Chapter 1277

Chi Songzi dragged the tone on purpose, wanting to play a little humor.Sure enough, the effect he wanted was achieved, and those people in Yihong Court stared at Mo Hao with disbelief, which made Mo Hao feel a little embarrassed.

However, Mo Hao was still a little dissatisfied, he snorted softly, and said: "Boy Chi, when introducing Lao Tzu, just say that I am the ancient devil emperor Mo Hao, and there is no need to add the word 'clone'."

Mo Hao's tone was slightly complaining, Chi Songzi smiled apologetically, and said, "Sorry, sorry, I will pay attention next time, let's call it that first this time."

Bi Yue was the first to calm down. She looked at Mo Hao with a puzzled face, and said, "It's strange, isn't Mo Hao, the ancient demon emperor in legend, sealed by Patriarch Hongjun? Why did he appear here, and there is only one left?" Clone? By the way, since the clone is here, what about his body?"

"Nice little girl, all the questions you ask are right to the point, it's not easy! Little friend Lin Yi, would you like me to answer her questions?" Mo Hao's avatar smiled while restoring his pig-headed face. Said.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said, "What did you want to say just now? Tell me, what did you think of?"

"It's really boring, and you're still secretive, you kid is not frank at all, alas..."

"Did you not play well enough just now? Taiyi..."

"Okay, don't yell, don't yell, I said, can't I say it? In fact, Hongjun and I both studied the mosquito demon back then, and found that the mosquito demon did not belong to this primordial universe at all." Demon Hao said hastily, for fear that Lin Yi would let Tai Yi beat him again.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You mean, that mosquito demon came from another universe? Could it be related to the black hole in the middle of the Creation God Realm?"

"Hehe, you are half right. The mosquito demon definitely came from another universe, but it is not necessarily the black hole you mentioned. Because in our era, there was no such black hole, only some sporadic gaps, Creatures from other universes will get in. When the mosquito came in, it was very weak, escaped the detection of me and Hongjun, and gained great strength. Later, he even attacked the two of us and devoured us This is how you have an immortal body." Mo Hao said in a nutshell, Lin Yi listened, and suddenly understood what he meant.

His face darkened all of a sudden, and he said, "Mohao, what do you mean, the ultimate goal of the mosquito demon is to break the seal of this universe and let evils from other universes enter this universe?"

"Hahaha, the answer is correct, you are really smart! So, you may be facing not only the mosquito demon, but also many other evil things in the universe. How about it? Thinking about it, it feels very exciting, right?" Mo Hao said with a smile, although he was elated, the others couldn't laugh anymore.

"It seems that things are really more complicated than I imagined!" Chi Songzi sighed, with a hint of powerlessness in his tone.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Come on, okay? We've been prepared from the beginning? When I promised to avenge you, what did Chu Lingtian mean to us?"

The originally dejected Heaven Punishment also looked at Lin Yi, with a gleam in his eyes, and said, "That's right, how could we have the strength to fight against Chu Lingtian at that time? But now, Chu Lingtian can be beaten away by us, even if What is there to be afraid of if those evil spirit creatures really invaded?"

"That's right, we still have so many trump cards, there's no reason why we can't beat them! Hahaha, just thinking about it, my blood is boiling!" Baidi laughed loudly, staring straight at the punishment of heaven, so frightened that he immediately blinked. Far away, who knows if this guy has any weird hobbies.

Biyue nodded with a smile, and said, "Our Yihong Academy has also been preparing for many years, so of course we will not give up easily. However, Lin Yi, your strength is still too weak. With your strength, I am worried that you will delay me." hind legs."

"Really? That's really embarrassing. I'm different from you. I haven't cultivated for as long as a fraction of yours. However, I still have a lot of time, and I'm not in a hurry." Lin Yi said with a smile, his tone a bit Very interesting.

Bi Yue stretched out a hand, chuckled lightly, and said, "Then wish us a happy cooperation."

"Okay, nice to work with."

Lin Yi held her hand, and in an instant, Biyue's spirit power invaded his body, and this spirit attack was not polite.

At this time, Mo Hao in Lin Yi's Soul Realm suddenly exploded with power, forcefully pushing back Bi Yue's power.

Biyue looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and stammered, ", you, how could you..."

"Hehe, Grand Palace Master, why are you stuttering all of a sudden? As I said, my current strength is very average, so I can only use some heretics for the time being, and answer the few questions you just asked by the way. Hehe, keep it secret. , This is not a glorious thing for me." Lin Yi said with a smile, his words fell, his eyes fell on Chisongzi, and said: "Senior Chisongzi, do you stay or go with me? ? I definitely won't force it!"

Chi Songzi touched his chin, trying to stroke his beard, but found that the beard was gone.

"Of course I left with Lord Lin Yi. There are still many things that I need to help you deal with." Chi Songzi smiled and walked to Lin Yi's side in a few steps.

Biyue reacted immediately, quickly grabbed Chisongzi's arm, and said nervously: "Husband, are you going to leave me again? This time I can't let you disappear from my side again!"

Chi Songzi smiled wryly, and said, "Yue'er, I'm not going to die, so I don't need to be so nervous, right? Besides, Yihong Academy still needs you to take charge of the overall situation. It's better for us to be busy with our own affairs. Don't you want the dust to settle sooner?" Sure, we can live a stable life as soon as possible?"

Biyue's expression was a bit tangled, and after a long while, she sighed softly, let go of Chisongzi's arm, handed him a jade talisman, and said, "Then be careful, crush this thing when you are in danger. The jade talisman contains my spirit avatar with [-]% of its power. With it, I can delay for a while, and I will take advantage of that time to save you. You must not die again, otherwise, I will never live alone!"

Chi Songzi took the jade talisman, smiled, and said: "Silly girl, you know me, I am very good at escaping. The last time was just an accident. From now on, I will not die!"

Tian Xun and Bai Di watched from the sidelines, their hearts ached. The Chisongzi were obviously torturing dogs, and two at a time, the kind that would kill them!

(End of this chapter)

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