Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1461 Shameless

Chapter 1461 Shameless

Xuanyuanhuo was stunned by Lin Yi's hand. Before Lin Yi joined, even though they were guided by the two of them, and hundreds of masters from the two clans gathered together, they only kept the seal from being damaged too seriously.

As soon as Lin Yi joined, the power of the main sealing platform increased several times, and the power of the seal suppressed all evil spirits in an instant. Although it could not be suppressed forever, this move was too terrifying!
Lin Yi himself never thought that he had such strength, he just wanted to have a try, to destroy the mantras they had been chanting all the time, and to get the power of these seals.

He tried this, and everyone's pressure was relieved. The two of them opened their eyes, and their eyes fell on Lin Yi, and their faces were slightly surprised.

They didn't expect that Lin Yi's strength would be so strong after not seeing him for such a short time.

They have indeed heard about some deeds about Lin Yi, and they have always been skeptical. After all, rumors are mysterious and normal, and there is no need to fully believe them.

Now, seeing Lin Yi's performance with their own eyes, they finally believe that Lin Yi is really awesome!

Xuanyuanhuo's eyes shone brightly, and he said with great joy: "Sure enough, he is the person calculated by the golden plate of fortune, the legendary man of destiny, Hongmeng universe is finally saved!"

In the sky above the main sealing platform, Tian Ya, who was fighting, glanced at the main sealing platform, and happened to see Lin Yi.

At this moment, ecstasy appeared on his face, he yelled "Master Lin Yi", and rushed towards the main sealing platform frantically.

He landed on the main sealing stage, and was about to rush to Lin Yi, but was grabbed by Xuanyuan Huo.

"Little guy, you can't rush over now, brother Lin is repairing the seal, it's not good to be disturbed." Xuanyuanhuo's words made Tian Ya calm down a little, he certainly knew the priorities, after all, repairing the seal is the most important thing now.

Tian Zhu Di Mie and the others quickly gathered their minds and chanted a spell with Lin Yi to form a seal. This lasted for about a whole day, and the damaged seal was temporarily repaired. It is estimated that there will be no problems in a short time.

Lin Yi stopped chanting mantras and forming seals. He opened his eyes, took a long breath, and said to himself: "It's finally over, I'm exhausted, my mouth is dry, and my hands are sore! I really don't know you people How can I persist, I can't bear it!"

"Lin...Master Lin Yi, you still remember me?" Tian Ya suddenly cried out, and Lin Yi's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines. I feel a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, Brother Tianya, don't be so exaggerated, okay? It seems like we haven't been apart for too long." Lin Yi coughed lightly.

Tian Ya wiped his tears and nose, laughed and said: "Sir, you are right, I thought it has been a long, long time. The days here are very boring, there are such things day and night, and it is very difficult to forget the time." It's normal!"

"This kind of thing happens day and night? Didn't the Emperor of Heaven accept you as his apprentice? Why are you still working as a coolie here?" Lin Yi asked puzzled.

Tianya chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "My lord, you think too much, I'm not a coolie. On the one hand, I'm risking my own strength for the safety of the entire primordial universe; on the other hand, this is also my way of cultivation. One. Here, my cultivation speed will increase a lot, at least ten times faster than outside, and..."

Tianya paused for a moment, then flew up and appeared above the seal.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the evil energy left on the seal was sucked into his body. This action shocked Lin Yi, Tianya can still play like this!
After he finished absorbing the evil energy, he showed a very satisfied smile on his face, and then flew to Lin Yi's side, saying: "Master Lin Yi, this is one of my cultivation methods. I am also the only one who can absorb these evil energy and cultivate. "

"Hehe, little friend Lin Yi, thank you very much! If you hadn't used the golden cicada's plan to get rid of the shell and exchanged your brother, it would not be easy for us to find a lone star body that can devour evil spirits and practice. Here It's the most suitable place for Tianya boy to cultivate, if you do it elsewhere, I'm afraid it won't have such a good effect!" Tianzhu said with a smile, with a bit of playfulness in his tone.

Lin Yi snorted softly, rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Old man Tianzhu, listening to your tone, shouldn't my brother thank you for giving him the opportunity to work as a coolie here? You old guy, I'm afraid you are as shameless as you are!" Exterminate the old man."

"Damn it! This has nothing to do with me! When has I ever been shameless, how can you tell me clearly!" Di Mie almost jumped up, and he glared at Lin Yi angrily, as if he was about to roll up his sleeves to fight.

Seeing this situation, Xuanyuanhuo regretted bringing Lin Yi here.

He hurriedly stood between them, with a smile on his face, and said: "Elder Dimie, Brother Lin, don't be so impulsive, peace is the most important thing, peace is the most important thing! This time, because of Brother Lin's help, the seal can be stabilized again. Please be respected by my brother!"

Xuanyuan Huo saluted Lin Yi, and Lin Yi was not polite. After receiving his salute, he said indifferently: "Fortunately, you, the Lord of the Eternal Temple, can explain something, otherwise I don't want to stay here any longer. I Lin Yi owes you nothing. You took the initiative to find me. As for the Fortune Gold Plate falling into my hands, it was its own choice, and I didn't force it. You are so anxious to call me over because I am That man of destiny? Besides, you should really want to know where the Golden Body Palace will appear this time, right?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Tianzhu suddenly laughed out loud and said, "Little friend Lin Yi, if you say that, you underestimate our Eternal Temple too much. Even if we don't have the Heavenly Luck Gold Plate, we still have the ability to practice Heavenly Evolution The masters of the art, they have already calculated the location of the Golden Body Hall this time. Time and quicksand, this place is indeed very suitable as the last place where the Golden Body Hall appears."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "It seems that I was thinking too much and forgot that you guys still have this method. Then what is the reason why you invited me over this time? It should not only be Let me reunite with Brother Tianya to reminisce? You don’t want to leave me here to repair the seal for you day after day, I don’t want to waste my youth in such a ghostly place.”

"Hmph, this kid is a selfish bastard, you can see clearly now!" Di Mie said angrily, his tone not polite at all.

Lin Yi glanced at him coldly, and said with a light smile: "What a stupid old guy, he can't even understand what I mean. I want to ask you why the person who buried the universe doesn't need to worry about our people invading the past What? Just stick to the seal here, no matter how well you do it, the seal will be shattered sooner or later. Instead of doing this, why not take the initiative to attack and wipe out those evil spirits, won't you have no worries?"

(End of this chapter)

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