Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1143: The Heavenly Lightning Destroyer Sword Art 0

Chapter 1143: The Heavenly Lightning Destroyer Sword Art 0
From the perspective of Tian Punishment and the others, Lin Yi was pretending to be aggressive, but they were used to this kind of thing, so it was no surprise.

Yue Bodhi was taken aback, she had already been provoked by Lin Yi once before, and now she heard that Lin Yi was going to create his own sword technique to deal with her, how could she calm down?
"Create your own swordsmanship? Okay, then let me see what kind of swordsmanship you can create. I will only give you one chance. If I make a move, don't blame me for being bullying." Yue Bodhi sneered.

She was going to use charm to make Lin Yi look ugly, and she didn't want to do too much, but Lin Yi didn't know what to do, humiliated her like this, if she didn't avenge her revenge, she wouldn't be called Yue Bodhi!

Lin Yi took a deep breath, since he wanted to play, he should play a big one.He began to cast the seal of the sky, and poured the power of the seal of the sky into the long sword continuously.

After a while, Lin Baicai's voice became anxious.

"Lin Yi, this is your unique move? This seems to be the power of God's Tribulation, my God, how did you do it!" Lin Baicai exclaimed.

At this time, a large number of thunderclouds began to gather in the sky. Lin Yi did not expect that using the seal of heaven with divine power would attract such a violent divine calamity.

"What kind of sword technique is this? This is divine robbery! Did this kid break through here?" God Emperor Zixiao suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

But she soon realized something was wrong, the person targeted by the divine robbery was not Lin Yi, but Yue Bodhi!
Tian Punishment's eyes widened, and he cursed: "Nonsense, you are really messing around, can that trick be used like this? It's too much of a pretense!"

Of course, Lin Yi knew that something was wrong. With his current strength, it was difficult to control the seal of the sky, let alone compress the power of the seal of heaven into the body of the sword, turning it into a sword attack.

"Cabbage, can you bear it? If you can't bear it, I won't play like this, just use the seal of the sky, forget it if you get discovered." Lin Yi said secretly.

"Wait a minute, I really can't bear such a huge force, but you don't have to put that force into my body, listen to me, I have a way!" Lin Baicai shouted very anxiously, Lin Yi suddenly realized that this This feeling is a bit weird, the leader of this battle has become Lin Baicai.

Yue Bodhi felt the stronger and stronger power of the divine calamity, and her expression became more and more difficult to calm down. She clearly felt that the power of the divine calamity had exceeded her tolerance. The strength is simply unbearable.

She couldn't believe that Lin Yi could display such a powerful power. Is this really the power that a fourth-level god general can display?
However, Lin Yi's state at this time made her look a little more relaxed. It seemed that if she really wanted to release that power, Lin Yi probably couldn't do it.

When he relaxed a little, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, that smile made his heart tremble, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

"I'm sorry, the delay has been a bit long, and I kept everyone waiting. I was thinking about the name of this set of swordsmanship just now. Everyone should understand how important a good name is to a set of swordsmanship. I can't It’s vague! Well, let’s not talk nonsense, I named it Shenxiao Tianlei Mie Shen Jian Jue, it is currently version 1.0, I will continue to improve it, maybe one day I will start a sect, and I will use this set The sword formula is passed on. Hehe, it’s quite interesting to think about it.” Lin Yi smiled evilly, pointed at Yue Bodhi with his sword, and said, “Master Yue, are you ready? Then let’s start.”

As Lin Yi uttered the last word, a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket suddenly split from Jieyun, targeting the long sword in Lin Yi's hand.

Heaven's Punishment couldn't bear to watch it anymore. With Lin Yi's current cultivation base, how could he be able to withstand such a powerful tribulation thunder?
Especially let the power of God's Tribulation be integrated into the body of the sword, not to mention whether the sword can withstand it, the sword holder himself has to bear the attack of God's Tribulation first, in fact, he will hurt himself first, and then hurt others, which is really unsatisfactory. Smart.

However, Chisongzi's eyes suddenly lit up at this time, clapping his hands and laughing: "It's so wonderful, it's wonderful, it's really wonderful! My god...cough cough, old ghost Lin, you underestimate Lord Mu Yi too much."

Tian Punishment was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked into the sky, only to see Lin Yi floating in the air unharmed, as for the thunder and lightning, it actually attacked Yue Bodhi, and the noisy humming alone made the gods on the scene Feeling horrified, this power is no less than that of the gods!
Tian Punishment was dumbfounded, and couldn't help asking: "What's going on? How did that kid do it?"

"Transferring flowers and trees, drawing thunder with the divine sword, such an exquisite method, even the old man was very difficult to do it back then!" Baidi sighed, if he was not gnawing on a duck leg with his mouth full of oil, others might really think that He is a senior man.

Yan Shao's mouth that was originally wide open slowly closed, a faint smile floated on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "It seems that what Dad said is indeed right, Brother Mu's achievements can definitely beat me by dozens of blocks, alas Alas, I can't pretend to be aggressive in front of him from now on."

King Yan Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself: "It feels so familiar, why is this move so similar to that lost one... I must have misunderstood it, that trick has been lost for nearly ten thousand years, it is impossible Appeared again..."

Yue Bodhi's scalp was about to explode. She originally thought that Lin Yi was just gifted with spiritual power, but she didn't expect that a set of sword formulas created randomly would have such terrifying power.If he was struck by that lightning bolt, it was unlikely that he would be injured, but he would definitely become extremely embarrassed, with his hair standing on end without any suspense.

Yue Bodhi was already in a panic just now, if she were to be embarrassed again, she would probably go crazy!

With a coquettish cry, the long sword around her waist was automatically unsheathed, and she transformed into a nine-headed monster in an instant. One of the monsters opened its huge mouth and swallowed the tribulation thunders completely.

Yan Shao's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "This is the ancient beast Jiuying! I didn't expect this woman to be so crazy that she made Jiuying into a sword!"

After Jiuying swallowed the robbery thunder, the scales on his body stood up. Obviously, even if it could swallow the robbery thunder, it was also affected by the robbery thunder.

It was so annoyed that it opened its mouth and spewed out a huge fireball, which locked on Lin Yi.

Yan Shao was furious and shouted: "Yue Bodhi, you are too shameless to use Jiuying to fight. Even if you win like this, you will lose the face of Yihongyuan!"

Yue Bodhi sneered, and said, "Shao Yan, it's better for you to keep your mouth shut. Jiuying is just my magic tool. He can use it, but I can't? It's so ridiculous!"

Before Yue Bodhi finished speaking, a stream of sword energy pierced through the fireball and shattered the fireball into pieces.
Then, a chuckle sounded in everyone's ears: "You like to eat thunder so much? Well, I will let you eat as much as you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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