Chapter 1327
Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, what's going on?The wives are giving birth?He remembered that they were pregnant not long ago!
"That...Mom, is this speed a little faster? I haven't realized it yet..." Lin Yi rubbed his head, looking confused.

Xing Caiyuan gave him another slap unceremoniously, and said: "Response you are a big-headed ghost! Have you forgotten that you are not from Earth at all, and the flow of space here is much faster than outside. This has been going on for several months, and in a place where the aura is extremely abundant, it would be strange if a child cannot be born in a few months!"

Xing Caiyuan had already dragged Lin Yi to a villa when she said this. Everyone in the villa was busy, but it was in order and there was no panic.

It was only then that Lin Yi knew that Xing Caiyuan hadn't fooled him. He didn't even think about it, and immediately locked his wives with the power of his soul, and then separated into twelve clones.

Each clone rushed to a room, and in those rooms, his wives were struggling to give birth.

Although their cultivation bases are very strong, things like having a baby have nothing to do with strength at all.

The pain of "tearing" from the inside is extremely painful even for them.

And what Lin Yi has to do is to take care of him without prejudice, otherwise he will die a miserable death.

Bai Bingbing was busy there, and after seeing Lin Yi, she felt very complicated.All the girls were giving birth, and she was the only one sitting there alone. This feeling, the more she thought about it, the more it drove her crazy.

She secretly swore that after they finished giving birth, they would definitely arrest Lin Yi and rape that bastard.Otherwise, she would be the only hen that doesn't lay eggs, which would be too uncomfortable!

Thinking of this, she was shocked. As a highly educated woman, she had always advocated monogamy, and she was even afraid of pain, so she didn't dare to think about having children.

Now, not only does she accept polygamy calmly, but she also looks forward to having a child for Lin Yi, and even wants to have more. This feeling is incredible to her!

Seeing the change in Bai Bingbing's expression, Xing Caiyuan patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "Bingbing, don't be so anxious. Sometimes things like having a baby depend on chance. You can't rush it. Don't you You know, right now I'm really conflicted, I'm really happy to have so many grandchildren all of a sudden, but if they're all like that kid Carrot, then my head will be big."

"Ahem, grandma, you said bad things about me behind your back, did you think I didn't know? I've been watching here!" Lin Luobo and Lin Tudou appeared behind Xing Caiyuan at some point, and they said strangely.

Bang bang bang!
Lin Luobo was hit on the head three times, and he immediately covered his head in pain.

"What are you doing! Mother Bingbing, what do you want to do! This is a head, not a watermelon, it will break!" Lin Luobo said angrily.

"Hmph, little hairy kid, what are you looking at hiding here? Hurry up and play with your mud!" Bai Bingbing said angrily, venting her dissatisfaction a little.

While rubbing her head, Lin Luobo muttered to herself: "Really, everyone is having children, but you are the only one who doesn't. Hmph, it must be because you have a bad temper."

Of course Bai Bingbing could hear what he said, her eyes widened, and what followed was a tragic chase.Xing Caiyuan couldn't help smiling wryly, these girls are really young and full of vitality, standing with Bai Bingbing, she felt that she was getting old.

Not long after, there were bursts of cries from babies, and Xing Caiyuan's eyes turned into crescent moons with laughter. A long time ago, she never imagined that she would have such a happy future.It's hard to describe in words the joy of making grandchildren happy.

After a while, the twelve children were carried out by Lin Yi, just right, six boys and six girls, no more, no less.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly realized that he was the happiest person in the whole universe, no, the happiest person in the whole universe, no matter what mosquito monster Chu Lingtian, a happy and perfect home is the most important thing.

Xing Caiyuan cheerfully walked by one after another Lin Yi, teasing her grandson and granddaughter, very happy.

"The baby this time is much more normal than last time, like that boy radish, jumping and jumping from birth, it's hard to catch!" Xing Caiyuan couldn't help feeling emotional.

Lin Yi couldn't help smiling bitterly, and said: "Mom, do you think they are not? They ran around the room after they were born. I caught them one by one, and then imprisoned them all before I hugged them out. Mom, when you were born When I was, I wasn't that perverted, was I?"

Xing Caiyuan's complexion suddenly changed, and she quickly reached out and grabbed a clone's ear, cursing: "You kid is out of your mind, isn't it? What does it matter if the child is naughty? What if you imprison them with divine power and hurt them?" ? Hurry up and release the confinement!"

Lin Yi's avatar screamed in pain, so he sighed and said, "Mom, it was you who said it, then I will release the confinement."

Lin Yi had no choice but to compromise, and as soon as the restraint was released, those children flew out one by one, and disappeared from Xing Caiyuan's eyes in the blink of an eye, at an astonishingly fast speed.

The most exaggerated thing is that some of them even comprehended the law of space, and used the law of space to jump, Xing Caiyuan was dazzled.

Lin Yi spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Mom, you see, your grandchildren are all like this, I guess you will be more troubled in the future."

Xing Caiyuan's slightly opened mouth slowly closed, took a long breath, and said, "Boy Yi, plan to have a baby first in the past few years, and if you continue to give birth like this, I think your old lady will die of exhaustion. By the way, hurry up!" We need to recruit more confinement women, there are so many pregnant women and children to take care of, it is not possible to have thousands of them.”

A few thousand people are Xing Caiyuan's conservative estimate. With so many naughty children, at the very least, it is necessary to send thousands of gods and gods to play with them.

"Ahem, mother, don't bother, we are not weak enough to need confinement care." Solanum nigrum walked out of the room with a smile. Although she looked a little tired, she was still full of energy and did not suffer much damage .

The others are similar. After all, they are all strong in the Emperor Realm now, and the weakest Sophie is already at the first level of the Emperor Realm. It is not too much pressure for them to have a child.

When Xing Caiyuan heard this, her expression suddenly became extremely serious, and said: "You can't say that, you are all my good daughters-in-law, in my eyes, you are closer than my own daughter. You just gave birth, of course You have to take good care of them. Oh boy, hurry up and bring those children back. Although they are very talented, they are just children. There are many beasts in the supernatural realm here. If they meet... ..."

"Dad, Mom, Grandma, we caught a lot of pets and came back! Aren't we amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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