Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 175 This guy is a devil

Chapter 175 This guy is a devil
Obviously, Yin Zheng knew much more than Lin Yi. Before Lin Yi could ask any questions, he said, "Brother Lin, do you know that once a woman practices the Taiyin Jade Girl Sutra, what will happen to her?"

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this. If brother Yin can clear up my doubts for me, he will definitely listen."

Yin Zheng nodded, and said: "I also read some descriptions from some classics. The Yunvmen was one of the three major sects in China. However, because of its very domineering style, it offended too many sects. They were attacked by crowds and turned into dust of history. When I learned of this fact, I kept thinking, what is the reason for this sect to have such a style? After some research, I came to my conclusion that everything The root is in the Taiyin Jade Girl Sutra!"

"The Taiyin Jade Girl Classic itself needs women to practice. Women are already Yin, and their own Yin energy is very strong. Once they absorb too much power of Taiyin, they tend to develop to an extreme. In this way, their personality will become Aloof, domineering, and arrogant. As the strength grows stronger, this situation becomes more and more obvious. Presumably you don't know how many unconscionable things did the Jade Girl Sect do back then?" Yin Zheng sold it on purpose After a while, a chill appeared on his face.

"Brother Yin, tell me quickly, don't hold your breath." Lu Xiaoyun hurriedly shouted, she was listening intently, and she was also very interested in the Taiyin Jade Girl Sutra.

Yin Zheng smiled slightly, and said: "Because a disciple of the Yunu Sect fell in love with a man and violated the rules of the sect. The Yunu Sect executed the punishment for this, killing the man, and implicating all the men in his family. Later, the Yunu Sect The people in the sect were so crazy that they killed all the men in a city! Because of this incident, the Yunumen sect was defined as an evil sect by Gu Wu, and was punished by almost all decent sects. In the end, this sect was destroyed, and the Taiyin Yunv The scriptures were also made taboo and were completely burned.”

"However, the Centipede is dead but not stiff. A big sect will naturally not be destroyed so easily. Some people escaped and disappeared from sight. It is estimated that the remaining part of our current practice is passed down by those people. Lin Brother, do you think this kind of kung fu that can change a person's personality will give you a sense of security when you practice it?"

When Yin Zheng said this, Lin Yi felt a little chills in his heart. If Lu Xiaoyun and the others turned into that kind of murderous madman, he would absolutely not accept it.

However, he suddenly felt a little strange, and said: "Brother Yin, according to what you said, why didn't Duguchun become so withdrawn and cold? I think his personality seems to be pretty good, he's quite happy."

"Master Dragon God, don't make fun of me, okay? With me like this, how can I be happy? To tell you the truth, after practicing this set of exercises, I found that my emotions are gradually losing. If I didn't need a man, I'm afraid Even men hate it. This exercise is actually a curse, very vicious!" Duguchun sighed, looking very helpless.

"Duguchun is a man. After he practices this set of exercises, his own yang energy will restrain his yin energy. Because of this, his character is not completely abnormal, but his appearance is abnormal." Yin Zheng laughed, As soon as these words came out, Duguchun immediately gave him a wink, his face turned pale, and said: "Fuck me, even if this guy is not completely perverted, he is not much worse! I would rather face those perverted people." Women, I don't want to face this guy either, so I'll vomit for a while..."

As Yin Zheng was talking, he really ran to the side and vomited, which made Duguchun show a complaining expression, and acted like a baby very sweetly, which was full of lethality.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and ignored Duguchun, who was baffled, and said to himself: "It seems that the person who created this exercise is indeed a genius with a vicious mind. Does she want to exterminate all human beings? Women practice this exercise. The exercises will be hostile to men, and they will kill men crazily. When a man practices this set of exercises, he will become neither male nor female. In this way, if people all over the world practice it, wouldn't it mean that the country will be wiped out?"

"It's too simple for you to think. It's impossible for everyone to have the opportunity to practice this level of exercises, right?" Bai Bingbing immediately began to sing the opposite tune, and it was her habit to beat Lin Yi.

"Bingbing, you are wrong to say that. You don't understand how important it is for a martial artist to improve his strength, just like Duguchun. In order to reach a higher level, he completely abandoned the most important dignity of a man. From a martial artist In fact, I quite admire him. This kind of courage is really rare." Lin Yi sighed lightly, these words made Duguchun's expression slightly changed, and he was no longer as frivolous as before.

"Although not everyone can practice this kind of exercise, once someone practices it, it will spread like a plague. After women practice it, they will eventually become male killers. Men, in order to protect themselves, Maybe you can also cultivate, but I won’t say more about those who died because of backlash. Once they don’t die, they will probably become like Duguchun. If things go on like this, with the passage of time, do you still think that human beings will exist?”

Lin Yi's words left Bai Bingbing speechless, and Duguchun on the side immediately stomped his feet, and said coquettishly: "Brother Yi, don't say that, people are really no different from women, if you don't believe me, you can Try it!"

Goosebumps all over Lin Yi's body, this guy started to make big moves again!It seems that it must be a side effect. If you don't help him treat it, I'm afraid he will force the overlord to attack those men.

He suddenly slapped out with a palm, sending Dugu Chun flying, and then, a large handful of silver needles appeared in his hand, all of which had three veins, and there were quite a few of them.

Duguchun looked stunned, and quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

"Speaking of your brother-in-law, if you don't help you cure it, you're going to masturbate to men! The magic vein seals the gods, the divine vein saves life, and the ghost veins transform into yin. I don't believe it. You can be so domineering!" Lin Yi's [-] needles all sank into Duguchun's body, and Duguchun's body suddenly froze, stuck there like a log, allowing Lin Yi to do whatever he wanted.

Lin Yi actually didn't tell him something, this is the first time Lin Yi has encountered this situation, so Lin Yi can only... give it a try.

Long Nu's surrounding audience stared wide-eyed, seeing Lin Yi's miraculous medical skills, the heir of the three veins of gods, ghosts and demons. , It will be difficult for me to die in the future!

In this way, Lin Yi captured the hearts of so many people almost without saying a word.

"No, it seems that a few needles are wrong, let's do it again." Lin Yi murmured, Duguchun's eyes were already filled with tears, Nima, this guy is simply a devil!
(End of this chapter)

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