Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1333 The way of confession is too old-fashioned

Chapter 1333 The way of confession is too old-fashioned
Lin Yi looked at Xiao Shumiao'er very vigilantly, and his intuition told him that there must be fraud in this.

Seeing Lin Yi's expression, Xiao Shumiao'er couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter? My Lord Lin Yi, why are you so serious? Don't worry, you and I have been standing on the united front. We are absolutely An iron-like comradeship!"

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi became more suspicious, explaining is covering up, covering up is deceiving, maybe that girl Xiao Tiantian is hiding in one place, ready to attack him at any time.Hehe, how could such a little trick fool him?
Seeing Lin Yi's vigilant face, Xiao Shumiao'er couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Master Lin Yi, why are you so nervous? Xiao Tiantian is busy creating something she likes, so she doesn't have time to come and attack You, so, just rest assured."

"Create something she likes? Well, you take me to see her, I will have a good talk with her, maybe coax her, she will help me." Lin Yi said with a smile, like Xiao Tiantian Of course he has a way to deal with a mature and immature kid, as long as he tempts him with something fun, it's done, isn't it?

Lin Yi thought so, the smile on his face became more intense, but the little tree seedling sighed secretly, Lin Yi's idea was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to fight it, she just wished Lin Yi secretly, hoping that Lin Yi would Don't despair.

Soon, Lin Yi found the correct location of Xiao Tiantian, his figure flashed, and he appeared in a new place with Xiao Shumiaoer.

Here is a planet, a planet exactly like the magic medicine star. When Lin Yi appeared on this planet, he thought he had returned to the magic medicine star.

Not only is the magic medicine star here, but Lin Yi also saw many people of all kinds. That girl Xiao Tiantian actually created so many creatures, how much mysterious energy is needed for this!

"Prodigal girl, this is really a prodigal girl! I only created two people, but she created so many people, is my mysterious energy enough?" Lin Yi said with a wry smile, seeing this scene , he can no longer describe his mood, because his heart really hurts!
"Lord Lin Yi, I told you not to come, but you just came. Xiao Tiantian said that the mysterious and yellow energy was created by her, and she can use it however she wants. Also, this universe is her territory, and she wants to You can modify it however you want. So, you just need to be mentally prepared." Xiaoshu Miaoer said with a smile, those words were very stimulating no matter how they were heard.

Lin Yi's complexion really sank, and he shouted: "Nonsense! Nonsense! What a nonsense! Is there such a nonsense? According to her thinking, then I have nothing to do with this universe?"

"Of course not. I absolutely recognize your status. However, Xiao Tiantian is still angry, and it's normal to say such things. You don't have to mind too much." It's normal for her.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I'll keep calm, tell me where that girl is now, I want to see her."

"She is currently creating some strange creatures in this city. However, she has set up an isolation barrier, so you can't detect her. Come with me, and I will take you there." The little tree seedling Leading the way, Lin Yi followed behind her suspiciously.

Strange creature?What the hell is that?How could he have an ominous premonition?
Soon, they came to a valley entrance, and Lin Yi could feel that the mysterious and yellow energy here was very strong, and it was like letting the mysterious and yellow energy flow here.

Lin Yi's face turned dark all of a sudden, this girl is not only a prodigal daughter, she is crazy!

With so much mysterious and yellow energy, what kind of creature is she going to create?It is estimated that all the creatures in the eighth level of the emperor's realm can be produced energy!

With the little sapling leading the way, they easily passed through a barrier and entered the valley.

As soon as he entered the valley, Lin Yi heard a familiar voice: "Hahaha, it's a success again! This time the combination with the pig is perfect, it seems that this guy and the pig really have a high degree of compatibility! Damn Lin Yi, you actually If you dare to hit me, I will turn you into these monsters and spank your ass every day!"

Lin Yi's face became even darker, he hurriedly quickened his pace, passed through the narrow valley, and saw a bright open space.

On the clearing, he saw many strange-shaped creatures. Those creatures had human heads, but their bodies were of various animals, such as pigs, dogs, sheep, and cows.

Lin Yi took a closer look at the people's heads, and suddenly found that those heads were all his!Xiao Tiantian actually put all his heads on these beasts, this move is too damaging!

Of course, Xiao Tiantian saw Lin Yi, and then looked at the little sapling angrily, and said, "Sister little sapling, what are you doing? Why did you bring this guy here? Don't you know that I hate him very much?"

The little tree seedling smiled wryly, and said: "Little sister, you can't blame me, he insisted on coming here. I told him all, and told him not to come. If he doesn't listen, I can't help it."

"Hmph, since that's the case, then I don't blame you. It's really disappointing to let this guy see my old lady's collection." Xiaotian said in a whimpering tone.

Although her expression was extremely angry, Lin Yi could clearly feel that she deliberately let herself see those monsters with human heads and animal bodies.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, tried to calm down his emotions, and said with a smile: "Very good, these creatures are all created to life, although the body is ugly, but there is a handsome face, which is enough to make up for all shortcomings. Xiao Tiantian, actually You don’t have to make their faces so handsome, it’s really not suitable. Moreover, I feel that your way of expressing love is a bit old-fashioned. If you like someone, you don’t have to use this way. It’s too nasty to do so. .”

When Lin Yi said this, his cheeks blushed very well, and Xiao Tiantian's face immediately turned green. What does Lin Yi mean by this?Is she confessing?This clearly vents the anger in my heart, okay?She has seen shameless people before, but this is the first time she has seen such shameless people!

She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, she was furious, and her almond eyes were wide open!

All angry expressions appeared on her face, and she suddenly realized that all her calmness was vulnerable in front of Lin Yi, and her great plan to stimulate Lin Yi was shattered just like that.

"Lin Yi, say it again, when did my mother confess to you!" Xiaotian shouted loudly.

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Tiantian with a "confused" expression, and said, "Am I wrong? If you hadn't been thinking about me day and night, how could you remember my appearance so deeply and portray me so handsomely? I can even I feel your deep love for me. However, I have to remind you that it is impossible for us. Even if you are not my daughter in a certain sense, you are not my favorite. You should die of this kind of heart .”

(End of this chapter)

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