Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1301 IQ has become lower

Chapter 1301 IQ has become lower

Chi Songzi's eyes were extremely sharp, and those eyes seemed to see through Luo Qiuhan.

Luo Qiuhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Senior Chidi, the relationship between my master and you was the best back then, and it's normal for you to resent me for what I did before. However, please don't disturb me because of it." My own judgment, I think, you are a smart person, you should know that what I said just now is not lying."

"Hehe, your generous statement just now is indeed very convincing, and I have no reason to refute you. However, the capricious and villainous attitude is so obvious in you, it is impossible for me to believe anything you said. Talk!" Chi Songzi said bluntly, without concealing his dislike for Luo Qiuhan in his words.

Luo Qiuhan didn't argue, but chuckled and said, "Since you insist on saying that, Senior Chidi, then I can't help it. Anyway, all I know is that I'm doing this for the sake of the world. Do you believe it or not? I don't care. Of course, I still care about what Junior Brother Lin Yi thinks. If he doesn't believe me, there is nothing I can do. Moreover, I want to remind Junior Brother Lin Yi that this is a deformed universe, and the mysterious and yellow air is very harmful to the universe. It’s not necessary here, even if you suck up the dark and yellow energy here, you won’t be able to leave smoothly.”

Lin Yi quietly listened to his explanation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Senior Brother Luo's words make sense, how could I not believe it..."

"Master Lin Yi, why do you..."

"Hey? Senior Chisongzi, I must have my sense of propriety in doing things, don't worry, I will not do stupid things." Lin Yi interrupted Chisongzi and said with a smile.

Chi Songzi wanted to say something, but Biyue grabbed her.

Biyue shook her head at him, gestured with her eyes, telling him not to speak.

Chi Songzi sighed softly, and secretly sent a voice transmission to the other people present, making them all vigilant.

A satisfied smile appeared on Luo Qiuhan's face, and he said, "Junior Brother Lin is still refreshing, I like you the most, a man with his own opinions."

"Ahem, brother Luo, be careful with your words, my orientation is normal, don't scare me." Lin Yi coughed lightly, showing a nervous look,

Luo Qiuhan was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing, and said, "Junior Brother Lin, you are so humorous. Since you decided to cooperate with me, come here quickly. Don't worry, this tree has been suppressed by me now, and it is impossible Can't move."

Lin Yi nodded, and in a flash, he appeared beside Luo Qiuhan without any hesitation.

He looked at Luo Qiuhan with a smile, and said, "Senior Brother Luo, all of us are here, what do I need to do?"

Luo Qiuhan was taken aback by Lin Yi's speed. He didn't expect that Lin Yi would be so decisive and trust him so much.

At this time, the scream of the mosquito demon came again: "Qiu Han, catch this kid quickly, I will not blame you for what you did before, and I will pass on the last chapter of the Blood Soul Dafa to you! You should Know what it means! Don't make the same mistake again!"

"Hahaha, make the same mistake again and again? Mosquito demon, are you out of your mind? What I said just now is clear, are you sure you are not stupid?? Junior brother Lin Yi, hurry up and destroy this strange tree Afterwards, I will help you find that mosquito monster. I have investigated all its weaknesses, and as long as we cooperate, we will be able to kill him!" Luo Qiuhan looked radiant, while Lin Yi nodded, agree.

Just like that, Lin Yi stretched out his hand and pressed on Luo Qiuhan's body. According to Luo Qiuhan's statement, it was enough for him to act as a medium to pass the mysterious and yellow energy over.

However, when Lin Yi's hands touched Luo Qiuhan's body, they penetrated directly into his body, as if pressed into a swamp.

Luo Qiuhan had a wicked smile on his lips, and said, "Junior Lin Yi, you are so innocent, I was a little surprised that you could be fooled so easily."

Lin Yi's face suddenly turned cold, and he said, "What do you mean? Didn't you betray that mosquito demon?"

"Hahaha, little guy, how is your acting skills? Have you been fooled? I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be mentally handicapped. You can't even see through such a simple trick." The mosquito monster laughed loudly. Came, a triumphant look.

Soon, a black mosquito suddenly let out a scream, and then exploded into a cloud of blood.After the blood mist condensed, it turned into Luo Qiuhan's appearance.

And Lin Yi was continuously eroded by a layer of blood light, wrapping his body.

When Chisongzi and the others saw this, their expressions changed drastically, and they rushed to the rescue one after another.

At this time, the strange tree suddenly let out a stern roar, and countless vines burst out from the strange tree, attacking each of them, and then blocked everyone.

Lin Yi looked at the vines in disbelief. He didn't expect that the strange tree had such a powerful attack power. It seemed that he really made a mistake in his judgment.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Lin Yi, soon you will be devoured by my blood soul devouring Dafa. As long as I devour you, I can control your ancient tree of heaven. In order to achieve this goal, I used a bitter trick. It's really painful to be destroyed, I thought I was really dead!" Luo Qiuhan laughed loudly, watching the blood light gradually engulfing Lin Yi very proudly, this feeling is really wonderful.

As for Chisongzi and the others, they were blocked by countless trees and vines, and they couldn't intervene in a short period of time. Judging from this situation, Lin Yi was really dead.

However, Luo Qiuhan's expression soon became stiff, because Lin Yi's body was gradually changing, turning into a piece of wood in the shape of a human.

And beside Lin Yi's ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven, a figure slowly emerged, who else could it be if it wasn't Lin Yi?
Lin Yi looked at Luo Qiuhan from a long distance, and said with a smile: "Senior brother Luo, what are you doing? Didn't you say that you were hiding beside the mosquito demon? Why did you suddenly attack me again? Do you know that you are so stupid? It would make me sad to do it!"

Chisongzi and the others reacted immediately, quickly distanced themselves from the vines, and flew to Lin Yi.

Chi Songzi looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and said, "Master Lin Yi, what's going on? I don't understand at all."

"Hey, my husband, I can see it this time! In fact, when Lin Yi put the punishment of heaven into the Kunlun mirror, he had already put his real body in it, and what was left was only a clone. Lord Lin Yi didn't know that at all. Stupid, of course he knows that Luo Qiuhan is not a good guy." Bi Yue said with a smile, with a sense of accomplishment.

Luo Qiuhan stared at Lin Yi viciously, and said, "Why do you think I will deal with you? What's wrong with me?"

"Hmph! You bastard, you've been showing your feet from the very beginning, and you're still asking questions here. It seems that you, who were made into a demon slave by the mosquito demon, have also lowered your IQ!"

(End of this chapter)

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