Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1387 Still Some Humanity

Chapter 1387 Still Some Humanity

Heaven and Earth?

How could Mu Bawang have not heard of the names of these two old men?In the entire Creation God Realm, whoever plays too much may be punished by heaven and earth.The so-called "Heaven and Earth" here refers to being killed by the two of them.

How arrogant is Lin Yi to call them both old guys so directly?Either Lin Yi is talking nonsense, or he really has the ability to ignore those two great gods.

Judging from the current situation, the answer is probably the latter. Regardless of Lin Yi's strength or power, he has reached a terrifying level. The small temple of the God-killing Clan can't afford this big Buddha at all!

Lin Yi looked at Mubawang's face that changed rapidly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Why, I see that you look a little nervous, could it be that you are afraid?"

"Afraid? What are you kidding! What does this have to do with me!" Mu Bawang yelled, his acting skills were so bad that any fool could see that he was already so excited.

"Really? Since you have nothing to do with you, then hurry up and get out of the way. I still want to have a romantic relationship with my sweet Shuang'er. I don't have time to waste with you." Lin Yi waved his hand with a very dissatisfied expression. Look patient.

Mu Bawang's expression was quite struggling. After struggling for a long time, he said in a low voice: "Actually... Actually, I came this time to ask you for help."

Mu Bawang's words were really exciting, Lin Yi was choked and coughed, and said: "What are you talking about? Are you here to ask for help? There are people who ask for help like you. I don't read much, so don't lie to me?"

From the beginning to the end, this Mu Bawang didn't give Lin Yi any good looks, and because of Mu Shuang'er, he targeted him everywhere, just like this, he still had the nerve to say something to ask for help, his skin is really thick!
Mu Shuang'er's face also turned cold, and she said sharply: "Mu Bawang, I thought you were just cold-blooded, but I didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned. Do we have a good relationship? What reason do you have to ask for help?"

Mu Bawang smiled wryly, and said, "Is there a reason? Yu Zi, I really have no reason to ask you for help, but Yu Gong, I have to do this. You should know that the clan of the Killing God Clan is on the border of the Demon Realm, and now the Demon Realm has been ruled by If Mo Xin falls, our God-killing clan will not be spared. However, due to the deep foundation of our God-killing clan, Mo Xin dare not attack easily, but sent someone to issue an ultimatum. If we do not surrender, he will kill the gods. The whole family is completely wiped out. I have already inquired, Mo Xin has millions of Shura puppets, and there are some very scary mosquito monsters. If we really fight, we will not kill them enough to kill the gods. So, everything In desperation, I can only come to you for help. I know that you have a big enmity with Mo Xin, are you willing to watch the God-killing clan be wiped out, and Mo Xin's power will grow again?"

When Mu Bawang said this, his face was full of bitterness. He had already gone to the Temple of Eternity to beg, but the Temple of Eternity said that it didn't care about the Demon Realm.Later, he inquired about Lin Yi and Mo Xin's enmity, and also knew that Lin Yi had great strength, and most importantly, the relationship between Lin Yi and her daughter was said to be good, so he made up his mind and came here.

He originally thought that Lin Yi was just trying to catch fame, but he didn't expect that Lin Yi was already so strong.If this is the case, maybe they can really save the killing gods.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and with a thought, a cup of hot tea appeared on the table beside Mu Bawang.

"Drink tea, please. Since you refused to agree to Mo Xin and came to me, it proves that you still have some humanity. Since you are a human being, you can afford this cup of tea." Lin Yi made a gesture of invitation, and said lightly. said with a smile.

Mu Bawang seemed to have ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past him. No matter how awkward he heard this, did Lin Yi agree or reject him? Should he drink this tea or not?
After thinking for seven or eight seconds, he took a sip of tea, then stood up from his seat, and said, "Our God-killing race is different from other races, we would rather die standing than live on our knees, so those demons Don't want us to bow our heads. The reason why I came here to ask you for help is because you also have the blood of our God-killing clan flowing in your body, and this cannot be changed. Moreover, you are walking with Shuang'er now..."

"Mu Bawang! It doesn't matter if you don't ask for help, please don't drag me into it, don't you understand people's words?" Mu Shuang'er was so angry that her hair would stand up, Mu Bawang really made her feel annoyed.

Mu Bawang felt a bit of bitterness in his heart, sighed softly, and said: "If there is really no other way, then I can only order to fight with death. I will let the people of the tribe choose to blow themselves up, so at least it will not give Mo Xin that The guy left the materials for making Shura puppet. Shuang'er, I know you hate me, and I know you don't believe any of my explanations, so let me use my last strength to do something for you."

When Mu Bawang said this, he turned and walked towards the door. Mu Shuang'er's heart trembled inexplicably, and a complex emotion came to her heart.

Lin Yi gently grabbed her hand, smiled and nodded at her, and then said loudly: "Why are you leaving so fast? I didn't seem to say no to you, did I?"

Mu Bawang stopped immediately, then turned around, and said excitedly: "What you said is true? Are you willing to help us?"

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Of course it's not for helping you, but for the entire heavens and myriad worlds. If your God-killing clan really falls, even if you don't become Shura puppets, those mosquito monsters will be nourished. Speeding up the recovery of the Mosquito Demon is not what I want to see. By the way, tell me first, how long will Mo Xin give you?"

"There are only ten hours left. I was already planning to take the initiative to attack and seize the opportunity, but after I got your news, I rushed over immediately. Mo Xin seemed to think that we were settled, so he kept his promise so far, and did not advance Attack us." Mu Bawang said very seriously, in fact, he was a little strange, in the Demon Realm, there are many families stronger than their Killing God Clan, but Mo Xin chose to attack directly and break them.Why does Mao have such an attitude towards the God-killing Clan?They don't seem to have much friendship, do they?

"Is there still ten hours left? Hehe, attacking the Killing God Clan, and using this method, mosquito demon, mosquito demon, what do you want to play?" Lin Yi sneered slightly, and slowly closed his eyes. Contact them too.

"Have you already tossed the Nine Heavens Alliance enough? If you have played enough, gather at the Killing God Starfield. I want to have a good meal. I only give you three hours, so don't be late!"

After Lin Yi's interrogation, he opened his eyes, glanced over the anxious Mu Bawang's face, and then glanced at Mu Shuang'er, who had a bad expression, and said: "Put personal grievances aside first, and deal with them after the foreign enemies are settled. , now, let's go to Kill God Starfield."

(End of this chapter)

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