Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1123 Eat God Crystal

Chapter 1123 Eat God Crystal
The sound transmission of Chisongzi made Lin Yi realize immediately. He didn't expect that there was such a trick in it.

However, a trace of doubt soon appeared in his heart, and he said via voice transmission: "Strange, if this is the case, then what is the purpose of this Yihong Courtyard? Is it just to earn Shenjing?"

"Of course not. Could it be that Master Lin Yi doesn't even understand this? The reason why Yihong Academy did this is to buy people's hearts. In fact, as long as they are young talents with excellent qualifications, they don't accept a penny. And it will also provide a lot of cultivation resources. However, those people must swear that they will help Yihongyuan when they encounter a major disaster. This is also the capital of Yihongyuan. Because of this." Chi Songzi patiently explained to Lin Yi, and Lin Yi immediately felt like a mirror.

"It's no wonder that these people flock to it. It seems that they are all for the benefit. By the way, Senior Chisongzi, with your qualifications, you should have joined the Yihong Academy back then, right?" Lin Yi's sound transmission was filled with narrow-mindedness.

Chi Songzi's old face immediately turned red, and he even looked away, ignoring Lin Yi.

Yan Shao looked at the group of monks who were filing into the gate, and took out a folding fan out of nowhere, opened it, and shook it very chicly, giving people the feeling of a refined and elegant scribe.

"I don't know if the rumors are true. The Bingxue Yihong Academy will have a body of innate black ice. If there is one, it can be snatched." A smile appeared on the corner of Yan Shao's mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the door.

After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and said to Lin Yi: "Brother Mu, relax after entering, don't worry, with me here, no one will touch you, so don't have any psychological burden."

Lin Yi also smiled calmly, and said: "Since Brother Yan Shao said so, of course I have nothing to worry about. With you covering me, even the king of heaven can't touch me. By the way, Brother Yan, what you just said What is the innate body of profound ice?"

"The body of innate black ice has a great assisting effect on the powerhouses of the God Emperor Realm. It is said that it can increase the cultivation speed of the God Emperor Realm powerhouses by ten times. Hehe, although I think my cultivation speed is not slow, but if I can A ten-fold improvement, even I would be very excited!" Yan Shao said with a smile, judging from his tone, he was determined to win that woman.

Lin Yi is not very interested. He is still far away from the God Emperor Realm. Even if he really reaches the God Emperor Realm, he really can't do it if he is asked to kneel and lick women.

Soon, they entered the Yihong Courtyard. After entering, Lin Yi felt a divine aura that was several times stronger than the outside. This divine aura is very helpful for improving the cultivation base. Attracting customers really cost a lot.

Lin Yi just turned his head, and when he looked back again, he found that Yan Shao and the three of them had disappeared.

Lin Yi couldn't help smiling wryly, this guy's movements were too fast, it seems that the innate mysterious ice body is indeed very attractive to him.

"Master Mu Yi, don't you want to try it? The Innate Black Ice Body is a top-grade furnace. If you get her, your future cultivation path will be smoother." Bai Di said with a smile.

A hint of confusion flickered on Lin Yi's face, and he said, "It's strange, isn't it said that the body of innate black ice is only helpful to those who are strong in the God Emperor Realm? Could it be possible to double cultivate with him in the God Emperor Realm?"

Baidi chuckled, and said, "Who said it was only helpful to those in the God Emperor Realm? Probably Brother Chi said that? For the God Emperor Realm experts, this furnace can speed up their cultivation. For monks below the level of the god emperor, this kind of furnace can allow them to ascend to the sky first, and then increase the speed of cultivation. For example, Mr. Mu Yi, your current strength is the fourth level of the god general level. With the dual cultivation of the Innate Black Ice Body, your cultivation will directly increase by a large realm, reaching the realm of the god king. After that, your cultivation speed will increase by more than ten times, and this cultivation speed will be maintained until you reach the ninth level of god Emperor. When you really want to break through that hurdle, if you can devour the body of innate black ice, you might succeed in one fell swoop. Lord Mu Yi, don't look at me like that. I'm just talking about something. Never tried."

Suddenly being stared at by Lin Yi's contemptuous eyes, Bai Di was also a little unnatural, but his statement was indeed too beastly, almost to achieve his goal, and he did not use any means at all.

"Senior Baiyun, I really doubt that you are a member of the demonic way, otherwise, how could there be so many demonic means?" Lin Yi thought of the formation that Baidi said on the earth to kill 10 people, and felt sincerely. The old man is definitely not a good thing.

Baidi chuckled, and said, "Master Mu Yi is joking, knowing and doing are two different things. It's like I know that devouring [-] million god-level powerhouses can restore me to my former peak state, but I don't Will do the same, this is my way of life and principles of doing things. If you really get the innate black ice body, what you want to do in the end, isn’t it up to you? Let’s not talk about this, let’s hurry up Let's go in and have a big meal, come here not to eat, drink and play, are we worthy of ourselves?"

Baidi's eyes are shining. Ever since he ate tasteless fish for so many years in that [-]th floor of hell, he has evolved into a foodie. As a foodie, he must eat a big meal when he comes to this place. OK.

Five people entered the lobby, and most of the people sitting here were purely looking for women for physical comfort, so, in terms of mixed fish and dragons, this place is the best.

Lin Yi came here just to relax. As for being the son-in-law of Yihong Courtyard, he has no interest at all.

The five sat at a big round table and ordered a large table of dishes. Lin Yi finally understood the meaning of what Tian Ya said before. If he really used [-] low-grade divine crystals to come in, he might not even be able to eat a small dish.

The food and drink here requires at least ten high-grade god crystals, and it's just a glass of water.

As for Lin Yi's dish, he spent a total of [-] high-grade divine crystals, so that Tian Ya didn't dare to eat with chopsticks after knowing the figure.

"Brother Tianya, what's the matter with you? Are these dishes not to your liking?" Lin Yi asked with a smile, reached out and picked up a piece of chicken-like object, stuffed it into his mouth, and tasted it carefully, "Well, the taste is very good, eat it When it is in the mouth, it melts in the mouth, and the divine power in the body has increased a little, it really deserves to be a fairy product in the gods, although it is a bit expensive, it is still worth eating."

Tian Ya smiled wryly, and said: "Master Mu Yi, this is not eating at all, but eating Shenjing, or high-grade Shenjing, I dare not eat it."

"Hahaha, why don't you dare to eat it? Anyway, it's not that this kid spends money. Besides, with so much money, even if you eat here every day, you can eat it for several years." Heaven's punishment is very random, and it's not a waste of money anyway. his money.

"It's still a few years! With my little Shenjing, I guess it won't last for more than a year. Who knows if you want to play with women. By the way, Brother Tianya, do you want to find some for you? Look at you, you It seems to be everywhere…”

"Ahem, my lord, please don't make fun of me, okay, you know, I am unlucky, and as long as I touch a woman, I will be even worse, it's just worse!"

(End of this chapter)

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