Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1106 Be Smart

Chapter 1106 Be Smart

Lin Yi's expression was very calm, he could already feel Tianya's power of destiny gushing out, wrapping Ye Shisan at an extremely fast speed.

But Ye Shisan was still pretending to be aggressive. In his opinion, Tianya was simply a moth flying into the flames, suicidal.

He decided to kill Tianya when he was one meter closer to him, so that he could demonstrate his mighty strength.

Tianya didn't let him down either, not only was his speed very slow, but he was also full of loopholes.He absolutely believed that even within half a meter, he could instantly kill Tian Ya.

Ye Zichu also had a playful smile on his face. Of course, he could see that Ye Shisan would win this battle, and there was no suspense in this battle.

However, the man at the eighth level of the general realm frowned. Although he couldn't see anything special about Tianya's attack, Lin Yi's calm expression made him startled. Logically speaking, Lin Yi shouldn't be like this at this time. Just be calm.

Before he could think about it, Tianya was already within one meter of Ye Shisan. Ye Shisan suddenly shouted, without using a weapon, he pointed at Tianya directly.

This finger is called the Yan Luo Finger, also known as the Finger of Suffering, and at such a short distance, this finger can definitely kill Tian Ya.

However, when he raised his finger, he unexpectedly found that the divine power in his body was a little disordered, not only that, he also felt his head was dizzy, and he couldn't see clearly.

In this case, how could he have any chance to defend?To be precise, he didn't think about defense at the beginning, and at the moment when his mind was dizzy, his end was already doomed.

Tianya slashed out with a knife, and poured all his power into it. This was his pinnacle blow. At such a short distance, even a defenseless fifth-level expert in the general realm would be killed by him, not to mention Ye Shisan, a third-level fighter. Super general.

Ye Shisan was split in half without any suspense, and even his soul was instantly shattered. At this moment, the man at the eighth level of the god general flew out and attacked Tianya.

A wry smile flickered on Tian Ya's face, with his current strength, how could he be that guy's match?Moreover, with his speed, it is impossible to escape.Therefore, he was ready to be killed.

Just when the palm wind of the eighth-level god general was about to hit him, a stalwart body suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lin Yi stood in front of him, then stretched out a palm very calmly, and collided with the eighth-level general.

When his palms collided, Lin Yi's body was as firm as a rock, and he didn't back down at all.The body of the eighth-level general swayed, and Lin Yi actually gave him a strong sense of crisis. Even he himself couldn't think of why he felt this way.

Lin Yi didn't look back, just smiled and said: "Brother Tianya, you did a good job, now you can go back and rest."

Tian Ya's expression is very calm, he knows that Lin Yi's strength is very extraordinary, Lin Yi dares to challenge even a strong man in the realm of the gods, these generals are nothing!
He nodded, said "be careful", and then quickly returned to Heaven's Punishment and the others.

The eighth-level god general gritted his teeth, and suddenly increased his strength, ready to suppress Lin Yi in an instant.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and a tyrannical force of heaven's punishment erupted. Under such circumstances, he actually started to use the seal of man.

Once the seal of man was displayed, Lin Yi's power immediately increased by more than ten times, and the eighth-level god general could clearly feel that his aura was suppressed step by step by Lin Yi, and in the end, he was crushed to death by Lin Yi .

" actually hide your strength..." The eighth-level general exclaimed, if he can't see it at this time, then he is stupid?up.

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, and said: "It's interesting to be so surprised? I didn't say I didn't hide my strength, right? I just wanted to be my handsome man quietly, and then go to this underground world to play. I didn't expect You just provoked me and even sent someone to kill me, hehe, you can kill people, so why can’t I kill you? I’ve already said that you’re just a bunch of rubbish. stupid?!"

Lin Yi's tone suddenly increased by an octave. After the human seal exploded, the eighth-level god general let out a scream, and then there was nothing left.

Silence, that is absolute silence.

The group of people who were still clamoring and shouting immediately stopped shouting, especially that Ye Zichu, he had already expected that Lin Yi would be smashed into powder by the palm of that eighth-level god general.

But he only guessed half right, the one who was turned into a fan turned out to be the eighth-level general, and it was just a move.

Lin Yi clapped his hands very casually, then looked at Ye Zichu with a smile, and said, "Young master, why are you looking at me like that? Are you shocked by my powerful strength? Don't be surprised, and don't worry, Your results are the same as both of them, there will be no suspense."

When Lin Yi said this, a strong killing intent erupted from him, it was a very standard murderous aura.

Tian Ya's eyes suddenly widened, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said, "My... my lord is actually killing... killing the gods?"

"Are you surprised? Master Lin Yi is a descendant of the Killing God Clan, and he is of a very high bloodline. If not, how could he have such a powerful talent? A member of the Killing God Clan, in the World of Creation Gods , should have some right to speak, right?" Baidi laughed, he really liked the feeling of being able to pretend without making a move, as if he was praising himself just now.

Ye Zichu's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "Since you are a member of the Killing God Clan, then we are allies! Misunderstanding, it was all a misunderstanding just now, the relationship between our Shenyu Trading Company and the Killing God Clan is very strong, this... ...This is like flooding the Dragon King Temple, the family no longer knows the family, hehe, hehe..."

Ye Zichu had a flattering smile on his face, but Lin Yi looked as usual and raised his hand.

Ye Zichu can feel that the power condensed in Lin Yi's hands is now stronger than before, which is normal, the power of the earth seal is much stronger than the human seal.

Lin Yi is very confident. If this palm is slapped, even a first-level god king may not be able to catch it. This is the domineering seal of the three gods of heaven's punishment!
However, he discovered more and more that the divine power consumed when casting the Three Gods of Heaven's Punishment began to increase, and it was much more strenuous than before.If it weren't for the support of the divine power of the Killing God Tree, with Lin Yi's current strength, it would be pretty good to be able to cast the Human Seal once.

In fact, he didn't need to make such a big effort, but in order to let them die more cleanly, the seal of the earth is much more effective than the seal of people.

"I'm so sorry, I don't care how ambiguous the relationship between your Shenyu Trading Company and the Killing God Clan is. I only know that if you offend me, your end will only be death. Remember it well, and you will be reincarnated as a smart person in your next life, don't do this again Stupid? Courting death!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, and was about to slap Ye Zichu and the others with his palm.

That Ye Zichu seemed to be crazy, immediately crushed a jade tablet, and then shouted: "Third Grandpa, help me! I'm going to be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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