Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1359 I Want This Person

Chapter 1359 I Want This Person
"It's finally healed! The healing technique taught by Mr. Wen is really extraordinary, hahaha, this feeling is so cool!" Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, and greedily absorbed another mouthful of blood-red airflow, which made him His old face flushed a little more, and he seemed to enjoy it very much.

He flew out of the black ball of light and glanced at a stone wall not far away. On the stone wall, an old man with white beard and hair was bound by chains. The scars look terrifying!
There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth, and said: "Old man, are you dead? This level of absorption should not be so easy to solve you?"

The bound old man raised his head, facing Ye Tianlong with empty eye sockets, and said in a deep tone: "Ye Tianlong, you are devoid of conscience and endangering the common people, God will accept you!"

"Hahaha, God will accept me? What a joke! God dares to stop me, I even dare to destroy the sky, and I am still afraid of the sky? But you old guy can't last long! To be honest, I really admire you as an old man. Guy, it looks like this, but it’s still holding on, wouldn’t it be good to give up earlier and get rid of it earlier?” Ye Tianlong grinned, staring at the old man with eyes full of greed.

The old man shook his head lightly, and said, "Stop dreaming! Even if I die, I will never give up. The cycle of heaven and retribution is not good. If you can be beaten like this by others, will your death be far behind?"

"Hahaha, what do you mean, that little guy named Lin Yi can kill me? Don't be kidding! That kid is already Lord Wen's prey, and sooner or later he will be devoured by Lord Wen, so what if he is allowed to be arrogant for a while? There is a powerful barrier guarded by Master Wen, can that kid still get in?" Ye Tianlong laughed out loud, his mood was very crazy.

The old man chuckled, and said: "Everything is possible in the world, retribution will only come sooner or later, it will never stop coming, the so-called 'it's not that the time has not come', ah—" The old man suddenly screamed, countless The chains suddenly penetrated into his body, and then wandered through his body, impacting his internal organs and flesh. The pain was really hard to describe in words.

Ye Tianlong glared at the old man viciously, and said bitterly: "Old man, even if it is really possible for me to die, you will die before me! Just wait, after I completely absorb you, I will let you die Very painful!"

When Ye Tianlong said this, he waved his hand casually, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

On the light curtain, Tianlu was fighting Ye Tianhu and the others, and beside Tianlu, there was actually Tianlu who had been released.

Ye Tianlong frowned immediately, and said to himself: "It's strange, what about that kid Lin Yi? Didn't he go to help Tianlu? No, his kid will take revenge, so it shouldn't be possible for him to give up so easily!"

When Ye Tianlong said this, he seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Come on! Get me out of here!"

With a whoosh, a man in black appeared in front of Ye Tianlong. It was an old man with gray hair.

"High Priest, what are your orders?" the grey-white old man whispered.

Ye Tianlong nodded, and said: "Ye Honghuang, hurry up and lead someone to patrol, I'm worried that some enemies will sneak in here, so we must find out that person!"

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate will do it now!" Ye Honghuang quickly disappeared in front of Ye Tianlong, but the blind old man who was in pain burst out laughing.

"Ye Tianlong, do you finally know how to be afraid? You guessed right, that little guy has indeed come in, and your death is coming soon!" The blind old man laughed wildly.

Ye Tianlong was about to get angry, when he suddenly found that his shadow began to twist, and then, a black shadow emerged from his shadow, Ye Tianlong's face suddenly darkened.

"Why are you here? Did you come to see my joke?"

"Jie Jie, Xiao Tianlong, you guessed wrong, I'm here to help you. I'm also very interested in that kid!" Black Shadow Jie Jie laughed strangely, looking very eager.

Ye Tianlong snorted coldly and said, "Interested? If you die, Chu Lingtian will be very sad, right?"

"Hahaha, will he be sad? It's good if he doesn't laugh to death. Don't talk nonsense, I will leave the task of finding that kid to me. No matter how strong his hiding ability is, he can't avoid my detection." Heiying sneered With a sound, the body slowly merged into the darkness.

Lin Yi was walking swaggeringly in this underground space at this time. Along the way, he saw many people from the Ye family, who were enslaving those monsters, and then drove away the humans with blank expressions.

The fate of those humans is obvious, they can only be turned into a part of the vast sea of ​​blood.Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy, if he didn't know the enemy's reality, he might have made a move long ago.

Although he is full of confidence in his own strength, he is not confident enough to be conceited. There are many people in this world who are stronger than him, not to mention that he is still in someone else's territory. Of course, he must be careful.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Why am I here? Ah, help--" There was a loud cry, and Lin Yi looked over immediately. At this moment, he saw a monster being escorted The white-clothed man was fleeing crazily, and a group of monsters were chasing after him crazily, their eyes all emitting a frenzied bloodthirsty light.

According to the rules of the underground world, once the food regains consciousness, those monsters can swallow it all, which is a great tonic!

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and immediately appeared in front of the man in white. The man in white's face changed drastically, as if he was crazy, and he yelled at Lin Yi: "Damn bastard, get out of here!"

Lin Yi sneered, and with a flick of the whip, he smashed a chasing monster into a meat paste.

The other monsters stopped immediately and looked at Lin Yi in horror, not daring to move forward.

"Go and do your own thing, I want this person." Lin Yi's tone was full of authority that could not be resisted, and the monsters retreated quickly, not daring to make a sound.

The man in white looked at Lin Yi tremblingly, and stammered: "You...what are you going to do? You are also one of those people, why...why did you save me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi glanced at him with a smile, and said, "You are the first person I saw who regained consciousness, so I have something to ask you."

The man in white rolled his eyes and seemed to understand something. He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible? We are obviously livestock raised by you. How could you... Could it be that you..."

Before the man in white finished speaking, a divine thought suddenly rushed into his mind, and then Lin Yi's voice came out of his mind: "Don't shout so loudly, it's not easy for me to sneak in. If you are discovered, can you Can you take responsibility?"

(End of this chapter)

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