Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1297: Art of Blood Soul Health Preservation

Chapter 1297: Art of Blood Soul Health Preservation

When the mosquito demon was in a panic, Lin Yi was calmly letting the ancient tree of the heavenly way absorb the dark and yellow energy of the endless hell.

I have to say that the monster Mosquito is quite good at hiding things. If it weren't for the ancient tree of the heavenly way, it would have been too difficult to draw out the dark and yellow aura.

Not long after, countless cracks suddenly appeared in the sky. After a loud noise, the space shattered, and Lin Yi saw a big tree that was very similar to the ancient tree of heaven.

However, this tree is very different from his ancient tree of Heaven's Dao. Near the middle and down, it turned out to be a piece of crimson red, as if it was stained with blood.

The trunk of this big tree is even more shocking. At first glance, there are faces of terrified people, so densely packed that it is impossible to count them.

Mo Hao's face suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "This is the art of blood soul health preservation, there should be no one who can use this kind of evil art except for that mosquito demon!"

"What is the art of blood soul health preservation?" Lin Yi asked coldly.

"The art of blood soul health preservation, as the name suggests, is blood and soul. Use endless blood and soul to nourish the already dead ancient tree of heaven, so that the ancient tree of heaven can borrow the vitality of others and survive. But this method is extremely Cruelty, generally uses the living soul of a person, that is, sucks the blood of the whole body and extracts the soul as nourishment, even people from the Demon Realm, few people dare to do this, it is too hurtful!" Chi Songzi sighed In one breath, a look of pity appeared on his face.

He was a kind person in the first place, so he couldn't bear to watch such a tragic scene.

Lin Yi frowned, looking at the densely packed faces, he couldn't count them at all.

Even if he didn't know about the art of blood soul health preservation, just the onset of intensive phobia would make him half-dead from nausea.

He glanced at Mo Hao, and the latter's face was also very ugly, and he seemed to be very unhappy.

Lin Yi asked suspiciously: "Mo Hao, your methods have always been very cruel. Why, you can't stand this scene?"

Hearing this, Mo Hao gave Lin Yi a blank look, and said: "You really look down on people when you say that, yes, I really don't blink when I kill people. If everyone here adds up, it is estimated that the number of people killed is [-]." Not as many as me. But the people I killed were all those who fought with me, and I can’t do this kind of thing like using innocent ordinary people as nourishment to plant trees.”

"Besides, I'm very upset now! That tree used to be cute, but it was transformed into this ghostly appearance. I feel disgusted when I see it! Lin Yi, can you help me and get rid of that guy quickly? I really can't stand it anymore!" Mo Hao said here, making a posture of wanting to vomit, and the expressions of other people present were similar, and the tree really became more and more disgusting the more he looked at it.

However, how to destroy this tree is a problem. Although this tree has become so disgusting, it is also an ancient tree of the way of heaven. How should the ancient tree of the way of heaven be destroyed?
Just when he was wondering, all the faces on that disgusting tree opened their eyes at the same time, and then opened their mouths to roar, that shrill sound was definitely the most terrifying noise.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more horrifying. Without a doubt, the tree became furious. It sensed a crisis and wanted to resist!

Lin Yi snorted coldly, his eyes flickered fiercely, and shouted: "This kind of harmful thing should not exist in this world, let's take action together and destroy it!"

As Lin Yi spoke, he immediately took a picture of the seal of the sky. With his current cultivation base, using the seal of the sky with all his strength is enough to raise his cultivation base to the ninth level of the real emperor realm.

Coupled with the support of Mo Hao's spiritual power, his cultivation has reached an unprecedented peak.

Everyone understood immediately, and one by one released the most powerful force, the most exaggerated punishment of God, and directly threw the hammer of punishment, the huge hammer that flew out was extremely destructive!
In fact, the weapon spirit of God's Hammer of Retaliation was already cursing, that big tree is so disgusting, it really doesn't want to smash it!
Each of these attacks is very powerful, and even one blow can destroy several worlds. Lin Yi doesn't believe that the combination of so many attacks can't destroy that monster tree!
Just when the attack fell on the tree, suddenly, a cloud of black light erupted from the tree, blocking all the attacks.

Behind the black light, dense black shadows suddenly appeared. Judging by the number, there were at least one hundred thousand or more.

Lin Yi took a closer look and saw huge mosquitoes that were more than ten meters high. Each of them exuded the strength of the Emperor Realm. Although most of them were only three or four levels of the Emperor Realm, it was still the calculation method of this era, but the number was really high. It was terrifying enough to shock Lin Yi.

It was the bursting power of those [-] giant mosquitoes that blocked all the attacks of Lin Yi and the others.All the attacks were shattered upon hearing an earth-shattering roar.

Lin Yi and the others were safe and sound, but more than a dozen of those mosquitoes died. It seemed that Lin Yi and the others had the upper hand, but the situation was not good.

Lin Yi and the others used big moves, so big moves can only kill a dozen mosquitoes, so what kind of tricks should be used to kill the remaining mosquitoes?

Just when he was troubled, Lin Yi suddenly found that Tian Punishment's breathing became much faster, his old face flushed red, and his body exploded with murderous aura.

Lin Yi followed his gaze, only to see a handsome man floating out from the crowd of mosquitoes. The reason why God's Punishment lost its composure was probably because of that handsome man.

"Hehe, the Three Divine Seals of Heaven's Punishment are really not easy. To be able to use the seal of Heaven to such an extent, I guess Master Tianpu could not do it, right? Master Tianpu, how are you doing these years? Remember the apprentice Right?" The handsome man was Luo Qiuhan, and he was looking at Lin Yi and the others with a smile on his face, as if he was sure of winning.

"Traitor! You bloody traitor! Thanks to me, I thought you were innocent and raised you as my own son, yet you did such a thing to me! I...I smashed you to death with a hammer!" God Punishment yelled and couldn't help but rushed towards Luo Qiuhan.

Lin Yi grabbed him and said in a cold voice: "God punishes the old man, don't be impulsive. If you rush over now, you are just dying."

"Hahaha, that's right, Master Heaven's Punishment, if you rush over now, you will die a second time! I have already liberated you once, don't let me free you again, in that case, I will be very angry I'm sorry." Luo Qiuhan said with a smile, as if he was not good at giving up if he was not angry.

Lin Yi's face immediately turned cold, this guy was too arrogant, he clearly ignored his own existence, God couldn't swallow this tone, let alone him!
He winked at Tai Yi and asked him to test Luo Qiuhan's details.

Taiyi understood immediately, and his figure disappeared mysteriously. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Luo Qiuhan, and slapped his head with his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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