Chapter 1281
Bi Yue looked like a big sister of the underworld, clearly expressing her intention to cover Lin Yi.

With her strength and the powerful influence of Yihongyuan, of course there is no need to be afraid of the Valley of Divine Medicine.

Now her husband is still working under Lin Yi, so of course she wants to have a good relationship with Lin Yi.

Yao Zhuang was already terrified to death, but now that Biyue was uttering harsh words, no matter how courageous he was, he would not dare to go against Biyue!
Lin Yi shook his head lightly, and said: "Thank you, Grand Palace Master, for your righteous words. How can you kill such a young man yourself? I have already said just now, let him die in peace, and now it is almost time to do it."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth. When his eyes fell on Yao Zhuang, Yao Zhuang seemed to feel that his body was falling into an endless abyss, and he was still falling continuously, as if he would never reach the bottom.

"You can't kill me, you can't..." Before Yaozhuang could finish speaking, he suddenly found his body floating uncontrollably, and then, an invisible hand could pinch his neck, causing him to roll his eyes. After kicking his legs a few times, he died.

The strength of Yaozhuang is not bad, about the fourth or fifth level of the Emperor Realm.However, his cultivation base is measured by this era, so in Lin Yi's eyes, he is simply a scumbag.

Those Shenyao Valley disciples stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes. They couldn't believe that the third elder, who had always been extremely domineering in their hearts, was strangled to death in such a simple way, and there was no room for resistance at all.

They knew that this young man was very strong, but they didn't expect that Lin Yi was so strong!
Even the Third Elder was wiped out, how could they dare to have any thoughts of resistance.

Lin Yi threw the body of Yaozhuang to the people of Shenyao Valley, and said indifferently: "I, Lin Yi, always have clear grievances and grievances in my work. I am very grateful to you for helping each other. I can give ten times the reward! But , Rubbish like this, beasts without medical ethics, I will kill one when I see one, and kill one when I see two! You can go back after receiving the reward, and bring my words to you, the owner of the valley. Remember to speak vividly, adding oil and vinegar. It doesn't matter, if you want revenge, come to me!"

Lin Yi waved his hand, and those disciples of Shenyao Valley left in a hurry, how dare they ask for any reward?
God Emperor Zixiao walked up to Lin Yi, frowned and said, "Master Lin Yi, is this too much? After all, Shenyao Valley is also a big force, and its status has always been high. It seems unwise to offend them."

The cultivation base of Emperor Zixiao has also been raised to the ninth level of the emperor's realm. If the water is squeezed out, it is almost equivalent to the second level of the emperor's realm.After her cultivation base improved, her loyalty to Lin Yi increased significantly, which was a kind of respect from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Accordingly, it is really unwise to offend a possible ally, but I am also a medical practitioner. Although it is only a part-time job, I can't put any sand in my eyes. If it exists as a holy place, it should look like a holy place. They are reluctant to remove the dross, so I will help them remove it."

"But if you do this, isn't it a little meddling?" Bi Yue asked in bewilderment.

Lin Yi shook his head lightly, and said, "Grand Palace Master, it seems that Senior Chisongzi didn't tell you everything about me. Speaking of which, I'm also considered half a person from the Valley of Magical Medicine. It was passed on by people from Shenyao Valley. What you saw just now is Shenyao Valley’s most precious Destiny Needle. You must know this thing. Hehe, anyway, I always want to contact Shenyaogu, so it’s better to take the initiative to find it. Let them come to the door by themselves. Don't talk about it, I'll go and see how they are recovering, and it should be almost the same now."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, his figure disappeared in front of everyone and came to the Kunlun Mirror.

Heaven's Punishment and the others also entered it, and of course they are very concerned about the affairs of the Demon Realm.

After entering the Kunlun Mirror, Lin Yi saw the people who were cultivating cross-legged. They were cultivating very desperately. It seemed that this failure greatly stimulated them.

Seeing Lin Yi approaching, King Yanluo and Devil Emperor Qisha stopped their cultivation, stood up one by one, stood aside, bowed their heads in shame,

"Lord Lin Yi, I'm sorry, we failed this time, please punish us!" King Yan Luo looked very ugly, waiting for Lin Yi's punishment.

Lin Yi glanced at them, sighed softly, and said: "The thing has already happened, what's the use of punishment? Besides, you are not wrong, it was me who was wrong, I underestimated the strength of the enemy too much."

"Lord Lin Yi, we are not defeated yet! Let's gather our troops and fight back, tearing those beasts to pieces!" The Seven Killed Devil Emperor roared, very emotional.

His Palace of Seven Kills was almost wiped out in this battle, it was his painstaking effort for tens of thousands of years!If this hatred is not avenged, he will not rest in peace even if he dies!
Lin Yi glanced at him, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Hmph, losing isn't terrible. What's terrible is that you can't recognize the facts, and you don't even know how much you weigh! Seven kills, how long do you want to maintain this arrogant posture? Do you think those enemies are pigs and dogs? You can't kill casually? Haven't you ever thought about why you can come back? Why are the real masters I sent missing? Why did your poison only attack after you came back? If you can't figure out these three problems, you can just hit the wall and commit suicide !" Lin Yi yelled, Qi Sha turned pale with fright.

Qisha thought carefully about the three questions Lin Yi said, and soon he understood Lin Yi's meaning, and a trace of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

King Yanluo smiled bitterly, and said: "It really is like this! We can come back because the enemy deliberately indulged us and deliberately tricked us. They want to disown Lord Lin Yi and use our poison to test Lord Lin Yi's strength. What a good way. , Poor us thought we were lucky, it's ridiculous!"

"Boss Lin, we also tried our best! You don't know how strong those Shura puppets are, our people can't compete at all, and..."

"Shut up! You can't stop, you brat! Did I tell you to talk? If you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose. How can there be so much nonsense! Listen to Master Lin Yi quietly. With Master Lin Yi around, we must We can win this round!" Yan Luo Wang severely reprimanded Yan Shao, Yan Shao was too frightened to speak, his expression was still somewhat dissatisfied.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said: "Win or lose is a foregone conclusion. I will definitely not blame you. Instead of blaming this or that, it is better to find a way to solve the problem. Now that the enemy has issued a challenge to us, how can we survive if we don't accept it? Oh, by the way, I have a very important question to ask you, do you know how you were poisoned?"

(End of this chapter)

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