Chapter 1442
Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Shumiao'er couldn't help being a little dazed, for a while, they really couldn't understand what Lin Yi was saying.

Xiao Shumiao was the first to recover, and said with a smile, "Okay then, we won't bother Lord Lin Yi anymore, Xiao Tiantian, let's continue playing."

"What? What? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all? Please, can you explain it clearly and satisfy my curiosity, it's hard to hold back like this!" Xiao Tiantian said with some dissatisfaction , She was really going to go crazy when she encountered such a thing.

Little Sapling pushed her away and said with a smile: "You don't need to understand, it's just a trivial matter. Master Lin Yi wants to practice, of course we can't disturb him!"

Lin Yi watched the two of them leave, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to himself: "Thank you, little tree seedling. Don't worry, I will be able to comprehend my own Tao, although it is a little difficult .”

When Lin Yi said this, he slowly closed his eyes, and absorbed himself into the endless black and yellow aura.

Gradually, six-color halos appeared on the top of his head, and these halos were like big holes. People with a discerning eye could see that they were the legendary six realms of reincarnation.

Mo Hao was slightly startled, and immediately made a sound, saying: "Boy Lin Yi, what are you playing? Are you going too far?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Since returning to the original point, of course we have to return thoroughly. But don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to go back and experience it directly. I just use my clone to experience it."

When Lin Yi said this, a clone suddenly walked out of his body, then nodded to him, and flew into the cycle of reincarnation.

Lin Yi closed his eyes again, as if an old monk was in meditation. Mo Hao saw it in his eyes, and was secretly surprised that the choice Lin Yi made was surprisingly similar to that guy.

"If you want to jump out of reincarnation, you must first enter reincarnation. Little guy, you have chosen the most painful path, but this path may really allow you to reach the other shore." Mo Hao sighed lightly, and a glimmer of enlightenment appeared in him In his heart, at this moment, his mind trembled at the same time, and he quickly calmed down to relive that feeling.

Xiao Tiantian looked very depressed. Ever since she was pulled away by the little sapling, she had been pouted all the time. She looked so cute.

Seeing her like that, the little tree seedling couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied with me? Just ask whatever you want. I'll tell you everything, isn't it okay?"

Xiao Tiantian snorted softly and said, "You didn't tell me when I wanted to know just now, but now you take the initiative to tell me, I don't care anymore! Hmph, I won't ask!"

"Oh, really? Since you said that, then I won't tell you. Alas, what an interesting thing, if some people don't know, they probably won't be able to sleep, hehe..." The little tree seedling Hehe said with a smile, Xiao Tiantian's expression was immediately entangled, as if he was struggling.

After a while, she stomped her feet and said angrily: "Forget it, forget it, can't I lose to you? Tell me, what's going on? What the hell is that guy doing!"

The little tree seedling smiled triumphantly, and said: "I knew you couldn't bear it. Master Lin Yi wanted to break into the realm in the legend. For this reason, he wanted to use our power to feel the reincarnation of all ages and understand the great way of heaven and earth. My lord, he finally It’s time for a real fight.”

"Hmph, what am I thinking about? Isn't it just to understand reincarnation? Didn't you say it's interesting? What's so interesting about it... Wait, I know how interesting it is, and I can also enter reincarnation and have a good time Just play with him. Okay, I can do whatever I want, I'm so smart!" Xiao Tiantian cheered, and his figure quickly disappeared from Xiaoshumiaoer's eyes.

Xiao Shumiao'er smiled softly, and then disappeared, sneaking into the cycle of reincarnation with Xiao Tiantian, even Lin Yi didn't notice.

Although Lin Yi only entered with a clone, his mind was actually immersed in the clone, and he could clearly feel everything the clone experienced.

In the first life, his luck was a bit unlucky, and he turned into a dog.However, he didn't care. It might be nice to be able to see the world with a dog's eyes.

So, as a stray dog, he suffered a lot in that illusory world, and almost died many times.In the end, he was taken in by a pair of sisters, who fed him with big fish and meat every day, and finally he became fat to death.

Lin Yi didn't think it was too strange, because with the dog's self-control, he didn't have much resistance to food, which is also normal.

In the second life, he still had some backs and turned into a cat.Similarly, this cat also experienced a lot of pain, and then was taken in by a pair of sisters, and fed every day, and finally died of fat.

In the third life, he became a wolf... He was caught by a pair of sisters, fed every day with big fish and meat, and finally died of fat.


In the tenth life, he became a sheep... He was bought by a pair of sisters, and he was rich in fish and meat every day...

"Damn it! You are almost enough! Sheep eat grass, okay? They don't eat big fish and meat! Even if they make trouble, at least have some common sense, okay?" Lin Yi really couldn't bear it, if he still watched If nothing strange, he would have lived in this world in vain!

His main body opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to grab the six reincarnations, and grabbed the two girls out.

After the two were caught, they still looked very calm, as if nothing had anything to do with them.

"What are you doing? We also want to experience the Dao of Reincarnation, why do you want to stop us?" Xiao Tiantian yelled loudly, slapping him backwards.

Little Shu Miao'er stood there, pretending to have nothing to do with him, Lin Yi was really dumbfounded, and didn't know how to deal with these two girls.

"Oh, forget it, you can also practice with me, but don't be too silly, okay? Every life I fall into your hands, and in the end you keep fattening me, so what's the point of my life? Is it? If this is how I spend my ten thousand lives, then why am I still working so hard? Why don’t I just go eat and drink and fatten myself to death!” Lin Yi said angrily, and put the two women on the table. , he really has some tragedies.

"Alright, alright, Lord Lin Yi, we both have a sense of proportion. We only arrested you after you went through all kinds of hardships for pigs and dogs in your reincarnation. We must let you die in a decent way. Since If you say that now, then I can assure you that I will never interfere with you too much, okay? Hurry up and continue, I really want to know when you can become a person. " Little Shumiao'er's eyes shone brightly, but Lin Yi secretly sighed, it seemed that he would not be able to get rid of these two little enemies for the remaining thousands of lives!

(End of this chapter)

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