Chapter 1499
When Lin Wendao said this, Lin Yi's mind suddenly became much clearer. If he said this, everything made sense.

In order to find a way to escape from the world of the undead, King Ling tried his best to send out a strand of avatar, and after the avatar grew up, he went to find a way to save those undead.

This method is indeed good, if it were Lin Yi, he would probably do the same.

Lin Yi breathed out, and said to himself: "Chu Lingtian, it seems that I really underestimated you, so this is your real purpose! Life is like chess, and you are really qualified as a chess piece."

After Lin Yi's words fell, his eyes fell on Lin Wendao, and he said, "Is there anything else?"

Lin Wendao shook his head and said, "There are only so many. If there is anything important, I guess this bone is not qualified to know."

Lin Yi hummed, and said, "Okay, let's go now!"

Lin Yi and Lin Wendao quickly left Lintian Universe and returned to the world of the dead.This time, he didn't find any enemies. With the Fortune Gold Pan, they would not be attracted by the mysterious power in the undead world, and they left very smoothly.

As soon as he came out, he felt that something was wrong. He sensed a strange atmosphere. Could it be that someone has entered the cemetery of gods and demons again?
Before he could react, a big hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder and dragged him out of the portal.

"Stinky boy, you finally came out. It's been half a month since you entered, and I'm going crazy!" Mo Hao cursed and was very emotional. He dared to shoot because he was afraid that Lin Yi and the others would get stuck.

Lin Yi snorted angrily, and said, "Why are you so excited? Is it possible that I can't come out? Hmm? What are you talking about, what do you mean after half a month? I don't seem to have stayed in there for long!"

"Hehe, Leader Lin, that's because the time law of that world is different from that of the Grandmist Universe, so it's very normal for this situation to appear, so you don't need to be surprised." A burst of hearty laughter came, and soon, a man in black The young man in the robe appeared in Lin Yi's line of sight, and Lin Yi's expression changed slightly. He felt that something was wrong with this young man.

When Lin Yi glanced at him, he was indeed there, but when Lin Yi probed with his soul, he was not there.

The strangest thing is that this young man's cultivation doesn't even have the Emperor's Realm. How can a person who doesn't even have the Emperor's Realm be safe and sound in the cemetery of gods and demons, like walking on the ground?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Lin Yi immediately became vigilant, even if he has reached the virtual holy state, he dare not take it lightly.

Seeing Lin Yi like this, Mo Hao couldn't help laughing, and said, "Boy Lin Yi, why are you so timid all of a sudden? Although the prophet family is mysterious, it doesn't make you so nervous, right?"

"The prophet? You said he is the legendary prophet?" Lin Yi was shocked, and looked at the young man in disbelief, his face was full of surprise.

The young man smiled slightly, and said: "Leader Lin, don't be surprised. The power of our prophets is only in prediction, and we have no actual combat power, so we won't bring you any threats. Besides, Leader Lin, you are so powerful that the entire Hongmeng Universe probably has no power." What is your opponent, a small person like me?"

Lin Yi heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I'm sorry, my reaction made you laugh. Oh, yes, Your Excellency the Prophet, do you still remember that you once helped Ye Tianlang and dealt with me? ?”

The young man nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, Ye Tianlang did pay a price to let me help him, but with your strength, Leader Lin, such a jumping clown is not enough to hurt you at all, you You don't want to vent your anger on me, do you want to attack me?"

"Hahaha, if I say yes, will you believe it?" Lin Yi laughed loudly, with a hint of evil in his smile.

The young man shook his head and said, "I believe that you won't treat me...uh..."

Before the young man could finish speaking, Lin Yi appeared in front of him, and directly strangled him by the throat.

The young man's eyes were wide open, and he wanted to make a sound, but found that it was just wishful thinking.He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, his face extremely ugly.

"You think I won't do anything to you, right? I just won't let you count...huh?" Lin Yi paused, and raised his hand very naturally, just to block the attack of a man in black.

He sneered, with him as the center, the time and space within a radius of [-] meters began to freeze, and the dozens of men in black who were about to attack Lin Yi at the same time all froze around, that kind of scene was really weird.

Before Lin Yi could speak, a burst of applause came from a hundred meters away, and at the same time, there was a burst of familiar laughter.

"A very powerful law of time and space, and it is rare to be able to cultivate to the virtual holy realm with the law of time and space. However, leader Lin, is your temper too big, and you don't want to be counted by me so much? "

The speaker was a man in black robe, who was the prophet who was strangled by Lin Yi just now. Lin Yi glanced at the strangled person in his hand, it was just a crooked body, how could there be any life left?

Lin Yi snorted coldly, shook the body into powder, then looked at the prophet with cold eyes, and said: "The method is indeed clever, but no matter how clever it is, it is just a small method."

"Leader Lin is right. This is indeed a small trick. However, in order to succeed in many things, sometimes no big trick is needed, and a small trick is enough, isn't it?" the prophet smiled, without any anger look.

Lin Yi looked at him, and after a few seconds, he flicked his sleeves, and the time-space freeze was released.

But those men in black turned into dots of black light one by one and disappeared.

Mo Hao looked at it in a daze, he had no idea what Lin Yi and the prophet were doing?Lin Yi's behavior is really abnormal!
"Hahaha, you are right. If you use big methods for everything, you will be exhausted. Can you tell me your name? I don't like calling others a prophet. It sounds like you are awesome." Lin Yi laughed a few times, with a bit of playfulness in his tone.

The prophet chuckled, and said, "I don't like people calling me a prophet, but there is no way, who let me inherit this title? My name is Zhuge Tianming, and I am actually just a fortune teller."

The murderous aura on Lin Yi's body completely subsided, he took a step, appeared in front of Zhuge Tianming again, and said with a smile: "Fortune teller? There is probably no other fortune teller in the entire Hongmeng universe. Fortune teller Yes, shouldn't you tell me why you came here? Aren't you planning something in the quicksand of time?"

Zhuge Tianming shook his head lightly when he heard the words, and said, "Leader Lin is joking, if I say I ran away, would you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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