Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1112 Star Core Treasure

Chapter 1112 Star Core Treasure

It is not difficult to apply for an identity card. What bothers Lin Yi the most now is how to leave this iron barrel-like planet.

"Master Mu Yi, I have already inquired about it just now. This sky ice star has always been under the control of Shenyu Trading Company, and the star master of this planet is a member of Shenyu Trading Company. This time, the young master of Shenyu Trading Company was Killing, alarmed the entire Shenyu Trading Company, so the entire Tianbingxing was under martial law. Now it is very difficult for us to leave here, and..." Tian Ya changed his speech to sound transmission, and said: "And, with God The means of Yu Trading Company should find us soon, we must find a way to leave here as soon as possible, as long as we leave Tianbingxing, it will be impossible for them to find us again."

Lin Yi listened to Tianya's words quietly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said via voice transmission: "Brother Tianya, you said that the entire Tianbing star is blocked, so how can we leave here? If we behave too differently , on the contrary, it will be found out sooner. Hehe, believe in Senior Baidi's disguise magic, no one will find us. By the way, it is said that there is a place called Bingxue Yihong Courtyard in Tianbingxing, which is very interesting. Shall we go and have a look?"

Tian Ya's eyes were wide open, he didn't expect that the matter was already so troublesome, Lin Yi didn't want to find a way to solve the problem quickly, and even wanted to go to Yihong Courtyard to be happy, this is too much.

"Bingxue Yihongyuan? This is really a good name. It seems that it should be a good place to enjoy the snow. Lin Yida... cough cough, it should be Master Mu Yi. Let's treat it with a normal heart and play as we should , Eat what you should eat, in this way, it may be easier to leave." Bai Di said with a smile, his eyes were shining when he spoke, it would be a strange thing if this guy didn't know where Yihong Courtyard was.

"Senior Baiyun is right, let's do that, let's go there and have fun. Brother Tianya, it is said that you need something like a god crystal to walk in the world of creation gods. I think, you have been a cosmic bandit for so many years, you should save money. A lot of crystals, right?" Lin Yi asked with a smile.

The so-called Senior Baiyun of course refers to Baidi, except for him, Chisongzi changed his name to Chisong, and Lin Lei, who was punished by God, did not change his name since Tianya didn't care whether he changed his name or not.

Otherwise, just the names of the few of them are enough to attract the attention of passers-by. If they are really recognized, they will be in big trouble.

Tianya smiled wryly, and said: "I knew Master Mu Yi would ask such a question, but you may be disappointed. When I was a space bandit, I was controlled by Austin. Think about it, I was controlled by him Man, how could it be possible to hide so many god crystals? We have already returned the things that Austin ordered us to rob before, so I only have less than [-] low-grade god crystals."

"Ten thousand low-grade divine crystals sounds like a lot. It should be enough for us to play in Yihong Courtyard, right?" Lin Yi didn't know anything about divine crystals, not even what they looked like.

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Tian Ya's face turned red, and he said, "My lord, [-] low-grade divine crystals are only equivalent to [-] middle-grade divine crystals. If you replace them with high-grade divine crystals, you can only exchange one. Like Bingxue Yihong Courtyard In that kind of place, at least middle-grade Shenjing is needed, and even top-grade Shenjing is needed. Do you still think we have a lot of money now?"

"Uh... well, there are really not many. By the way, I know a place that has such things as Shenjing. Let me think about it..." Lin Yi scratched his head and immediately began to read Mohao's soul memory Well, since Mo Hao said that he left treasures in many places in the Creation God Realm, there might be treasures in Tianbingxing as well.

As expected, Lin Yi found information about the treasures of Tianbingxing. That guy left a lot of good things on Tianbingxing, but these things were left hundreds of millions of years ago. I don't know if it's there anymore.

"How about it, Mr. Mu Yi, did that guy leave anything on Tianbingxing? Well, actually, I regret it. Why didn't I leave something on Tianbingxing back then? In that case, I don't have to suffer so much now. Forced." Baidi sighed, when he was the most powerful in the past, he once occupied thousands of planets in the God Realm of Creation, and possessed countless wealth.

Now that the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, he couldn't even take out a single low-grade god crystal.

Chisongzi and Tianfu also looked helpless, they were in the same situation as Baidi, they could only shake their heads and sigh.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and said: "Don't be so hard on yourself, I found out that that guy left a big treasure on this planet, but I don't know if it will be poached by others after hundreds of millions of years. In my opinion, we still have hope, because the entrance to the treasure is very hidden, and there is a powerful seal, so if it is not a high-level god emperor, it cannot be opened at all. It should be impossible for a high-level god emperor to come This little planet, right?"

Lin Yi's words brightened everyone's eyes, "Great treasure, who doesn't like this thing, who doesn't like it."

However, a bitter look quickly appeared on Tian Ya's face, and he said, "My lord, now that Tianbing City has been closed, where should we go to find the treasure? Could it be that the treasure is still in this city?"

"Hehe, Big Brother Tianya is really smart. You guessed it right away. That's right, that treasure is in Tianbing City. To be precise, you can find this treasure from any direction of Tianbing Star." Lin Lin Yi said with a smile, he had already made his words so clear, of course Chisongzi and the others understood the meaning.

"The treasure is at the star core of this planet? Doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous?" Tian Punishment muttered in a low voice.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said, "If it wasn't at the star core, why would I say it's very hidden? Actually, I really admire that guy Mo Hao. Are you not afraid of blowing up this planet if you do it?"

"That depends on the strength of the person who does this. If it is a powerhouse like Mohao, doing this is a child's play for him. We are now in the ground of Tianbingxing, not too far from the star core." , just find a place to dig." Chisongzi said with a smile.

Since they spoke until now, no sound transmission was used, and the nearby monks could hear them clearly.

Those people didn't really believe it at first, but the more they heard it, the more they felt that it was interesting, and soon, the news spread, and with that amazing speed of transmission, it soon spread throughout the entire Tianbingxing.

This issue is being discussed in the streets and alleys, and many people even start to dig into the star core. Many people are hindered after digging for a long time, and they can't dig at all.

In this way, those people became more determined that there was a great treasure in the core of the Tianbing star, and the whole Tianbing star was completely boiling.

(End of this chapter)

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