Chapter 1152

Great Devil Heart Sutra?Lin Yi secretly thought it was funny, Lin Yi already had this thing, and he still needs to give it?
There are a large number of high-level magic skills in Mo Hao's memory, and the Great Demon Heart Sutra is not ranked first among them.

However, Lin Yi really has no interest in Mo Hao's magic skills.These magical skills greatly affect the xinxing. No matter who practices it, they may not be able to control the xinxing.

Therefore, Hongjun had warned him thousands of times before, telling him not to practice.

Of course Lin Yi is not like Niao Hongjun. The reason why he doesn't practice is his will and has nothing to do with that old man.

He chuckled lightly and said, "Old Mo, isn't this the reward you gave me for my cooperation?"

"If you think so, then so be it. I need you to take me in together, and I will help you get the Great Demon Heart Sutra, so that you can reach the God Emperor Realm faster. Only then can you really help me." Ye Zimo was quite satisfied with Lin Yi calling him Lao Mo, and when he spoke, the smile on his face was a bit more intense than before.

"Okay, then it's settled. Please take me back." Lin Yi agreed very simply, without delay.

"Don't be in such a hurry. You haven't eaten yet. It's not too late to leave after eating."

"Let's forget it, I'm afraid I'll be fooled by you if I eat one more dish, it's better not to be so greedy." Lin Yi said with a smile, turned around and was about to leave.

Ye Zimo shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Okay then, you go back and rest early, if you need anything, feel free to mention it, don't be polite to me."

After Lin Yi casually agreed, Ye Zimo sent him out of the room and left under the guidance of his servants.

After Lin Yi left, a black shadow slowly appeared in the room, and the black shadow gradually became materialized, and then turned into a woman with a graceful figure.If Lin Yi saw it, he would definitely be very surprised, because that woman turned out to be Hong Ling who presided over the event before.

"Hongling, do you think he really wants to cooperate with me? How much of what he said is true?" Ye Zimo asked lightly.

"Back to your lord, in my opinion, he doesn't have the sincerity to cooperate with your lord at all, but he reluctantly agrees because he is worried that your lord will take action against his relatives. Moreover, I found that when he mentioned ancient books, his expression slightly changed. Changes, if my guess is correct, this description should be fabricated by him." Hong Ling said with certainty.

Ye Zimo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said: "It seems that there are still things I can't see through. This kid is really not simple. Hongling, Yue Bodhi has been completely controlled by me. Next, she will put Bingxue Yihong Courtyard You are the best pawn in my hand, don't let me down."

"Yes, Master Mo, Hong Ling promises not to disappoint you. My lord, do you need Hong Ling to do something next? It has been a long time for Hong Ling..."

Before Hong Ling finished speaking, Ye Zimo put one hand on top of her head, Hong Ling immediately understood, slowly squatted down, and gently unbuttoned Ye Zimo's underwear, her vermilion lips parted slightly, and her small mouth opened slightly , get busy.

After Lin Yi returned to the guest room, he saw Yan Shao who was walking around anxiously.

Although this guy had been hit by Yue Bodhi with all his strength, his skin was rough and fleshy, and with Lin Yi's treatment, he had already recovered.

Seeing Lin Yi coming back, he immediately asked nervously: "Boss Lin, are you okay? That guy didn't do anything to you, did he? Let me check quickly."

Yan Shao immediately checked Lin Yi's body diligently, but was pushed away by Lin Yi.

"Damn, what's wrong with you? Why are you like my wives? Are they the only ones who do these things well? No matter how much you touch me, I'll keep a distance from you!" Lin Yi looked at him very vigilantly. Yan Shao, who knows if this guy has any bad intentions towards him.

Yan Shao took a sip, and said, "You think I want to be so considerate? It's not that my father asked me to recognize you as the boss. As a younger brother, of course you have to care about the boss! If I don't do something well, I will be imprisoned." Confinement for 1 years! 1 years! How can my bright life be closed for 1 years?"

Yan Shao looked distressed, thinking of such a thing, he wanted to cry out.

Lin Yi didn't have time to pay attention to him, he glanced at the room, but didn't find King Yan Luo and the others, it seemed that only Yan Shao was here.

He was about to ask a question, but Yan Shao suddenly said, "I know what you want to ask. My father and those old men went somewhere to discuss important matters, and even I was thrown here. As for that unlucky guy and that dog Xuanwu, we all go to the lobby of Yihong Courtyard to eat, drink and have fun, and I am the only one here waiting for you and caring about you. You were so fierce to me just now, and you still keep a distance from me, do you still have a conscience, you!"

Lin Yi's forehead turned black when he heard the tone of a complaining woman. This guy really has the potential to be a daughter-in-law.

He was about to go out to look for Heaven's Punishment and the others, but saw the door was pushed open, King Yanluo and the others walked in. After seeing Lin Yi, they all walked quickly to Lin Yi's side.

"Lord Lin Yi, what's the matter? What did that guy tell you? Why did you come back so soon?" Chi Songzi was the first to ask.

"He wanted to keep me for dinner, but I didn't want to eat, so I came back early. As for what he said to me, first seal this place off, and I will talk to you slowly." Of course, Lin Yi had to discuss it with King Yanluo and the others. , the matter has developed to this point, it is difficult for him to handle it alone.

King Yanluo nodded, and immediately set up a powerful barrier, and Lin Yi told all the previous things. After speaking, King Yanluo and the others all looked gloomy.

"This kid's appetite is really not small. Even Chu Lingtian doesn't dare to have such thoughts. What kind of support does that kid have? Hehe, I'm really curious." It became funny and interesting to him.

"Senior Baidi, now is not the time to be curious. Ye Zimo is definitely one of the best among the younger generation. The reason why he has not received much attention in Shenyu Firm is mainly because his direct line is taboo against him. Power is deliberately suppressing him. Master Lin Yi killed Ye Zichu this time, which benefited him a lot, and his right to speak in Shenyu Trading Company will be greatly improved. If he becomes the helm of Shenyu Trading Company, The power he can mobilize may really stir up the entire Creation God Realm. Coupled with the alliance between Yihongyuan and him, the great battle hundreds of millions of years ago is very likely to repeat itself." King Yanluo was very excited. Seriously speaking, just now he had a good reminiscence with Chisongzi, and he knew a lot about Lin Yi, and he did not hesitate to return to Chisongzi's command, which moved Chisongzi very much.

Lin Yi couldn't bear it, and said: "Master Yan, you better stop calling me your lord, if you call me like that, I guess Yan Shao will cry."

"Call it, call it, anyway, I'm the so-called one, as long as you don't get locked up, you can call your grandfather... Ah, dad, why are you hitting me? If you beat me again, I will fight you again Desperate, oops, I killed someone—"

"I told you to call me Grandpa, if you have the guts to call it! I will kill you, you unworthy guy!"

The crackling sound continued, and the whole room immediately became lively.

(End of this chapter)

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