Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1275 I must figure it out

Chapter 1275 I must figure it out

Chisongzi looked earnest, but this look made Biyue's eyes turn red immediately.

"Focus on the overall situation? Going to Nima's overall situation is the most important thing!" Biyue suddenly roared, swearing and losing her nerves.

Lin Yi was taken aback, the speed at which this woman turned her face was too terrifying!Just now he looked like he was so moved that he wanted to cry, but now he suddenly went crazy and wanted to kill someone, Lin Yi suddenly found that his brain was not enough.

He was about to let Tai Yi take action, but the sound transmission of Heaven's Punishment came suddenly: "Boy Lin Yi, what's the matter with their husband and wife? You are not afraid of getting burned!"

Lin Yi was startled, and looked at Tian Punishment in disbelief. Chi Songzi and this woman are actually husband and wife?This amount of information is a bit big!
Before he could ask, Biyue's attack had already landed on Chisongzi, directly knocking Chisongzi into the air, slamming into a boulder hard, smashing the boulder into pieces.

Chi Songzi struggled to get up from the ground. Although the blow just now seemed strong, Biyue withdrew a lot of strength when he finally hit him.

However, under the condition that Chi Songzi did not hide or defend at all, this blow still seriously injured him.

Biyue looked at Chisongzi in astonishment, and murmured: "Why don't you hide? Why don't you guard? Are you crazy?"

Chi Songzi grinned and said, "Why should we guard against it? I owe you this, even if I pay it with my life, it won't be enough..."

Lin Yi couldn't stand it anymore, he didn't expect such a bloody love story to appear in front of him, which made him a little hard to accept.

However, the girls who suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi were so moved that they burst into tears. Lin Yi hadn't noticed that Solanum nigrum and the others also appeared at some time.

"It's so touching. I didn't expect that Senior Chisongzi is also a passionate seed. He would rather die in the hands of his beloved and repay his debt of love with this. This is too touching!" Bai Bingbing wiped his tears, and after a while Even the sleeves are wet.

Lu Xiaoyun and He Yueru were even more exaggerated. There were countless piles of wiped tissues next to the two of them, and it only took one minute, okay?Need to shed so many tears?

Lin Yi was thinking in his heart that with such rough acting skills, Chisongzi should not be able to impress Biyue. After all, this grand palace lord looks very awkward and has a terrible temper.

However, what happened soon shocked him again!
Biyue suddenly threw herself into Chisongzi's arms, and beat his chest while crying, cursing: "Bastard, big bastard! Why are you always so bad, you make me cry every time, I hate you to death! "

The slightly coquettish voice told Lin Yi that Chisongzi successfully saved Biyue's heart, eliminated the hatred in the other party's heart, and perfectly completed the happy ending.

What the hell is this!Could it be that Chisongzi, a seemingly honest old man, is actually the legendary love saint?
He tried his best to calm himself down, but suddenly found that most of the girls looked at him with burning eyes, making them feel hot all over.

He chuckled and said, "Well...wives, why are you looking at me like that? Could it be... did I make a mistake?"

"Hmph! Have you forgotten? Did you forget all about solving the problem you said before?" Bai Bingbing said viciously while clenching her fists.

"What? What, what?" Lin Yi really didn't know what Bai Bingbing was talking about, and was a little confused for a while.

Mei Ji winked at him, then pointed to her stomach, then to Wei Wei's stomach.

Lin Yi understood immediately, and said to Bai Bingbing with a smile: "Silly girl, you are really impatient. We have to solve that kind of thing at night. It's not good here."

Bai Bingbing's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, and she muttered: "I...why am I impatient? I...I won't tell you anymore!"

Bai Bingbing covered her face and ran away, Lin Yi rarely saw her like this, and smiled even more exaggeratedly.

His eyes glanced at Chi Songzi and the others inadvertently, the smile on his face immediately subsided, and then he looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Biyue, who originally looked like a little girl of six or seven years old, has now grown up and turned into a young girl who looks to be in her early twenties.

And Chisongzi's appearance has also undergone a huge change, and he has become young and handsome in conjunction with Biyue. Lin Yi suddenly discovered that Chisongzi, who had always considered himself the most handsome guy in the world, had now been upstaged by Chisongzi.

Tian Punishment immediately snorted angrily, and said: "This damn old red ghost, who clearly said to be an old man with us, now sees his wife, and immediately changes into that appearance, it's too bad! I look down on him !"

Baidi also took a sip, and said: "It's really shameless! At such an age, I will become like a little boy, I really can't stand it!"

Chi Songzi ignored them, while Biyue glanced at them and said coldly: "Do you have any complaints about us? If you have any complaints, you can mention them to me, and I will give you a chance."

The meaning of Biyue's words is obvious, she clearly wants to use force to solve it.

Tian Punishment and Bai Di blew on their beards, and turned their heads in displeasure, pretending not to hear her words.

Challenge her?Isn't this a joke?Together, the two of them probably deserved to be abused by Bi Yue.

They were also very puzzled in their hearts, what happened to make Biyue's cultivation improve so quickly, logically speaking, it only took 1 years, and it didn't improve so much after all!

Chi Songzi chuckled and said, "Yue'er, don't scare them so fiercely, they are relatively timid, and if they accidentally start something wrong, it's not good."

Biyue burst out laughing and said, "I see, Husband, I will pay attention."

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said, "Senior Chisongzi, and Palace Master Biyue, congratulations on your reunion. Now that your relationship has improved, should you let them rest first? There are so many people around We, I feel a little out of breath."

Biyue's mood obviously improved a lot. As soon as she heard Lin Yi's words, she immediately dispersed the masters surrounding Lin Yi, and then said with a face of shame: "I'm so sorry, I lost control of my emotions just now, how offended you are!" , please forgive me. Speaking of it, I should really thank you, you brought my husband back to me. To be honest, when I heard the news that Tianxing brought my husband, I really couldn’t believe it. Ears, fortunately, this is all true..."

When Biyue said this, tears filled her eyes again. Chisongzi immediately put her arms around her fragrant shoulders, and said softly: "It's all over, haven't I come back now? In fact, it's all my fault, I'm too indecisive, I take things for granted , I thought you would look down on me, so I didn't go to you..."

"Okay, don't blame yourself, I can understand you. By the way, husband, tell me about what happened back then. I didn't listen to what Tianxing said to me. I want to listen to you. What is it? Who made our husband and wife separate for so long, I must figure it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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