Chapter 1352
Ye Tianlong thought so in his heart, and felt more and more depressed. He has always had the arrogance of "I am the best in the world", but now, all the things he is proud of are trampled on by Lin Yi unceremoniously , How could he swallow this breath?

Being suppressed by Lin Yi in terms of cultivation, he can bear it. The key is that the god feather guards he cultivated so hard were all taken away by Lin Yi. How can he swallow this breath?
"Lin Yi, don't bully people too much!" Ye Tianlong roared, and a black light shot out from between his eyebrows, turning into a three-foot-long knife.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, this Ye Tianlong finally took out his weapon, and it was a super magic weapon!

"Ouch? Isn't Shen Yu called God Emperor? How come his descendants fight with magic weapons? This is really strange." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Hahaha, divine weapon? Demonic weapon? These are just names! As long as it can kill you, a demon, this knife is a divine weapon! Hahaha, let me let you feel the horror of a super divine weapon!" Ye Tianlong laughed loudly. Dao, compared to just now, his aura has increased a lot, but the breath on his body has become a hundred times more evil.

The thundercloud in the sky is roaring, it seems to be accumulating strength, ready to release a devastating blow.

"It's really pathetic for you to be eroded like this by a knife." Lin Yi sighed, shook his head slightly, and then swung the knife.

At this time, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the thundercloud, targeting Ye Tianlong.

The visual effect of this trick is very good, judging by the thickness of the lightning bolt, it is enough to completely cover Ye Tianlong's body.

Ye Tianlong raised his head suddenly, with a cruel smile on his face, he swung a knife, and the dazzling black knife light split the lightning from it, splitting the thick lightning in half.

After finishing all this, the smile on Ye Tianlong's face became more intense, and he yelled at Lin Yi: "It's so embarrassing to show children's playthings, Lin Yi, you have let me down too much!"

Ye Tianlong's figure moved, and suddenly appeared beside Lin Yi, and slashed at Lin Yi with a knife.

This knife hit Lin Yi's shoulder, and then continued to chop, splitting Lin Yi's body in half.

Ye Tianlong was slightly taken aback, what's going on?Lin Yi was eliminated so easily?Isn't this too ridiculous?
Before he had time to react, a chuckle sounded from behind him: "The Seal of Heaven, explode!"

Ye Tianlong's face suddenly changed drastically. The "Lin Yi's body" that he had cut in half just now exploded, and a terrifying force surged out, quickly submerging his body.

Lin Yi appeared a hundred meters away, and he didn't relax at all, because he felt that this move didn't cause too much damage to Ye Tianlong. What is this guy's knife, and why is it stronger than taking drugs?

"Hahaha, it's really not easy to change the form of the three Gods of Heaven's Punishment. However, there is another use for this? With my current strength, it doesn't matter even if you force your attack. If you want to kill me, what a fool! What a joke!" Ye Tianlong walked out of the explosion dust, his whole body was emitting black light like thunder, and it was these black lights that blocked Lin Yi's attack from the seal of the sky.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, because he already felt that it was the power of the God Killing Clan.And that knife, just like the God Killing Knife, sealed the souls of the masters of the God Killing Clan!

"It's just relying on the power of a knife, but you still have the nerve to pretend to be aggressive in front of me. I feel really sad for you." Lin Yi sighed, flew out, and slashed at Ye Tianlong with a knife.

Since this knife can isolate divine power attacks, then he came to the most direct collision.He couldn't believe it, this guy's physical body was stronger than him!
While he was attacking, thunderbolts continued to strike from the thunderclouds in the sky, and those thunderbolts hit Ye Tianlong's body from time to time, as if accompanied by a band, making Lin Yi's performance even more exciting.

With a bang, Lin Yi's knife collided with Ye Tianlong's knife. At this moment, Lin Yi seemed to feel an unwilling soul, struggling to break free from the knife.

But this force of resistance was completely transformed into the power of the knife, and it stimulated Ye Tianlong's own potential, otherwise Ye Tianlong would not be able to be so arrogant.

A cruel smile appeared on Ye Tianlong's face, but it suddenly increased, suppressing Lin Yi so much that he kept bending Lin Yi's body.

He looked at Lin Yi with a ferocious expression, and said, "How is it? Do you dare to be arrogant with me again? The gods and thunder? The power of heaven's punishment? It's really ridiculous! In the face of absolutely powerful power, these are just jokes. "

Lin Yi already felt that the Xie Dao was injured, a small gap appeared in the blade, and a crack spread along the cut, as if to split the Xie Dao into two halves.

Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy. He absolutely couldn't let the Xie Dao just destroy it. His soul was fused into the Xie Dao. Why was his soul not as good as that of the Killing God Clan!
Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with silver light, and a large amount of spiritual power was continuously poured into the evil knife, and his own cultivation also broke through at this moment, reaching the ninth level of the emperor's realm!

Ye Tianlong, who was in a state of madness, was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Lin Yi not only did not collapse under this pressure, but instead faced up to the difficulties and improved his cultivation base again. This is simply impossible!

Not only that, Lin Yi's already damaged knife was completely recovered at this moment, not only that, but its momentum became even stronger, gradually resisting the impact of another knife.

The two swords cut each other, forming an ingenious connection, and through this connection, a trace of Lin Yi's soul finally sneaked in.

As soon as he entered, a terrifying sharp edge suddenly struck, targeting his soul.

Of course he knew who the attacker was. He dodged the sharp edge with a flash, and then shouted: "Aren't you crazy? You are obviously not reconciled, and you are still acting like a dog for this guy. Are you out of your mind! "

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and after scanning his surroundings, he realized that he was in a bloody space at this time, and the blood seemed to be dyed by real blood.

And in this blood-colored space, stood a burly man wrapped in chains. Lin Yi clearly felt that the aura emanating from this guy was very similar to the aura of Tianlu.

A cruel smile appeared on the burly man's face, his face was extremely ferocious, and he said: "A very nice little guy, he broke through Ye Tianlong's seal with a trace of his soul, and rushed into it. Hehe, I haven't seen it before. This level of stupidity?!"

When the burly man said this, he immediately opened his mouth and sucked in a strong suction force, which pulled Lin Yi's soul and flew towards the burly man. This guy clearly wanted to eat him!

(End of this chapter)

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