Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1120 This Friend Has Been Made

Chapter 1120 This Friend Has Been Made

Lin Yi has such a powerful soul power to protect his body, plus the boundary power of the Killing God Tree, plus the full support of the three of them, if he can't even withstand such a little bit of divine power, then his life is really in vain.

Yan Shao originally thought that Lin Yi would not be able to bear the coercion, and then became very embarrassed, but he did not expect that Lin Yi not only could bear it, but also said such words that made him feel so happy after hearing it.

He couldn't help applauding, and laughed loudly: "Well, well said! If Emperor Shen Yu saw his descendants become like this, he would probably be furious. Little brother, Your name is Mu Yi, right? Alright, Mu Yi, I have made you my friend! From today on, you are my Yan Shao’s friend, whoever dares to touch you, then prepare to bear my anger!”

Yan Shao walked up to Lin Yi step by step, and then handed a golden card to Lin Yi, saying: "This is 5000 million top-grade god crystals, I know you are not interested in god crystals, Brother Mu, but , Walking in the God Realm of Creation, how can we do without the Divine Crystal? As for this piece of Divine Soul Jade, I will treat it as a meeting gift from my elder brother. Anyway, this kind of decoration is useless to me."

Yan Shao looked very free and easy, Lin Yi was stunned all of a sudden, this development speed is too fast, before he said a few words, he gave Shenjing and Shenhunyu, this way of doing things is too easy Bar.

Before he could speak, Ye Bingxin snorted coldly and said, "I knew you guys were all in the same group and wanted to come to my Shenyu Firm to make trouble, right? Well, I'll let you know today, offend me My Shenyu Trading Company, what kind of consequences will there be. Come..."

"Hehe, if you dare to try, I promise to make your branch, including this Sky Ice Star, disappear from the Creation God Realm from now on! Ye Bingxin, even if I make trouble, it is impossible for me to come to such a small place to make trouble. That will lose the worth of Ben Shao! Although your cultivation base is not bad in the Ye family, but don’t forget, you are a woman, and you don’t need to talk about the status of a woman in the Ye family, right?” Yan Shao’s tone Filled with contempt, he patted Lin Yi's shoulder lightly, and said, "Brother, leave here with me, people will turn into garbage if you stay in this garbage place for a long time, if I didn't have a sudden whim, I wouldn't Come in, it stinks, it really stinks."

Yan Shao slapped his nose with his hand, looking like a rock fan.A knowing smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, he turned his head and said to Tian Punishment, "Let's go too, I really don't feel very good after staying here for a long time."

The three of Tian Punishment were very calm, Tian Ya was used to being frightened, and he was much calmer than before, but Gu Lingjing was a tough guy!How could he have experienced such a strong wind and waves? When Lin Yi said to leave, his whole body was already weak and he couldn't even move.

"My lord, me, and me...I can't walk anymore..." Gu Lingjing cried pitifully.

Lin Yi glanced back at him, and said indifferently: "Can't you walk? Do you want me to carry you? You are not mine. This is your reward. You can leave whenever you want."

Lin Yi flicked his fingers, and a mid-grade divine crystal flew towards Gu Lingjing, then please smiled and said to Yan Shao: "Then please trouble Mr. Yan, I really can't leave here without your help. Just bullying, I’ve gained a bit of knowledge.” Hahaha, it’s easy to say, Brother Mu Yi, you can just call me Brother Yan, what an adult or something, it’s too loud.Old Zhu, Brother Mu's safety is entrusted to you. Even if you try your best, you must keep him safe. "

"Yes, Master Yan, this old servant will definitely protect Master Mu Yi, even if he blows himself up!" Lao Zhu said loudly, Ye Bingxin was choked by his words, so that she remained indifferent when they left the room.

This is the mouse-thrower!

With her temper, she had already started fighting with Yan Shao, but she had too many scruples to do it.

It wasn't until 5 minutes after Yan Shao and the others left that she restrained her breath, her pretty face was several times colder than usual.

A strong man in the God Emperor Realm plucked up his courage and asked in a low voice: "My lord, are we going to send someone to hunt him down? This star field is the territory of our Shenyu Trading Company. It is impossible to escape our net! You..."

A slap on his face, Ye Bingxin looked at him coldly, and said: "Why didn't you see you so brave just now? Don't you feel ashamed enough? Send someone to stare at them. I suspect that this time Zichu was Killing, it is very likely to have something to do with that surname. Remember, do not do it without my order. Of course, if they dare to do it first, then hold them back. I don’t believe it. Today's status is no match for Yama's Palace!"

"Yes, my lord! I'll send someone to do it!" The god emperor left immediately in despair. The atmosphere in the whole VIP room was terribly oppressive. There are too many things, this is the prelude to death!

Another god emperor cast a questioning look at Ye Bingxin, Ye Bingxin looked at those "VIPs" indifferently, and said indifferently: "You are the VIPs of Shenyu Firm, although you have seen things that you shouldn't see , I will not kill you so easily. I will give you a chance, and I will let someone erase your memories just now. If you are willing to erase, then you can save your life. If you are not willing..."

"Yes, yes, why would I not want to? Not to mention erasing the memory just now, even if all my memories are erased, I am willing!" He was about to pee, and when he heard that Ye Bingxin gave him a chance to live, he was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Ye Bingxin glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly: "Do you still want to live? Hehe, the idea is really interesting. Someone, engrave this guy as a slave and sell him to the Demon Soul Star, hehe, life is better than death." , it should be more wonderful."

After Ye Bingxin finished speaking, she turned around and disappeared into the VIP room. When she turned around, the rest of the relieved VIPs in the entire VIP room were instantly frozen, and then shattered into powder.

There was no way, she suddenly realized that if she didn't kill anyone again, the breath in her heart would be even more uncomfortable. If she broke something at that time, it would be very bad.

After Yan Shao took Lin Yi and the others away from Shenyu Commercial Firm, he kept walking in one direction. Yan Shao didn't say a word, but just scanned the beauties on the street all the way, and sometimes reached out to touch a few. Although he was called a "pervert", He didn't care, but laughed very loudly.

Lin Yi followed all the way, but couldn't help but stop, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yan, where are you going? If there is nothing else, let's just leave here. This is the soul jade for trading. I accept your request for no reason. How can I take such a heavy gift?"

(End of this chapter)

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