Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1445 Too Weak

Chapter 1445 Too Weak
This white-bearded old man is the White Tiger Emperor Bai Lie. Bai Lie didn't expect that Mo Hao would attack him suddenly. He didn't seem to provoke this evil star.

"Your name is Bai Lie, right? Do you still remember this emperor? The treasure you stole from this emperor back then must have been refined by you. Otherwise, with your rubbish qualifications, how could you be worthy of it?" Go to the White Tiger Emperor?" Mo Hao said in a cold voice, Bai Lie was pinched so hard that he couldn't breathe, his old face was flushed, looking extremely miserable.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and appeared next to Mo Hao in the blink of an eye, and said in a deep voice, "Mo Hao, what are you doing? Do you have a grudge against this guy?"

Bai Lie opened and closed his mouth, as if begging for mercy, but he couldn't make a sound.

Mo Hao sneered, and said: "It's just punishing a thief, it's nothing. If I used to have my temper, if I dared to steal my things, I would definitely die! But my temper is much gentler than before, so this kid Still lucky."

As soon as Mo Hao finished speaking, he threw it viciously, and then he slammed into a comet that just passed by like a cannonball, smashing the comet to pieces.

Bai Lie was knocked to pieces, but he was very happy, Mo Hao didn't kill him, this is already a great thing!

Xuanzang gritted his teeth, and was about to speak, but Mo Hao glanced at him. With just one glance, Xuanzang's words were suppressed. That feeling was really aggrieved.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said, "Old man Mohao, you are not trying to show me off, are you? Don't forget, I am the protagonist, so don't take my limelight away."

Lin Yi's tone was flat, and he didn't emit much powerful fluctuations of divine power, but Mo Hao restrained his breath very cooperatively, and then said with a smile on his face: "Little friend Lin Yi, please don't wrong me, I am right You don't dare to have that kind of thought, I don't want to be locked up again! You can play in your own way, can't I not participate?"

Mo Hao's words made the eyelids of those beast kings jump wildly. Even such a powerful Mo Hao was so polite to Lin Yi. How strong is Lin Yi?How stupid are they if they don't know what to do in this situation?up.

Mo Hao stepped aside obediently, and Tai Yi and the others flew over one by one, standing behind Lin Yi, their aura alone was enough to crush these four beast emperors.

"Your Excellency is the Emperor Xuanzang of Xuanwu? I heard Tai Yi said about your glorious deeds. Hehe, when I saw you today, you were so domineering that no one dared to look directly at you. You are worthy of being the emperor of the Xuanwu clan!" Lin Yi laughed Dao, those words made Xuanzang's old face burn like hell, these words are obviously irritating him!

He didn't expect Tai Yi to tell Lin Yi about him. This was no less than a nirvana for him, and it made him dizzy.

He tried his best to calm down his emotions, and said with a smile on his face: "Lin Yi... Your Excellency, you are too polite. Compared with you, Xuanzang is nothing. By the way, Lin Yi, the welcome banquet is ready, just wait You are here!"

Zhu Yuan, Qingshan and Bai Lie who just flew back miserably all looked at Xuanzang with very complicated eyes, the guy who dared to love Xuanzang was already prepared to play with the three of them!

Of course Lin Yi knew what this old fox was thinking. He couldn't suppress himself in terms of strength, so he just flattered himself to please him. This kind of method was really disgraceful.

However, Lin Yi is of course happy to see this result. Lin Yi doesn't want to make any serious moves against the four beast races.Although these guys have lasted to this generation, they are no longer as brave and fearless as their ancestors, but they still have a heart to support justice in their bones. This alone is enough for Lin Yi to trust them once.

He nodded and said: "Okay, since Emperor Xuanwu is so polite, then I will not be polite. I also want to see what the legendary Xuanwu world looks like."

Xuanzang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Lin Yi agrees, everything will be fine. I'm afraid that Lin Yi will turn his face here. If that happens, the Xuanwu clan will not be able to escape a catastrophe!

Although Lin Yi hasn't let go of any coercion now, Xuanzang and the others can't even tell how deep Lin Yi is.From this point, it can be seen that Lin Yi's strength is stronger than all three of them!

The three of them are already strong in the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, and Lin Yi is stronger than them. They dare not imagine such a thing!
Xuan Zang was about to lead the way for Lin Yi, but he found that Lin Yi didn't seem to want to move. He looked at Lin Yi with some doubts and said, "Master Lin Yi, do you have anything else to say? Since you are a guest, I will do my best to meet your request!"

"Oh? Really? Then I'll tell you. Where did you hide my turtle egg brother? I haven't seen him for a long time. I still miss him. He should still be in Xuanwu Realm, right?" Lin Yi Looking at Xuanzang with a smile, Xuanzang's scalp was numb again. He had long guessed that Lin Yi would mention turtle eggs, but he did not expect that Lin Yi would use such a tone, such a title.

Since Guidan is Lin Yi's brother, the crime of placing him under house arrest is much more serious.

Seeing his appearance, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and said: "What's the matter? Emperor Xuanwu, why are you so nervous? Could it be that you did something bad to my brother? Even if the turtle egg followed I, in essence, he is still a member of the Xuanwu clan, using turtle eggs to blackmail me, it seems a bit inappropriate to play like this?"

Xuanzang's face suddenly changed drastically, and his legs almost went limp.

He tried to calm down the fear in his heart, and quickly saluted Lin Yi: "Master Lin Yi, you really misunderstood me by saying that! I really didn't do anything to Guidan, not only didn't hurt him, but also combed him. The bloodline has raised the Xuanwu bloodline in his body to the king level, so he is still practicing until now and has not come. I absolutely have no idea of ​​​​against you. Even if you give me 1 guts, I will not dare Do it!"

This kind of step-by-step oppression made Xuan Zang's last scruples completely disappear, and he almost made Lin Yi kneel down.

The three of Aoyama and the others stood there in embarrassment, what Xuanzang did made the three of them feel very tangled, what should we do?Shouldn't they be doing something too?If Xuanzang wins Lin Yi's favor, then their future status will be bad!
However, they have no chance to intervene now, and Lin Yi did not give them such a chance.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said: "Very well, I thought you did something bad to my good brother. In that case, there is no need to talk about it. However, is the king-level bloodline It’s too weak, no matter how bad it is, you need the blood of the emperor, right?”

When Lin Yi said this, with a thought and a wave of his hand, the figure of the turtle egg appeared in front of everyone, and Lin Yi held his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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