Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1092 It's a pity to sell

Chapter 1092 It's a pity to sell

Baidi's words obviously had a bit of beating taste, and the meaning was very obvious. Lin Yi had the final say on whether she could be cured, and they were not interested at all.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Senior Baidi, I invited you in, of course, to cure Senior Tianyunshu. I think it should be no problem for the three of you to take action?"

Baidi shook his head lightly, sighed, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, you are too enthusiastic. We can support these weak girls to resist the aggression of space robbers. However, you have spent so much energy to help a I feel a little uncomfortable with the World Tree who doesn't have a good attitude towards you. You can ask Brother Chi, I will keep silent."

Lin Yi knew that Baidi would definitely have a way to help, but his temper was so stubborn, as long as he was upset, ten thousand horses would not be able to pull him back.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, his eyes fell on Chisongzi, and said, "Senior Chisongzi, you should have a solution, right? You are an encyclopedia..."

"Hehe, Master Lin Yi, don't give me a high hat. I am different from Baidi. As long as you do good deeds, sir, I will support you unconditionally. There are three ways to cure this tree fundamentally. The first The way, just like you are doing now, is to use vitality to continuously heal, and it will be able to fully recover at most a hundred years. Although this method is slow, it is the safest. The second method is to change the heart. Give her heart to this tree, and she will heal quickly. This is an evil method, and I think you will definitely not agree." Chisongzi said here, and her eyes fell on the Tianyou tree, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

Tianyoushu obviously felt Chisongzi's gaze, and said: "Senior, don't worry, I can't have the idea of ​​harming others and benefiting myself. I will never do such a thing! I swear!"

Chi Songzi chuckled and said, "Of course I know that you dare not do it, unless you really want to lose everything. The first two methods can be discarded. Let's look at the third method directly. The third method is a bit risky. If it fails, you It will be even worse, but if you succeed, you will get a lot of benefits, and you may even have the chance to regain the ability to breed the big world."

When Chisongzi said this, Tianyoushu couldn't help shouting: "Really? My lord, tell me quickly, what is the solution? What should I do?"

Chi Songzi shook his head lightly, and said: "You just need to bear it, and you don't need to do anything. This method is called Shenjie Penetrating the Body. Through the powerful purification ability of Shenjie, all the evil spirits in your body will be eliminated. However, this This method will make you feel extreme pain, if your will is not firm, you can also choose to give up."

"No, I won't give up! So what about the divine robbery? It's much better than I am suffering day and night and just surviving! Back then, my strength was close to the god emperor level, and it was because of those beasts in the evil spirit world that I changed Today's tragic situation. Not only do I want to heal my wounds, but I also want to restore my strength back then, and I want to take revenge on the evil spirit world!" Speaking of this, the Tianyou tree shook violently, giving people an incomparably ferocious look. Feel.

Lin Yi glanced at her indifferently, then glanced at Chisongzi again, and said, "Senior Chisongzi, her divine calamity should need my help from the power of heavenly punishment, right?"

"That's right, the real God Tribulation can't be used anytime you want. Of course, you need Lord Lin Yi's power of divine punishment. However, isn't Lord Lin Yi going to deal with powerful enemies these days? Just leave it to Tian Punishment old ghost. All along, he only knows how to be lazy, and it's time to let him help." Chi Songzi said with a smile, Tian Punishment was immediately upset.

"Damn it, you old ghost knows how to cause trouble for me, when did I not do my best? I almost died last time, okay? You..."

"Please, God's Punishment Old Man. Those guests have already arrived. If I don't go there, the tortoise I raised will be killed. Don't talk nonsense, Queen Yanrou, let's go out and fight together." Lin Yi interrupted In the words of God's punishment, he said with a smile.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Yanrou's face, but when she thought of what Lin Yi said, her heart was suddenly filled with courage.Asking for others is better than asking for yourself, she also has to work hard!
"Yes, my lord, I will organize the most powerful fighters of our family to fight side by side with you!" Yanrou exuded the unique majesty of an empress, and left the small world with Lin Yi.

The reason why Lin Yi was able to find out so quickly was of course because of Guidan's cry for help.The turtle egg whose cultivation was sealed was a living target. The members of the demon group used various means to greet him. Seeing the funny appearance of the turtle egg that could not resist, they laughed so happily.

Guidan now wanted to die, and he finally knew what the real punishment Lin Yi gave him was.Being a satellite is nothing at all, being abused by these beasts is the scariest thing!If his turtle shell was not hard enough, he would have been beaten to death long ago!

The members of the devil group are all standing on a large ship. In a room full of alcohol in the highest cabin of the large ship, a one-eyed man who is enjoying the service of being "bitten" is enjoying a glass of red wine very comfortably. , a bunny girl in the crotch was burying her head, her face flushed red.

Through the window, he glanced at the emerald green planet in front of him, and said drunkenly: "What a beautiful planet, it's a pity that you dare to go against me, I really don't know what that silly woman Yan Rou thinks .If you catch that stupid woman this time, you must give her a hard meal, and let her know how miserable it will be for offending me, Austin!"

Austin suddenly pressed the bunny girl's head, and after releasing it freely, he kicked the bunny girl away, almost kicking her to death.

He walked to the window, looked at the turtle egg that was being attacked, his eyes narrowed slowly, and said to himself: "That turtle really looks like Xuanwu, if his tail is like a snake's head... ...I rubbed it, it turned out to be a snake head! This is a Xuanwu!"

Austin's complexion suddenly changed, and he rushed out of the window immediately, and then slapped the young man who took the lead in the attack.

"You idiots? Do you know what you're attacking? It's Xuanwu, what if you beat him to death! Dead Xuanwu won't sell for much, do you know, you idiots?!" Oss Ding Chong yelled at those people, so frightened that they immediately shrank to the side, looking trembling.

Guidan took a long breath and thought to himself: "I'm finally saved. It seems that this guy is pretty good, and he knows the value of me."

"I heard that Xuanwu's meat and inner alchemy are very nourishing. If I eat it, it may allow me to break through to the God King Realm. At that time, it will be no problem to expand my territory ten times! Hehehe, thinking about it this way, it seems too much to sell. Pity."

(End of this chapter)

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