Chapter 1493

Lin Wendao did not disappoint Lin Yi. Not long after, his aura sublimated again, the barrier was broken, and he jumped into the virtual holy realm.

At this time, he was completely new, his original ugly face was much smoother than before, and the sacred aura emanating from him was beyond the reach of even Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad, you broke through that barrier so quickly, congratulations."

Lin Wendao smiled and shook his head, and said: "My lord, you gave me this. Without you, I would not be able to reach this state in this life, the next life, and the next life. Without you, I would never be able to get out of the dark abyss. Smell the light."

Lin Wendao closed his eyes, feeling extremely happy. He had never felt this kind of feeling before.

Ye Shenyu looked at Lin Wendao very seriously, and exclaimed, "Sure enough, you have been reborn and made a breakthrough. Master Lin Yi, your experiment is a complete success, and I want to make an appointment with you for the next spot!"

"Hehe, it's easy to talk about. However, the most important thing now is not this issue. We have to leave this place and go back early." Lin Yi said with a smile, his tone very calm.

Lin Wendao also nodded, and said: "The two adults should go back first, I will stay here to find out their reality, with my current strength, there should be no problem."

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Wen Dao, you misunderstood, what I mean is, the three of us leave together, you don't need to stay here."

"Ah? My lord, if I don't stay here, how can I pry into their truth and sabotage their plans?" Lin Wendao was a little surprised.

Ye Shenyu on the side couldn't help laughing, and said, "Lin Wendao, why are you so stupid? Since Master Lin Yi can even create the Void Saint Tribulation, is it difficult for him to create a Void Saint Realm master?" ? Besides, with the path you have chosen now, is it still suitable to stay in this undead world? Unless you really think the people here are stupid?!"

Lin Wendao suddenly realized, and said with a wry smile: "That's really the case. It seems that I should choose the law of death. The law of light is too difficult to cover up."

"Okay, okay, let them jump around, and I will let the Emperor of Destiny also contribute a little bit. I can't let me alone carry the courage of the entire Primordial Universe. I'm not that awesome yet." Lin Yi chuckled, and with a thought, he and Lin Wendao left Lin Tianyu and returned to the original place.

As soon as they got back to the distance, Lin Yi protected the two of them with the golden plate of fortune. Lin Yi didn't dare to let Ye Shenyu out. Who knows if that guy would cause any big commotion when he appeared. Lead out, maybe there will be big trouble.

However, when the two of them appeared in the world of the undead, Lin Yi suddenly found that the impulsive feeling in his body reappeared, not only Lin Yi, but also Lin Wendao.

However, Lin Wendao walked on the road of light, and light has a natural suppression of this evil aura. Under this suppression, the sense of impulsiveness is much less.

"My lord, it seems that we really need to get out of here quickly. I didn't feel it before because I didn't reach the Void Saint Realm, but now I really feel it!" Lin Wendao said very nervously, and now he dared not say anything anymore Lurking here, he doesn't want to become a slave to the mastermind behind the scenes and be trapped here forever.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, didn't Senior Shenyu say that? As long as you don't stay here for too long, the problem won't be too big. What's more, we have the fortune gold plate, so leaving here should not be a problem. Now, Let's go."

Lin Wendao nodded impatiently, and together with Lin Yi, prepared to leave here.

At this time, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in Lin Yi's heart. With a sudden pull, he pulled Lin Wendao over, and then teleported to appear dozens of miles away.

Lin Yi's movements didn't stop, and an extremely strong black and yellow aura erupted from his body immediately, and this mysterious and yellow aura enveloped the two of them.

Lin Wendao was a little confused, but when he raised his head, his eyes suddenly widened. He clearly saw the dense rain of arrows pouring towards them, and any arrow in the rain of arrows gave him a strong sense of crisis .

You know, he is now a real master of the virtual holy realm, and the number of things that can make him feel the crisis is so large, how can he not be horrified?
Although Lin Yi looked dignified, he didn't panic at all. He knew the power of the black and yellow aura, which was the source of all things, and the necromantic aura here couldn't be corroded at all.

Those feathered arrows were actually formed by the condensed energy of necromancers. He was very confident that these arrows would not be able to break through the defense of the mysterious and yellow energy!
The arrows of the necromancer swished over, and then all hit the black and yellow air, but the moment those arrows of the dead spirit touched the black and yellow air, they were all smashed apart and turned back into the air of the dead, without any trace It cannot cause any damage to the Xuanhuang Qi.

This intensive shooting lasted for about three to four minutes before it stopped. When the attack stopped, Lin Yi heard a burst of applause. Then, a man in white with a longbow walked out from behind a tombstone, walking and saying : "Intruders, there are only a handful of people who can easily resist the attack of the undead arrow. I have to praise you. However, the undead world is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want. Come with me Go see His Majesty Lingwang."

Lin Yi didn't dissipate his mysterious aura, because the enemy in front of him looked sinister at first glance, and Lin Yi didn't want to be attacked by him again.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and said: "So, I have to thank you for your praise? You want me to meet that Spirit King, I'm sorry, that guy is not qualified to see me yet. I just wanted to leave here silently , I don’t want to make any more troubles, but you just want to die, then you can’t blame me. Tell me your name, you should be the same as that black soul, you are some shit seven spirit generals, right?”

Lin Yi was not polite at all, and he had no reason to be polite to this guy.

The white-clothed man's complexion changed slightly, his eyes suddenly became much deeper, and he said coldly: "No wonder that fellow Black Soul is not here, could it be that you have already killed him? No, if that's the case, Lord Lingwang must have something Sensing, even coming in person. Boy, you must have captured the black soul, right? If you are sensible, you should surrender obediently, release the black soul, and go to see His Majesty the Spirit King with the general, otherwise, don’t blame me for killing him! I'm not that weak chicken of Black Soul, you have to be mentally prepared to fight this general."

The man in white looked full of confidence. Lin Yi suddenly felt his stomach churning, and couldn't help shouting: "I haven't seen anything as narcissistic as you, why are you so obsessed? Do it if you have the guts , I'm very busy, I don't have time to spend with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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