Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1164 Vulnerable Groups

Chapter 1164 Vulnerable Groups
Shameless!This is definitely a shameless model, a shameless model!

Lin Yi secretly gave Yan Luo Wang 32 likes, it's fun to play like this!
Tanlang immediately shut up and didn't speak, if he also accidentally hurt King Yanluo's heart, it would be a joke.

Among the three members of the Slaying Wolf Trio, Greedy Werewolf, as his name suggests, is the most greedy. He has hidden a lot of treasures. If he is blackmailed, he will cry to death.

The Demon Emperor Pojun gritted his teeth and said, "King Yanluo, don't go too far, you are trying to take advantage of the fire!"

"Take advantage of the fire? Brother Pojun, look at what you said, who do you think I am, King Yanluo? Do I look like someone who takes advantage of the fire..."

"You don't look like you, what the hell are you! What more do you want? I only have this one of the Breaking Barrier Pill, and if you want any more, it's gone!" the Pojun Devil Emperor yelled, he paid for the Breaking Barrier Pill, and the other gods Horses don't matter.

King Yanluo chuckled and said, "Brother Pojun, don't worry, in fact, you only caused [-]% of the damage to me, and the remaining [-]% was caused by Brother Tanlang!"

Greedy Wolf Demon Emperor's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, and he immediately exclaimed: "King Yanluo, what do you mean? What did I do to you? I didn't even say anything to you!"

"Didn't speak? Bro Tanlang, are you kidding me? I remember that you were standing on the united front with Bro Pojun just now, and you were bullying others and threatening Lord Lin Yi. You even did this kind of thing, how can you still Said it didn’t hurt my heart? Not much nonsense, my heart is hurt too much, and it’s absolutely impossible not to comfort it. I remember that Brother Tanlang has a god-intense stone, which can heal any injury and restore cultivation. I think , this baby can almost soothe my heart." King Yanluo laughed and said, the expression of the Devil Emperor Tanlang suddenly changed, and he stared at King Yanluo with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy, kid? You want my God Accumulation Stone, you are dreaming!" the Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf shouted without thinking, feeling very excited.

King Yanluo looked at Lin Yi helplessly, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, he said I was dreaming, and I can't solve it, I can only rely on you."

Of course, Lin Yi knew the purpose of King Yanluo. If the Yunshen Stone could really heal Chisongzi's injury, he would have another high-level god emperor, and he would definitely have more confidence!
Lin Yi chuckled lightly, and said, "In this case, let's follow the original plan. Anyone who wants to fight with Senior Tanlang, then get closer to him, I'm going to do it."

"Do it? I'll kill you first!" The Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf yelled, and suddenly flew up, stretching out his hand to grab Lin Yi.

King Yanluo had expected this a long time ago, and immediately greeted him with a punch. The fists and palms collided, and their bodies flew upside down at the same time. Although King Yanluo was at a disadvantage, it was already very good to be able to drive back the Devil Emperor of Greedy Wolf. up.

Mo Hao attacked tacitly, and a large group of poisonous insects surrounded the Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf. Compared with the attack just now, those poisonous insects seemed to be dozens of times more ferocious, and buried the Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf overwhelmingly.

The strength of the poisonous insects is getting stronger and stronger, but the number is really scary, plus they are immortal, even if it is a ninth-level peak god emperor, he will have a headache and want to die.

The Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf's strength was indeed not bad, but he hadn't reached that level, so after being trapped in the swarm of poisonous insects, no matter how frantically he killed them, he still couldn't finish killing those poisonous insects.

He tried to hit it a few times, but he still couldn't break through the encirclement.Mo Hao watched this scene with great interest, and said with a light smile: "These poisonous insects all come from the dark realm of chaos, and they are cultivated with split fruits, so they are immortal, infinitely split, so what if they are level nine god emperors and devil emperors?" ?”

Many god emperors and devil emperors present felt their scalps go numb. They had fought against those poisonous insects just now, so of course they knew how terrible poisonous insects are.Now the Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf is fighting so many poisonous insects alone, it's no wonder he won't die!

Pojun Devil Emperor's expression was very ugly, and he quickly said to Seven Kill Devil Emperor: "Qi Kill, hurry up and say something! After all, we all come from the Demon Realm, you can't just watch Brother Tanlang die like this !"

The Seven Killing Demon Emperor no longer had his signature smile on his face. He sighed and said, "What's the use of you looking for me? He is a treasure, but he is still so stingy. He is still under the eaves, but he still doesn't bow his head." , courting death, what can I do?"

The Pojun Devil Emperor gritted his teeth, and shouted at the Tanlang Devil Emperor: "Brother Tanlang, you just agree, can't you? Why lose your life for a piece of God Accumulation Stone!"

Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf is of course more aware of this truth. He thought he could kill Lin Yi, even if he couldn't kill Lin Yi, with his strength, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the siege of poisonous insects.

But he didn't expect that the story would not develop according to his script, and if it continued like this, he would definitely die!
He was ruthless, and shouted: "I will give you the Yunshen Stone! Can't I give it to you!"

"If you want to give it, you can give it three yuan. If you want one piece, don't take it out." Lin Yi said lightly, this trick is very good.

The Pojun Devil Emperor couldn't help but said: "Isn't it just a piece? Why did your Excellency..."

"Why, I don't want it with you, do you have any objections? He killed me just now, can't I be angry? Senior Yan's heart can be hurt, so is my heart made of Chaos Stone? Either give the Yunshen Stone, or Just hang up like this, he chooses himself!" There was no room for negotiation in Lin Yi's words, King Yan Luo couldn't help sighing, Lin Yi's kung fu in slaughtering people is better than him, not weaker!

"I'll give it! I'll give it now! Get me out quickly!" the Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf shouted.

This shout shocked many people. They all knew that the Devil Emperor of Greedy Wolf was rich and powerful, but they didn't expect that he really had such treasures as the God Accumulation Stone, and there were three pieces of it. This is simply unbelievable!

Lin Yi just yelled casually, but he didn't expect that guy to exist. He smiled faintly and said, "Then you throw the Yunshen Stone over first, and I will inspect the goods. Don't blame me for not believing you, you are playing tricks on me." It's a dirty trick, I can't help guarding against you."

Lin Yi acted as if it should be taken for granted. Devil Emperor Greedy Wolf was so angry that his chest hurt, but there was nothing he could do. Just as Devil Emperor Pojun said, how can a person not bow his head under the eaves?If you don't bow your head, you will die!
He quickly took out three boxes and threw them at Lin Yi. Even if it was the priceless treasure, no one would dare to grab it unless they were dying!
King Yanluo stretched out his hand, grabbed all three boxes, and opened them.

After just one glance, joy appeared on his face, and he said, "It's really a divine stone, and it's the top-quality one, which can restore the cultivation of a ninth-level god emperor."

Lin Yi looked at Tian Punishment and them, the excitement on the faces of the three of them was uncontrollable, all of them felt dry mouth and heavy breathing.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "In this case, let the three seniors absorb and recover immediately, otherwise, I will be so nervous when so many people stare at me. Sigh, vulnerable groups are easy to be bullied! "

(End of this chapter)

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