Chapter 1089
Lin Yi gave Tianfu an angry look. The old man knew how to throw cold water on him every time, and he was almost deliberately forcing him to quarrel with him. In this way, the glorious and tall image he had finally shown was shattered.Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, this guy is really dark!
He didn't pay attention to the old man at all, and said to Yan Rou with a smile: "Your Majesty, why are you looking at me like that? I'm a little embarrassed by you looking at me."

Yan Rou hurriedly came back to her senses and said, "Excuse me, my lord, I don't know what to call you?"

"Hehe, they all know my name, I am the heinous Lin Yi." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Those Tutu stars couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, Lin Yi's words were really funny.

Yan Rou also covered her mouth and laughed out loud, saying: "I also heard from your pet, he also said that he was merciful and let you go. Thinking about it now, your pet is really funny."

When Yanrou spoke, every frown and smile were so charming.But Lin Yi remained steadfast, this level of charm was nothing to him at all.

He has seen so many beauties, none of his wives are worse than the ones here, and he can remain calm when facing Cuihua, let alone these strange girls whom he met for the first time.

"That guy has always been like this, and I'm used to it. Your Majesty, I would like to disturb you for a few days. Do you mind?" Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"Of course I don't mind. You can stay as long as you want. It would be even better if you can stay longer! Just let us know if you have any requirements, no matter...any request is fine." Yan Rou heard that Lin Yi wanted to stay After coming down, thinking that Lin Yi had already fallen under her charm, he immediately became courteous.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "I just wanted to see the scenery of this planet on a whim. By the way, how long will it take for those guys to come again?"

Yan Rou's face changed suddenly, she didn't expect Lin Yi to guess so clearly.

She sighed and said: "Sir, it seems that you have already guessed it. That's right, those guys will come again in three days. When they come again, they will definitely have more masters. We can't resist..."

"Oh? What kind of power is that, and how strong is it?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"Speaking of it, their power is not great, and their overall strength is not much stronger than our Tutuxing. However, they have a strong man in the general state, but we don't. A strong man in the general state is enough to kill our entire Tutu The creature of the star. Although your pet is only at the level of the gods, his defense is comparable to those at the level of the gods. Therefore, we were going to rely on him to block the attacks of those people. By the way, I forgot to mention their names, they In fact, they are a group of cosmic robbers, called the Demon Group, who live in a fragmented star area not far from here. They have been robbing us Bunny Stars to sell them in exchange for profits. Last time they were captured by your pet Defeated, I will definitely come back for revenge!" Yanrou said this, looking at Lin Yi longingly, waiting for Lin Yi's reply.

"Only in the realm of the gods? This kind of strength can invade the entire planet?" Lin Yi frowned and asked, he really didn't know much about this kind of thing.

Chi Songzi coughed lightly, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, there are so many small planets in the Hongmeng Universe, and some planets don't even have gods, just like the earth you're on, it hasn't been godless for a long time. Is it a strong person? So, with the strength of the gods, you can indeed be a cosmic bandit, and with the help of some gods, it is no problem to capture such a weak planet."

Lin Yi nodded as if suddenly enlightened, and said: "It turns out that this is the case. No wonder the evil spirit world can invade many big worlds. I thought every big world was so terrible... Queen Yanrou, I will leave my itinerary for the next few days." Here you go, arrange it."

"Okay! No problem! I'll arrange it for you! You..."

"Wait a minute, I don't want such ostentation, I'm different from that turtle." Lin Yi threw out these words, and then he and Tian Xun and the three of them left Hongmeng Jinzhou and walked towards the distance.

Yan Rou was stupefied, she didn't react for a long time, and then she immediately shouted: "You are all stupid, hurry up and accompany Lord Lin Yi, don't do those seductive things, Lord Lin Yi doesn't like it!"

"Yes! Yes! As ordered, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Lin Yi was walking on a piece of green grassland, Lin Yi really did not expect that these girls would dress up a planet so beautifully.

Tian Punishment followed Lin Yi for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "Boy Lin Yi, is it okay to pretend to be so real? Judging from my years of experience, you really want to get that kind of service, right?"

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "I knew you couldn't help but want to ask, it's exactly the same as I imagined... Well, I used to know an ordinary person, an old man, who lived for more than 120 years without dying, you Do you know why?"

"Why? Did he take some panacea?" Tian Punishment immediately became interested and asked hastily.

"No, no, he didn't take any elixir, nor did he practice any longevity skills. His biggest advantage is that he never meddles in other people's business." Lin Yi said lightly, and Chisongzi and Baidi burst out laughing at the words. laugh it out.

"That's a good point! If you meddle in your own business, you won't live long, but, Mr. Lin Yi, if you meddle in this bunny star's business, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to end it. Although you said that you are here to test your cultivation Improvement, but I always feel that it's not that simple, right?" Bai Di asked with a smile, with a playful tone.

Lin Yi chuckled lightly, shook his head, and said, "Senior Baidi's eyes are as bright as a torch, and I have been seen through by you. But there is no special reason, it's just that I can't get used to it. A group of men with hands and feet, what? I can't do anything, but I actually start a business of trafficking in women. I really can't bear this kind of thing. I remember that when I was on Earth, I performed missions in India, and I accidentally encountered a few scumbags who trafficked women. Cut them all into eight pieces, that feeling is really wonderful!"

When Lin Yi said this, a strong killing intent suddenly emanated from his body, which shocked the bunny girls who had just caught up with them, including Yanrou who also followed because they were worried.

Lin Yi looked back at them, smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, if you are afraid of such a little bit of murder, then your future will only be enslaved by others. It is indeed good to love peace, but it does not mean that you have to remain weak , can only be protected by others. I can take care of your business once, but I can't take care of you for a lifetime. It's better to ask yourself than to ask others!"

(End of this chapter)

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