Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 187 I Swallowed It Up

Chapter 187 I Swallowed It Up

Lin Yi is not a fool, of course he found that Hua Chuchu's body had a serious problem.

He suddenly remembered the voice he heard when he was treating Hua Chuchu: "The body of Tianhuo, the cause of disaster, cannot exist!"

Could it be that the Tianhuo Body is really synonymous with evil?Could it really bring disaster to this world?
Lin Yi's mood was very contradictory, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Hua Chuchu bit his lip, not daring to look at Lin Yi again, he let out a coquettish shout, and rushed towards the third ghost.

The third ghost's body was already surrounded by black energy, and his mood was very unstable.

He used to be a strong person in the real energy state, but under the true energy state, he was just an ant in his eyes.Even if his strength has declined, he still looks down on those minor cultivators in the Qi Transformation Realm, thinking that dealing with them is extremely easy.

When Hua Chuchu appeared, it did give him a certain mental shock.But he didn't feel any frustration either. After all, he was a celestial confusion body. If it was really that rubbish, he wouldn't pay so much attention to it.

Moreover, Hua Chuchu gave him the feeling that he was only in the early stage of Qi Transformation Realm, no matter how strong the mental impact was, it was impossible to hurt his body.

However, things turned in a direction that he couldn't believe. He was injured, he was injured by Hua Chu's punch, and he was injured so embarrassingly!
This body was cultivated by him with great difficulty. Now that he is injured like this, how can he calm down his anger?

"Little girl, you are so arrogant!" The ghost boss roared, and with a wave of his hand, there were more than a dozen skulls.

Those skulls exuded a strange aura, and their eyes all shone with a strange red light, which was exactly the same as the skulls on the bone staff.

At the same time, he actually swallowed a living heart. After swallowing this heart, his forehead injury quickly recovered.

Lin Yi didn't expect that those hearts were not only useful to the bone staff, but also had a great effect on the third ghost himself. However, that scene was so horrifying and bloody that Lin Yi couldn't help frowning.

The Yin Bone Gate is called a symbol of evil by the world, and it really makes sense. Which of these evil skills can be used by normal people?

A dozen skulls surrounded Hua Chuchu in the middle, exhaling breaths of various colors from his mouth, Hua Chuchu snorted coldly, his eyes flashed, and the red light in the eyes of the three skulls who were looking at her suddenly turned green light, and then crazily attacked the skull next to it.

The body of heaven's confusion, seduces all beings!
This move was so powerful that Lin Yi finally understood the horror of the Tianhuo Body!
Gui Laosan stretched out his hand to grab it, and the three skulls controlled by Hua Chuchu suddenly exploded.At the same time, three bone arrows appeared in his hand, and they swished towards Hua Chuchu.

"God-destroying bone arrows! Go to hell!" Gui Laosan roared, and the three bone arrows were wrapped in black light. It was obvious that the black light was full of evil and negative power.

If this bone arrow hits the human body, it will definitely burst out with a strong curse power, which is a kind of poison that makes Lin Yi look serious.

The three bone arrows sealed all Hua Chuchu's evasion space, and the other skulls also took the opportunity to attack Hua Chuchu, the situation was very critical!
Lin Yi flew over in a hurry, he couldn't watch Hua Chuchu be in danger.

"Don't come here!" Hua Chuchu suddenly shouted, Lin Yi's momentum was stagnated, and then he saw a white light emitting from Hua Chuchu's body in disbelief. Where the white light spread, even The speed of the bone arrow was much slower.

The puff of white light spread quickly, and not long after, even the third ghost was swallowed by the white light and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yi watched from a distance, somehow, the puffy white light gave him a strong sense of crisis, as if once he touched it, he might be lost forever.

For a while, his mood was hard to calm down. Could it be that he really did something wrong and brought disaster to this world?

Is Hua Chuchu really the cause of the so-called disaster?

Lin Yi's heart suddenly fell into a contradiction. He told himself not to think too much, but the facts made it difficult for him to calm down.

Soon, screams came from the white light, it was the voice of the third ghost.

No one knew what happened inside, even Lin Yi didn't smell the smell of blood.

The whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment, and even the screams of Gui Lao San could not be heard.

Gradually, the white light dissipated, and what Lin Yi saw was an open space. On the open space, Hua Chuchu stood alone, trembling all over, and his breath was very unstable.

"Where's that old monster? Why is he gone?" Lin Yi asked immediately, looking at Hua Chuchu in surprise.

"He's dead, I swallowed him up." Hua Chuchu's body exuded a strange aura. Indeed, Lin Yi felt the power of the third ghost from her body, and that power was gradually fading away, as if being swallowed Huachuchu absorbed.

"Swallow... Swallow it?" Lin Yi looked at Hua Chuchu in disbelief. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of strangeness. The current Hua Chuchu is still the little girl with a strong appearance and a weak heart. girl?

Hua Chuchu's body gradually stopped trembling. She turned her head, with a smile on her face, and said, "Yes, I swallowed it, not even the dregs left. But don't think too much, I didn't eat his flesh, but devoured his power. I didn't like this kind of power at first, but I can't help it, I need power to evolve, so I can only force myself!"

Hua Chuchu's smile was very sweet, but when he spoke, there was no emotion at all.

Suddenly, a sense of crisis rose from Lin Yi's heart, and Lin Yi suddenly felt that Hua Chuchu in front of him was very dangerous!
He hurriedly distanced himself from Hua Chuchu, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you? Why do you control Chuchu's body? I can feel that the soul of this body is not Chuchu's!"

"Hua Chuchu" looked slightly stunned, and suddenly covered his mouth and laughed out loud: "Brother Yi, what are you kidding? Who else can I be if I am not Chuchu? Could it be that I am a monster? Don't be afraid." , this is just the power of my awakened body, if you don't believe me, come and touch me, and see how I am different from before?"

Hua Chuchu puffed out his chest on purpose, showing a very enchanting look.

Lin Yi's face was terribly gloomy, and the "power of fate" in the Jingchen Bead suddenly surged, and that feeling told him that Hua Chuchu wanted to kill him!
He snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "Since you don't want to admit it, then I will use my method to force you to admit it. Since you said you are Hua Chuchu, do you dare to let me inject needles on you? My The magic vein has 36 needles, and it has a very strong sense of the soul. I will know whether your soul is primitive or not after the injection. Hehe, do you have the guts?"

While talking, Lin Yi walked towards Hua Chuchu, he already had a plan in mind.Since he caused the catastrophe, of course he has to use his own method to solve it. Even if it is death, he can't let Hua Chuchu fall into darkness!

(End of this chapter)

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