?up?
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and then the soul flames in his eyes began to condense.

"Little brother, are you ready? If you are ready, then I will start!" Mo Hao asked with a smile.

Lin Yi nodded and said: "No problem, come on, I also want to see how powerful the methods of the ancient devil emperor are!"

As soon as Lin Yi's words fell, the two flames in Mo Hao's eye sockets rushed over immediately, rushing towards Lin Yi's eyebrows with lightning speed, this is the most direct and decisive way to seize the house!
(End of this chapter)

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