Chapter 1140
As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the long sword behind his back suddenly came out of its sheath and was held in his hand.

The moment he held the long sword, the rusty sword suddenly became shiny all over, and a powerful force erupted from it.

"It really is a high-grade artifact, so powerful!" Yan Shao exclaimed, looking at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Lin Yi stroked the sword lightly, and said, "Xiaobaicai, this is the first time we have cooperated, don't let me down!"

Yue Bodhi frowned slightly, and said: "Since you use a high-grade artifact, then of course I can't use the power of an ordinary god-king, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for you to succeed by accident?"

"Hehe, okay, as long as you don't change your mind, I'm really afraid that you will accidentally kill me by mistake." Lin Yi smiled, with a strange arc on the corner of his mouth.He took a step, and with a flash of sword light, he appeared in front of Yue Bodhi, preemptively striking, and the sword was as fast as thunder.

Yue Bodhi's expression remained unchanged, and he flicked with his fingers, hitting the blade of the long sword.At this moment, her brows frowned suddenly, and her figure dodged suddenly, dodging the sword.

Yue Bodhi, who had been suppressed to the level of a god-king, was unable to dispel the power of Lin Yi's sword, so he could only choose to avoid it. Lin Yi's strength became even more confusing.

Yue Bodhi's figure quickly appeared in front of everyone, her face was very gloomy, she stared at Lin Yi, and said: "What's the matter with your cultivation base? Even if it is a secret method, how can it increase so much power in an instant? You were originally in the God King Realm?"

Lin Yi looked at Yue Bodhi with a smile, and said: "Master Yue, you can tell at a glance how strong I am, so why bother to say such nonsense? I have already told you just now, let you use level nine The power of the god king, do you think I'm joking with you?"

Lin Yi's aura rose again, on the one hand because of Lin Baicai's power, on the other hand, he also has the Killing God Tree.

Although the Tree of Killing God consumed a lot of power just now, the power contained in it is huge enough to raise Lin Yi's strength to the level of a god king.

As long as Lin Yi reaches the God King Realm, he can basically ignore those who are strong in the God King Realm, and that is his overbearing.

Yue Bodhi sneered, and said: "How long can you last with the power raised by the secret method? I'll let you see, even if the power of the God Emperor Realm is suppressed, you can't compete with it! Divine arts are so charming."

As soon as Yue Bodhi's voice fell, her figure suddenly disappeared from Lin Yi's sight. Soon, Lin Yi felt the surrounding space began to distort. He saw many women wearing no clothes or wearing very little clothes. Those women were constantly twisting. Moving her body, her posture is extremely enchanting.

When Yan Shao heard Yue Bodhi's words, he thought it was not good. The women in Yihong Courtyard are best at charm, which is closely related to the monk's cultivation.The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the charm.

Although Yue Bodhi has suppressed her cultivation, her true cultivation is still a fifth-level god emperor, and the level of charm she uses also corresponds to this level.In this way, even if Yan Shao took action himself, it would be difficult to break free easily.

Yue Bodhi is currently standing in front of Lin Yi, his eyes are shining with golden light, this is the state of the charm of the gods.But Lin Yi's eyes were blurred and his eyes were loose, obviously he had been charmed.

Once Yue Bodhi's charm is successfully cast, Lin Yi will be unable to resist, and will just be a fish on an anvil, ready to be slaughtered.

Yan Shao was about to remind Lin Yi to wake him up, but King Yan Luo suddenly reached out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, don't look down on that little guy, if you call him now, it will be an insult to him."

Yan Shao looked at King Yan Luo with a troubled expression on his face, and said, "Father, you have too much confidence in Brother Mu, right? That old lady Yue Bodhi backtracked and used a super high-level charm technique. Do you think Brother Mu Can he really hold it?"

"Don't be so big or small, that kid is your big brother now, and he has the nerve to call you brother Mu, I feel ashamed for you! Don't worry, I have more confidence in that kid than I have in you. You were like him back then. When I was old, I didn't even have the Heavenly God Realm, I feel ashamed to think about it!" King Yan Luo looked at Yan Shao with contempt.

Yan Shao immediately raised his hands in surrender, and said, "Yes, I trust you, okay? Don't expose my shortcomings in front of so many people, okay?"

"Hmph, it's good to know, I don't bother to talk about you! Watch out, that little guy will give us a big surprise, and it will definitely surprise us." King Yanluo smiled proudly, that feeling, It seems that Lin Yi is his own son.

Of course Yan Shao didn't take it seriously, he was secretly preparing for a while to comfort Lin Yi, and by the way, how to scold Yue Bodhi, that old lady, what she did was too wicked!

In the small pavilion, Bing'er's face was also extremely gloomy. She looked at Yue Bodhi bitterly, gritted her teeth and said, "Is this necessary? This is too much! No, I have to help him!"

Bing'er clenched her fists and was about to make a move when a figure slowly appeared beside her, grabbing her hand, it turned out to be Yue Bodhi!
"Master, why are you here? You're not... oh, I see, you're just Master's avatar, staring at me here!" Bing'er's tone was very bad, not as respectful as usual.

Yue Bodhi's avatar looked cold, and said: "Yes, this is indeed my avatar. I appear here to remind you that no matter what your future is, you will always be a member of our Yihong Courtyard. Our Yihong Courtyard is the center. Since the boy chooses to accept the test, he must make all preparations. If he can’t even withstand such a little charm, what qualifications does he have to be your man? Bing’er, Master will always It's for your own good, it won't hurt you."

"Really? This is the charm technique that you are best at. You must be able to withstand it even if you are a strong god emperor? You use this kind of charm technique to test a monk who is a god general. I want to ask you, you Do you really want to choose a husband-in-law for me? The prophet said that the person who can pull out the sword is my husband, don’t you even believe the words of the prophet?” Bing’er’s words were very sharp, if it wasn’t for her Already restrained by that avatar's spell, she must have done it long ago.

"That's right, I just don't like that kid, and I don't want my disciple to be snatched away by the Yan Luodian! Even if it's that little talker, it's impossible! Bing'er, don't worry, I will definitely choose a more suitable one for you as a teacher." Young talent, let you have a very perfect and happy life, let me do everything for my teacher, whether you like it or not, everything is for your own good!" Yue Bodhi said firmly, Bing'er's body softened , slumped on the ground, his face ashen, silent.

(End of this chapter)

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