Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1295 Release My Body

Chapter 1295 Release My Body

Mo Hao suddenly interrupted the words of Heaven's Punishment, and he was visibly speechless for a long time.

The eyes of everyone looked over immediately, and everyone's eyes were very strange.

Tai Yi snorted coldly, and said: "I knew it was related to you, you have never done good deeds! Master Lin Yi, let me kill him, seeing him every day makes me almost bored to death!"

Lin Yi's complexion was also very ugly. He snorted coldly and said: "This guy is really hateful, I wish I could kill him with my own hands! However, whether we can leave here now depends on him. Let's take a look at his body for now. Performance, if the performance is poor, then destroy him."

Lin Yi directly announced the death sentence to Mo Hao, of course, it was only a reprieve.

Lin Yi's eyes fell on Mo Hao again, but Mo Hao looked bitter, and said, "Don't look at me, when I created this space, it was only as big as a room. Unexpectedly, after After so many years, it has become so big! If I guessed correctly, someone must have stolen my research results and cultivated this world."

Lin Yi shook his head lightly, glanced at Tai Yi, and said, "Go ahead, the old rules, just keep your breath."

"Wait!" Mo Hao suddenly shouted, it was a roar from the soul.

Lin Yi's gaze fell on him, and he said, "Why, what else do you want to say? Could it be that you have a way to leave this ghostly place?"

"Hahahaha..." Mo Hao laughed a few times, and then said bitterly: "Not yet, but after I finish researching, maybe there will be a solution, you have to give me some confidence!"

Lin Yi glanced at him, seeing his pitiful appearance, Lin Yi decided to give him a chance.

Chisongzi and the others are obviously much more pessimistic. The name of Hell is there, and those rumors give them a headache when they think about them.

"Then you start, let you try first, don't say I won't give you a chance." Lin Yi said with a smile, his consciousness has entered his universe, and he must find that guy when encountering such a thing.

Mo Hao took a deep breath, and his mind was completely immersed in the endless hell. Since this space was created by him, he did not believe that there was no way to break it.

His consciousness continued to expand, and he kept searching. After searching for almost an hour, he collapsed on the ground and shouted: "Don't play, don't play, this is simply perverted! Who is idle? It hurts to grow the experimental product discarded by Lao Tzu to such a large size. Lin Yi... my lord, if you release my main body, I think, with my complete strength, I will be able to solve this small problem."

Lin Yi seemed silly?He looked at him like that, and then couldn't help laughing: "Mo Hao, do you think others are stupid? Maybe you are the biggest stupid? Not to mention whether I can let you out, even if I can, I will definitely not let you out." I won’t let you go! If I let you out, can I still live?”

Mo Hao quickly waved his hands and shook his head and said, "Little Lin Yi, it's already this time, don't you feel bored if you are still entangled with this and that? Hurry up, this is the only way, if you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Before Mo Hao finished speaking, a soft hum suddenly came from Lin Yi's body, and the figure of Tianyun Jinpan quietly appeared.

"It's so ridiculous that someone actually said the only way in front of me. Do you take my fortune gold plate seriously?"

The way Tianyun Jinpan appeared this time is obviously very popular, even it itself thinks it is a fortress.

Mo Hao stared at the Tianyun Jinpan in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible? Didn't you get seriously injured last time? How did you recover so quickly?"

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "You don't know about my treatment for him? Your soul is in my body, how could you not know?"

"You mean when you entered your universe? You don't know it yet, after the prototype of your universe is completed, my soul power will be automatically separated in your universe, unless you take the initiative to let me know. Alas , How could I have imagined that after so many years, I saw someone complete the prototype of the universe again, you are really surprising!" Mo Hao couldn't help sighing, but Lin Yi looked at it indifferently. Looking at him, neither sad nor happy.

"It's almost okay? No matter how much you flatter me, it won't change anything. You actually want to fool me into letting you go. It seems that the beatings before so many times are too light." Lin Yi sneered. Tacitly rushed over, and soon, there was a continuous burst of miserable cries.

Tianyun Jinpan danced with excitement, cheering for Taiyi and the others.

Lin Yi's gaze fell on him, and he said in a deep voice, "You've seen enough of the theater, it's almost time to show your strength."

"Okay! My lord, I'll use the art of Tianyan to see how to solve it!" Tianyun Jinpan said excitedly. In his opinion, this kind of thing is extremely easy.

However, when he really performed the art of heavenly evolution, his face gradually became very exciting, and then a burst of laughter came from the mouth of Mo Hao who was being beaten.

"Hahaha, stupid? Isn't it? It's the Golden Plate of Fortune! Is it impossible to do anything? This is an independent space, completely independent of the original space of the universe. In this kind of place, what else can you calculate? It's really ridiculous, hahaha..." Mo Hao laughed loudly while being beaten, it seemed that he had already seen through this point.

Tianyun Jinpan's face was very troubled, just now he was pretending to be so aggressive, but now, the slap in the face is so painful!

"Lord Lin Yi, yes... I'm sorry, I didn't expect... to be like this, why don't you let them beat me too." Tianyun Jinpan said pitifully, the current atmosphere is too oppressive, he even feels Seeing a faint murderous look surrounding him, that feeling was too uncomfortable.

Lin Yi's face was always gloomy. When he heard Tianyun Jinpan's words, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "Interesting, this mosquito demon is more interesting than I imagined. Much more."

While speaking, his eyes fell on Tai Yi, and with just one look, Tai Yi stopped beating.

Mo Hao tidied up his disturbed clothes, ignored his bruised nose and swollen eyes, smiled, and said, "Why, little friend Lin Yi, you have already figured out that you want to let go of my spirit? It's okay, although you This decision was made relatively late, but my lord has a lot, and I have forgiven your rudeness just now. Hurry up, this emperor can't wait to meet that mosquito demon!"

Mo Hao looked eager to try, but Lin Yi looked at him calmly, as if looking at a fool.

"Mo Hao, this should be the universe you tried to create before, right? Can you tell me, where is the fake ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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