Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1291 I Can Knock Him Out

Chapter 1291 I Can Knock Him Out

What Xiao Shumiao said made Lin Yi's eyes brighten. Of course he knew what Xiao Shumiao meant. Who else could that super-artifact spirit be, if it wasn't the Fortune Gold Plate?
"You can restore the spirit of the Tianyun Jinpan? Isn't it very laborious? If it hurts you, then forget it." Lin Yi's tone was very frank. To him, the Tianyun Jinpan and the little tree seedling were both It's very important, he can't hurt the little tree seedling for the fortune gold plate.

The little tree seedling shook his head with a smile, and said, "My lord, you are worrying too much. I'm not very fragile. What I mean is that I have the ability to heal him now, and it doesn't cost too much."

"So awesome? Then help me cure him, he has been pretending to be dead for a long time." Lin Yi quickly released the artifact spirit of Tianyun Jinpan from his dantian. This guy has been nestling there and recovering slowly. Lin Yi Really nothing.

He will soon go head-to-head with the Mosquito Demon, and with the help of Tianyun Jinpan, the odds of winning are obviously much greater.

The little tree seedling looked at the Tianyun Jinpan Qiling lying on the ground, and smiled: "Fortunately, it has recovered to [-]% to [-]%. If I make a move, it should be able to recover soon."

While the little tree seedling was speaking, he stretched out his finger, and countless vines appeared on the ground.Those tree vines entangled the Tianyun gold plate, and tied him into a rice dumpling in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi looked at this scene with some doubts, and said, "Little Shumiao, what are you doing? Can you cure him by doing this?"

"My lord, don't worry, this is a necessary step. First tie this guy up, and then inject the black and yellow air into his body through the vines, so that he can be cured." The little tree seedling smiled and said, A look full of confidence.

Lin Yi became even more puzzled when he heard this, and said, "Then why don't we just throw him into the Xuanhuang Qi? Isn't it very troublesome to tie him up?"

"Eh...Master Lin Yi, you will soon know why." The little tree seedling injected the mysterious yellow energy into the Tianyun Jinpan, and at this moment, the Tianyun Jinpan opened his eyes flexibly, and the whole body, including the tree vines, Stand up together.

"Mysterious and yellow qi! There is mysterious and yellow qi, I am not dreaming! I want to eat, I want to eat all the mysterious and yellow qi! Don't tie me down, I will eat like this until the year of the monkey!" Tianyun Jinpan Suddenly he became crazy, desperately trying to break free from the vines.

Seeing Lin Yi's bewildered look, the little tree seedling gave a wry smile and said, "Lord Lin Yi, you don't know that the mysterious and yellow energy is too tempting for these weapon spirits, that's why the God's Hammer of Punishment spirit last time Then desperately devouring the mysterious yellow energy. If this guy is released, I am afraid that it will not take long for him to eat half of the mysterious yellow energy here. It is obvious that one percent of the mysterious yellow energy can cure him. Why let him eat half of it?"

Lin Yi suddenly realized, and immediately gave the little tree a thumbs up, saying: "You did a good job! Do you need my help? I can knock him out."

The little tree seedling smiled and said: "No need, don't worry, my strength is enough to suppress him, if he is not good, I can give him some punishment."

While the little tree seedling was speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a bolt of thunder struck the spirit of the golden plate of heavenly luck.

The Heavenly Luck Jinpanqi Spirit immediately screamed, and was shocked into black as ink. This power was stronger than Lin Yi's Heaven's Punishment.

"Hey, with the ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven, it is of course very easy to deal with a small weapon spirit! My lord, go do your own thing, and leave these small things to me!" The little tree seedling said with a smile, looking She looks like she likes the feeling of this kind of electric person.

Lin Yi would not be reluctant to suffer for Tianyun Jinpan, so it would be nice to let him suffer a little bit.

He quickly returned to the Kunlun Mirror, and as soon as he appeared, he received a voice transmission from Taiyi, saying that they had already arrived in the Demon Realm!

After a long time outside, half a month has passed in the Kunlun mirror. In the past half month, except for Lin Yi and Bi Yue, everyone's cultivation has improved significantly.

Under the simultaneous effect of Qiankun Holy Spirit Jue and Tianshengsheng Pill, two cheating tools for cultivation, even a pig can easily cultivate to the Emperor Realm!

Xing Caiyuan was the first to run over. Seeing that Lin Yi was alone, she immediately frowned, grabbed his ear, and said, "Smelly boy, my mother asked you to take care of the child, where are you taking the child?" Did you go? Did you leave those two boys aside and go to the wind and snow and moon by yourself?"

Lin Yi burst into tears in pain, and shouted: "Mom, take it easy, you don't need to be so cruel, I just took them to an interesting place to play, they had a great time, and also Playing there, I just came back first. As for Fenghuaxueyue, mom, I am in the Kunlun mirror now, where should Fenghuaxueyue go?"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Xing Caiyuan felt that there was some truth in it, so she let go of her hand and said, "Your ability is so great, and Jinwu Zangjiao is also very easy. I have to advise you, it is the best period of time." Don't be a womanizer and make your wives angry. Pregnant women, getting angry will hurt their children."

Xing Caiyuan looked very nervous, Lin Yi said, "I know, I will definitely not mess with them... No, what are you talking about? Pregnant women can't be angry, you mean they all... ..."

"They are all pregnant, don't you know? Why do you only know how to play, you don't even know that your wife is pregnant? You are playing to death, you!" Xing Caiyuan was so angry that her head was smoking. Hateful!
Lin Yi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he just changed Bai Bingbing and the others' physiques, and they got pregnant smoothly. In other words, he will soon have a football team!
However, if this is the case, he really has some headaches.Now he is going to such a dangerous place, bringing a group of pregnant wives, it is too dangerous!

"Mom, why don't you take them..."

"No, don't try to get rid of us! Our family is here, we must live together, we must die together!" A loud shout came from not far away, and then Lin Yi saw Bai Bingbing with a big belly He walked over, followed by a dozen other wives with slightly protruding bellies.

Of course, Weiwei has been pregnant for the longest time, and her belly is slightly bigger, but what is extremely frightening is, why is Bai Bingbing's belly bigger than Weiwei's?This is absolutely unscientific!
Heaven's Punishment and the others just arrived, and they were shocked when they saw so many pregnant women. They didn't expect that Lin Yi's ability to sow seeds would be so strong, and they would have a bumper harvest year!

Biyue's mouth opened into an "O" shape, and she hurried over to touch their stomachs, saying, "Is this pregnancy? Pregnancy belly will really get bigger. This is the first time I've seen it!"

Lin Yi was speechless for a while, but it was normal to think about it. This woman is not only practicing but also practicing. In terms of sexual knowledge, she is still at the level of getting pregnant by kissing.

When she touched Bai Bingbing's stomach, Bai Bingbing suddenly dodged with all her might, Biyue's eyes were quick, she stretched out her hand to grab it, and actually grabbed a white thing from Bai Bingbing's clothes, it was a pillow!
(End of this chapter)

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