Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1116 Please Call Someone

Chapter 1116 Please Call Someone

After Lin Yi said that, he glanced at the eighth-level general again. The latter's face became even paler, and he shrank back while holding the package in his arms.

All the spectators were silent, of course they understood that Lin Yi was definitely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, at least he was also a master at the level of a god.What's so strange about going to the VIP room for a master of this level?

Gu Lingjing's wretched face was bloodless, it was the first time he felt this way, Lin Yi's strength this time made his sense of fear rise to the extreme, and he didn't dare to have any more crooked thoughts .

All he wanted to do now was to take good care of this big man as soon as possible, no matter whether he could get paid or not, he had to hurry up.As long as you don't get killed, it's fine.

Lin Yi walked into the VIP room, and found that it was indeed much quieter than outside, with only a few people, one hundred thousand top-grade crystals, which is not a small amount.

When those people saw Lin Yi coming in, they all looked at them with very puzzled eyes, because Lin Yi's clothes were shabby, and he was holding a white card in his hand. Such a match, it doesn't look like he is qualified to enter the VIP room .

The person in charge of the VIP room is a middle-aged man in a blue brocade suit. He saw Lin Yi and the others coming in from a distance. Judging from his years of experience, Lin Yi and the others are definitely poor and fighting. It can afford one hundred thousand top-grade divine crystals.

So, he immediately frowned, walked up to Lin Yi, and said, "Sir, please stop, this is a VIP room, and a high transaction volume is required to..."

The middle-aged man's voice stopped abruptly. He looked at the fist-sized Divine Soul Jade in Lin Yi's hand in astonishment, and the words behind him were stuck in his throat.

Don't underestimate the fist-sized soul jade, which is very rare in the world of creation gods. The main reason is that the soul jade mines are very rare, and the storage capacity of each vein is very small, and the annual mining amount is very small. pitiful.

Rare things are expensive, since things are so rare, the price is of course terribly high.The price of this piece of divine soul jade, which is about one kilogram, is at least 20 top-grade divine crystals.In addition, its fineness is very good, which makes its price increase again. Without 50 top-grade Shenjing, it is impossible to buy it.

The minimum transaction amount for this room is 50, and [-] top-grade Shenjing is more than enough to trade here.

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, and said lightly: "What did you want to say just now? Did you want to say that you can't afford this thing, or that mine is not worth even one hundred thousand high-grade god crystals. If it is the former , I have to look at the financial resources of Shenyu Trading Company in a different light. If it is the latter, hehe, then I can only sell it to a few people outside who want to buy it. There is a guy asking for 40 high-grade Shenjing, and I am not willing to sell it. Well, now it seems that it is better to sell it to him."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left. The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, and he quickly stood in front of Lin Yi, with a smile on his face, and said, "Why did you say that, my honored guest? This high-grade soul jade, our God How can Yu Yu Trading Company not accept it? I will offer you 45 high-grade Shenjing, how about it? Is it higher than others’ asking price? Our Shen Yu Trading Company is famous for being innocent, so you can sell it to us."

The middle-aged man looked desperate to please, and Lin Yi had become his cash cow. If he could complete this business in his hands, he would have fulfilled a lot of his targets for this year.

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, Shenyu Trading Company is really rich and powerful, and the stewards in this small room are all at the peak level of generals.But this peak general nodded and bowed beside him, which made Lin Yi feel funny.

He chuckled, and said, "Since the person in charge said that, of course I'm being disrespectful. I just don't know what the maximum transaction amount of this small room is. This is only the first floor of this building. Logically speaking, , the first floor should be the lowest floor, right?"

The face of the middle-aged man became even more serious after what Lin Yi said. If Lin Yi went to the upper floor, wouldn't his commission be over?

"Hehe, what you said is really wrong. When selling items, every floor is the same. The reason why it is built so high is just to divert people. I wonder how much soul jade you want to trade? If it is less than ten kilograms, I still It's up to you." The middle-aged man smiled and said, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and quickly added, "By the way, I forgot to tell you my name. My surname is Liu, and Liu Dafei is the only one. You can call me Liu Just manage."

Liu Dafei looked very respectful, although this young man looked much younger than him, and his cultivation level was also much worse than him.However, the power exuding from Lin Yi's body and the piece of extremely high-purity soul jade made him no choice but to bow his head and bow his head.

Lin Yi glanced at him lightly, and said with a smile: "If Guanshi Liu said that, then I would be in a difficult situation. Because the spirit jade I brought this time is exactly eleven kilograms, it seems that you may not be able to make up your mind. , you can only invite someone with a higher rank than you to come out."

Although Lin Yi's tone was flat, the vague intention of targeting was very obvious. Of course Liu Dafei knew Lin Yi's thoughts. His snobbish behavior just now would make anyone very uncomfortable if he put it on anyone. It's normal for Lin Yi to be upset. .

However, of course he has his own way, he smiled and said: "Dear guest, if it is really eleven kilograms, I can go beyond my authority a little bit. Moreover, I can also increase the price for you. 50 high-grade Shenjing per kilogram, this price is already the highest."

What an old fox!

Lin Yi cursed secretly in his heart, and with a thought, he waved his hand casually, and a piece of spirit jade the size of a winter melon appeared on the ground. The appearance of this piece of spirit jade made everyone in the VIP room widen their eyes and looked at it in disbelief. That piece of jade.

Liu Dafei's body trembled, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Such a big piece of soul jade must weigh at least a hundred kilograms!

Moreover, the bigger the soul jade, the higher the price. For such a large piece of soul jade, at least 100 million high-grade god crystals per kilogram, there can only be more and no less.

Liu Dafei really wanted to snatch that piece of soul jade immediately, and then escape from Tianbingxing to live a chic and carefree life.

However, not to mention that he would be exterminated by Shenyu Trading Company if he did so, now that Tianbingxing is blocked, he can't even escape.

Those VIPs also thought the same thing, no matter how valuable the things are, it is useless to grab them if you want to spend them.

"Liu Guanshi, I accidentally said something wrong just now, and it seems that I said a little less. I want to ask you, can you be the master of so many spirit jade? If you can be the master, I will sell it to you. If you can't be the master , please call someone."

(End of this chapter)

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