Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 184 Soul Song

Chapter 184 Soul Song
It is definitely not a good thing to make Qin Sang so excited.

Lin Yi reacted immediately, and immediately swung his knife to strike at Gui Laosan, but Gui Laosan showed a sinister smile on his face, and blew a note gently.

As soon as this note appeared, Lin Yi's heart suddenly shook, as if his soul was about to come out of his body.

He gritted his teeth, and his momentum remained undiminished. The moment he struck with the knife, his expression suddenly changed.

It was hard for him to believe that the dozens of human heads that were originally piled on the ground all flew over and revolved around the body of the third ghost.

Lin Yi's knife just chopped a head into pieces, and did not cause any harm to Gui Lao San at all.

Gui Laosan's bone flute continued to play, the almost noise-like sound made everyone feel very uncomfortable.Listening to this kind of mind-blowing tune is really a great torment.

Qin Sang snorted coldly, and suddenly flew into the sky, the long sword in his hand seemed to have a soul in his hand, and sword qi quickly gathered around him.

"Get out of the way! The profound meaning of the sword soul, a hundred swords break!" Qin Sang roared, as if half of his inner energy was drained at this moment, a hundred sword qi shot down from the air, aiming at Gui Lao three.

Third Ghost laughed, the sound of the flute became more urgent, and soon many corpses on the ground flew up to meet the destructive sword energy.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the blood tangled in the nose. These sword qi cut and chopped the corpses, and the scene of incomparably heavy taste was displayed in front of everyone.

Fortunately, they flashed fast, otherwise they would probably be disgusted to death if they were splashed with these flesh and blood internal organs.

After Baidao Sword Qi was released, Qin Sang's body fell beside Lin Yi.His face was quite pale, and with his current body, it was too reluctant to perform that level of sword moves.

Lin Yi quickly gave him a dose of Nine Yang Inner Qi to calm down the churning blood in his body.

"Old Qin, you are working too hard, your body can't take it anymore!" Lin Yi took his pulse for him, and he knew Qin Sang's current situation, he was desperately fighting for it!

"If you can't take it, you have to fight, otherwise it will be really troublesome! I hope that the sword energy just now can solve him, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what about? Hehe, I didn't expect Wanjianmen to still have masters alive. I thought they were all dead! Back then Wanjianmen's Sword Soul Profound Truth seemed to be Wanjianmie. Why did it come into your hands? Only What about Bai Jian Po? Sigh, I am so disappointed." Gui Lao San's sinister voice came over, and the voice was really frightening, just like the sound of the flute.

They can't help but wonder, can't they speak well?Why do you have to make that weird noise?

A wry smile appeared on Qin Sang's face, and he murmured to himself: "If my wounds heal, it will be more than a hundred swords. Now I'm in trouble. His prelude to the soul song is finished, and the next battle will be much more difficult."

"Soul Song? What is that?" Lin Yi couldn't help asking, he knew almost nothing about Yingumen.

"The Soul Song is one of the profound secrets of the Yinbone Gate. Once you play it, you can control the dead or even the dead to fight for you. Moreover, when the song goes to the end, it will have a greater impact on the living. You should feel it just now. Now, this is a kind of cultivation method of soul impact and puppet manipulation." Qin Sang's expression was very serious, this kind of cultivation method killed countless people back then, and seeing it now, he still has lingering fears.

"So that's the case, no wonder even I will be affected. However, if we wipe out all the corpses, there should be no problem." Thinking of this, Lin Yi's sinister smile became even more exaggerated.

"Really? Then look, how many corpses have you eliminated?"

After the dust dissipated, the figure of the third ghost appeared in front of everyone.Lin Yi's complexion suddenly changed, he clearly saw countless monsters with strange shapes appearing around Gui Laosan.

Most of those monsters have three heads and four hands, and they seem to have been forcibly assembled together.

What's more, the strength of these people before life has been preserved, mixed together one by one, and with the characteristic of immortality, it is extremely difficult to kill.

"Oh, that's it. Even if those corpses are killed, they will be assembled immediately to become new undead creatures. Yingumen relied on this trick back then to resist the righteous army for a long time. Moreover, as the battle lasted longer, The more corpses appeared, the more corpses they controlled. The coalition forces paid a very high price to smash those corpses into dust, and they were completely wiped out." Qin Sang said this, his face was very ugly. His excitement was so great that he still remembers it clearly.

"Hahaha, I'm ashamed to talk about what happened back then. You despicable villains, what despicable things didn't you do in order to destroy my Yinbone Gate? We use this trick to deal with you, and we already think highly of you! Hehe, the dance of death has begun , are you ready?" The third ghost said with a smile, and as soon as the words fell, the nearby corpses all stood up and spliced ​​together to form strangely shaped corpses.

Those bloody corpses hung with internal organs had a great visual impact, Xiaodie's face turned bluer and greener, and the feeling of vomiting was really hard to suppress.

The crazy flute sounded again, and everyone's soul seemed to be burned by needles, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Catch the thief first, and the king is the most important thing to deal with that old monster!" Lin Yi shouted, and was the first to rush out, slashing open the front corpse, and swiping the knife towards the top of the third ghost's head.

A quick fight, this is his only way!
Yin Zheng and the others are still very weak. If those corpses are allowed to get close, the consequences will be disastrous.

Qin Sang yelled and forcibly raised his internal energy. His eight meridians were severely blocked. If Lin Yi hadn't helped him open one of his meridians, he would have lost hope in life.

During this period of time, according to Lin Yi's request, he finally got through two more, otherwise he would not be able to use the Hundred Swords Break at all.

He knew that with his current strength, he couldn't last long.

However, Lin Yi has already rushed out, why is there any reason to back down?He suddenly had the pride that he had when he was besieging the Yin Bone Gate back then, he seemed to feel that he was young again, and he could still fight!

After Solanum nigrum recovered [-]% to [-]% of its strength, it immediately supported Yin Zheng and Duguchun, and wanted to take them away from the battlefield.

But she suddenly discovered that the bodies of the two seemed to have taken root, and they couldn't move at all.

"Why are you still here? Do you want to turn into a corpse and be used by that guy?" Solanum nigrum spoke bluntly. She also wanted to fight, but she didn't want to cause trouble for Lin Yi.

Yin Zheng and Duguchun looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"I can still fight, how about you?" Dugu Chun asked with a smile.

"Of course, how could I not have the strength to do my best?"

As soon as Yin Zheng's words fell, the strength of the two of them skyrocketed, and they immediately reached their peak state!
(End of this chapter)

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