Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1094 The Eye of Spirit Controlling

Chapter 1094 The Eye of Spirit Controlling
This impact stunned the fighting robbers of the demon group. They thought that their extremely powerful leader would kill Lin Yi very easily, and let Lin Yi know how terrible their demon group is!
But they didn't expect that the first one to be sent flying was their regiment leader. This strong psychological gap made many of them immediately lose their will to fight, and then they were firmly suppressed by the rabbit-human warriors who were originally at a disadvantage.

Another strong man at the supernatural level really wanted to go and help Austin, but the turtle egg clung to him tightly, never giving him a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

Guidan has already tried his best to block his life, even if he uses his body to block it hard, he still has to block the attack of the super general.

Austin smashed the meteorite, the blood in his body churned, and he swallowed the mouthful of blood rushing up his throat.

He glared at Lin Yi viciously. At this moment, he no longer had the previous contempt, but more vigilance in his eyes.

He never imagined that, as a seventh-level general, he would be attacked by a third-level general without anyone noticing, and how badly he was beaten, it's just beeping!
"No, this must be his conspiracy! His cultivation is definitely more than a third-level general!" Austin immediately came to this conclusion, and said coldly: "It turns out that your Excellency is deliberately pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It’s no good! To be able to hide the cultivation base so well, the level must be quite high, right?”

Lin Yi laughed loudly when he heard the words: "I knew you would say that. I remember a saying, 'If you can't poop out, blame the toilet'. Isn't that stupid? You can't beat me, Just say that I hide my cultivation and use this method to comfort myself, you are really humorous."

When Lin Yi said this, he slashed out again, and Austin dodged dangerously. A meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer behind him was slashed out by the light of the knife, and immediately turned into powder.

Lin Yi flew up a knife and slashed at Austin from top to bottom. Austin quickly blocked it with his knife. When the two knives collided, his tiger's mouth was instantly shattered and blood was dripping.

"This is the third level of the God General Realm? Are you a fool? You don't even recognize your hidden cultivation, I despise you!" Austin yelled at Lin Yi, who was suppressed terribly.

Lin Yi shook his head lightly, and said: "It is true that my cultivation is only a third-level general, but I didn't expect that it would be so easy for me to beat you. It seems that your cultivation is not promoted to the level of a general. The ninth level of the realm, it is estimated that it will be difficult for me to have the joy of fighting."

When Lin Yi said this, he slowly raised his other hand. A destructive force was gathering in his palm. Lin Yi could feel that the imprint of attracting people he was about to cast was definitely much more powerful than before.

Thinking of this, he immediately changed direction. It would be bad if he hit the Bunny Star, or those Bunnymen warriors who were fighting.

Of course, Austin felt the horror of the human seal, and he wanted to withdraw the scimitar immediately, but found that Lin Yi's evil knife had an astonishing suction force, making it impossible for him to withdraw the knife at all.

He gritted his teeth, let go of his hand immediately, and retreated hundreds of meters, but Lin Yi looked indifferent and continued to accumulate energy, as if ignoring the distance between him and Austin.

"Keep running, I want to see how fast you can run." Lin Yi said with a smile, the more he said that, the farther that guy ran, but the seal of man kept locking him, Oss Ding couldn't get rid of it at all.

Austin gritted his teeth and shouted: "You want to see my strongest strength? Then I will let you take a good look!"

Austin bit his middle finger and slashed between his eyebrows. In an instant, a small crack appeared between his eyebrows. The crack opened, and a vertical eye flashing red light appeared. A red light shot out from the vertical eye, and the target locked on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and the seal of man unceremoniously slapped towards Austin, bearing the brunt of colliding with the red light.At this moment, a small red dot appeared on the huge palm print on the Human Seal, and the red dot quickly expanded and spread, and the entire palm print turned crimson.

Lin Yi clearly felt that the connection between him and the seal of man had disappeared, and the breath of the seal of man had also turned into pure evil. That feeling was really weird.

Austin suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand and turned it over, and he turned the human seal and slapped Lin Yi.

Lin Yi frowned, and made another human print, which collided with the reddened palm print.

In an instant, the two palm prints shattered at the same time, and a huge explosive force exploded, knocking the robbers and rabbit-human warriors who were relatively close away into the air.

Lin Yi received a strong shock, his face sank slightly, and he said: "He can really control my attack, those eyes..."

"That's the spirit-controlling eye of the spirit-controlling tribe, and it's the kind with a relatively high degree of evolution, so he can control other people's attacks. If my guess is correct, all the robbers here should be controlled by his spirit-controlling eye." Otherwise, I wouldn't listen to him like this." Baidi's voice came over, acting as a qualified commentator.

Lin Yi's expression froze immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "Could it be that that eye can control the mind? There are so many strange races in the heavens and myriad worlds."

"Hehe, of course, this is called, there are all kinds of wonders in the great world. The spirit control race does have some innate advantages, but their power is still limited, otherwise Tiandao and other races in the heavens and myriad worlds will not let them go. Even so, the spirit-controllers live in secret in the heavens and myriad worlds, which is considered a relatively taboo existence. I didn't expect there to be a spirit-controller here, which is really amazing." Chisongzi smiled, as if Very interested in that Austin.

"Hahaha, Lin Yi, I didn't expect you to have a well-informed and powerful spirit by your side. It's really enviable! However, I have the eyes to control the spirit, and it's very easy to control the spirit! Hahaha..." Ao Si Ding laughed crazily. In his opinion, Chisongzi and Baidi are fish on an anvil, and they are extremely easy to slaughter.

He unceremoniously shot two beams of red light, which happened to hit Chisongzi and Baidi, and as before, the red light immediately spread all over their bodies, as if to engulf them both.

Austin laughed even more crazily, but Lin Yi was much calmer, and said with a smile, "Austin, your spirit-controlling eyes are quite amazing, can you control any spirit?"

"Of course! With my strength at the seventh level of the Divine General Realm, I can control even the divine souls at the peak of the Divine King Realm! These two divine souls seem quite promising, and they should have the strength of the Divine King Realm." Austin He licked his lips, manipulating the soul is definitely one of his joys in life.

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, then I feel more at ease. Oh, by the way, if the eye of the control spirit leapfrogs the control, will it be backlashed?" Lin Yi asked with a smile, and the smile on Austin's face suddenly changed. Stiff, and soon, he felt a terrible soul shock sweeping his soul realm, quickly annihilating his soul.

He stared blankly at Lin Yi and the other three, and clearly saw that the red light on Chisongzi and Baidi's bodies quickly faded away, as if they had never appeared before.

"It's so funny. I've never been shot by such a weak spirit-controlling eye, and I have to pretend to be hit. It's really cheating. However, it's not bad to get a spirit-controlling eye. It should be able to practice It has become an artifact."

(End of this chapter)

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