Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1146 Shut You Up For 1 Years

Chapter 1146 Shut You Up For 1 Years
Yue Bodhi screamed out, she rarely lost her composure like this.

The scene in front of her was really shocking. She clearly felt that although Lin Yi's body was constantly being destroyed and repaired, his aura was getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of his physical body was also constantly improving. She has never seen the way of Shenjie's cultivation in her life.

Suddenly, Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Thank you very much, Master Yue. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have broken the boat and pushed myself into a desperate situation. Now, I will repay you It's time."

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and all the power was gathered in the God Tribulation lightsaber. At this time, the power of God Tribulation had been completely exhausted, and it would be difficult for Lin Yi's physical body to improve after reaching the eighth level of the God General Realm. Use this power to fight one time.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure, Yue Bodhi frowned, gritted her teeth, and raised her own strength again, reaching the peak of the ninth-level god.

She knew that she had already lost, but she didn't want to lose so thoroughly, lower her cultivation, and be defeated by Lin Yi.

She stretched out a palm, wanting to use the power of the flesh god to forcibly collide with this sword!
This sword almost emptied all of Lin Yi's strength. The moment the lightsaber collided with Yue Bodhi's palm, Yue Bodhi was bent over by the strong pressure.

It never occurred to her that she had already used the peak strength of a ninth-level god, and she couldn't even hold this sword.

King Yan Luo's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "Oh my God! Is this kid really human? He's only at the fourth level of the Supernatural General Realm... No, his cultivation has improved in a short period of time I have passed three small levels, is this really the speed of cultivation that a person should have?"

Lin Yi's cultivation speed is frightening, and what's even more frightening is that in such a dangerous battle, Lin Yi suppressed his opponent while cultivating. A person who can do this kind of thing, probably the entire Creation God Realm Couldn't find one or two.

"He has always come this way, so there is nothing surprising about it. Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, this is his life motto, and this is why we admire him." Chi Songzi smiled, and his words spoke to King Yan Luo It is said that it is like an imperial decree that Chisongzi can give Lin Yi such a high evaluation, he will not have the slightest doubt.

He sighed softly and said, "If my son can be so promising, then I can rest assured..."

"Hey, hey, Dad, don't say that, okay? I'm a rare genius in the entire Creation God Realm, and this is recognized by many people. Don't look down on me like this!" Yan Shao was a little unhappy, He didn't want to be dismissed by King Yama like this.

King Yan Luo glared at him, and said: "You boy, obediently call me Big Brother Mu Yi. If you call him Brother Mu Yi again, I will lock you up in the Hall of Yama for 1000 years, no, 1 years. Hmph, this I will never joke with you this time!"

Yan Shao's body trembled, he looked at King Yanluo in disbelief, and stammered: "Old...Old old man, you are not joking, you really want me to be his little brother! He is only 20 years old , I have already..."

"Do you still know how many thousand years old you are? How dare you show your shitty talent outside? I can say bluntly that in at most 200 years, the strength of Mu Yi will beat you by a few streets. What a genius, you foolish boy can only kneel and lick! It’s alright, I’ve made up my mind, as long as you dare to be disobedient, I’ll send you back immediately!”

Yan Luo Wang said so, Yan Shao was really scared. Compared with calling Lin Yi, he was most afraid of being locked up.

As the number one romantic talent in the Creation God Realm (of course, this is what he calls himself), how could he spend the good time of his life in such a cold confinement room?If that's the case, he would rather hit the wall and die.

He was about to say yes, when suddenly, his expression changed, and he exclaimed: "That bitch is cheating, she won't suppress her cultivation, Mr. Mu...Boss Mu is in danger!"

After the words fell, he rushed over immediately, and at the moment when Lin Yi's sword light was scattered by Yue Bodhi, he stood in front of Lin Yi and forcibly held Yue Bodhi's full blow.

Yue Bodhi herself didn't expect that after she was suppressed to the extreme by Lin Yi's power, she turned into anger from embarrassment and launched a counterattack recklessly.

How could Lin Yi be able to compete with the full power of the fifth level of the God Emperor Realm?
Yan Shao received this blow, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, but he still stood in front of Lin Yi, preventing Yue Bodhi from hitting Lin Yi.

King Yan Luo burst into anger, roared, and slapped Yue Bodhi with a big hand in the air, which immediately turned into a giant bone claw, and slapped Yue Bodhi from the air!

"Yue Bodhi, you're really tired of living!" King Yan Luo didn't give up, and continued to slap Yue Bodhi with a palm. If this palm was real, Yue Bodhi would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

At this moment, a chuckle came from not far away, and then, a golden disk flew out, just blocking King Yanluo's palm.

"When did the selection of the son-in-law of Yihong Academy become so bloody and bloody? All the powerful god emperors have started to do it. What a shame! Hehe, it turns out that it is the master Yan. I haven't seen you for many years. Don't come here and be safe!" The speaker was a middle-aged man in black. He was walking towards Yue Bodhi step by step, followed by two masked men. The one who shot just now was one of them. Even if you use a top-grade artifact, your cultivation will not be lower than the sixth level of the God Emperor Realm.

When Yue Bodhi saw the middle-aged man, the happy expression on his face flickered, and soon turned into a bitter expression.

"Brother Zimo, why are you here? Just now...thank you." Yue Bodhi's expression was a little nervous, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she must have had an affair with this middle-aged man.

King Yanluo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer, "Ye Zimo, you are so courageous, are you relying on your Shenyu merchants' great careers, and even the master of this palace doesn't pay attention? The people who are mainly killed by this palace , it’s useless even if someone takes shelter!”

Although King Yan Luo said harsh words, he did not continue to attack. The more he uses his divine power, the faster his power will be consumed. Although his body is coming, the problem of distance is difficult to ignore, and he cannot lose at this time. strength.

Ye Zimo seemed to see through everything, he chuckled lightly, and said, "Master Yan, why are you so hostile? You Yan Luodian and Yihongyuan have no deep hatred, your son was attacked just now, and it was a momentary accidental injury, Master Yue apologized Wouldn’t it be enough to pay a little more? Peace is the most important thing, and harmony makes money. Although you Yan Luodian has always been very strong, don’t forget that this is the territory of the Nine Heavens Alliance!”

Ye Zimo said this, looked at Yue Bodhi with a smile, and said very gently: "As for sister Yue's question, if I say that I feel that sister Yue is in danger and came here to save you, would you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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