Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 191 I Have Been There

Chapter 191 I Have Been There

Lin Yi's eyes were full of hope. The Prajna Temple that Long Baichuan mentioned was his only hope now.

Long Baichuan frowned, and said: "Panruo Temple is the head of the righteous way in the ancient Chinese martial arts world, and one of the holy places in the ancient martial arts world. You have been a hunter abroad all year round, and it is normal not to know this."

"The leader of the righteous way? It sounds very powerful. Then, I can find them to cure Chu Chu?" Lin Yi's eyes were full of hope, but Long Baichuan shook his head and sighed.


"Fuck me! Old man Long, can you speak more clearly, can you just be a little bit more? I'm in a hurry, okay? You're still playing tricks on me!" Lin Yi couldn't bear it anymore. In the current situation, it was very difficult It's hard not to get excited.

Long Baichuan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Do you think that I want to make a detour with you because I consider your mood? Do I want to tell you that even I don't know the real location of Banruo Temple? Moreover, Banruo Temple is the right path. The first sect, even if you find them, it's hard to say whether they will help. So, you'd better calm down and think of other ways."

"Calm down? Think of other ways? Then you just said that you asked the monks from Banruo Temple to chant sutras for the first time? Are you fooling me with this sentence?" Lin Yi stared at Long Baichuan in a daze, and asked in disbelief road.

"Ahem, let's talk casually, and you don't have to bear legal responsibility. Young people, it's so boring to get entangled in such trivial matters. By the way, aren't your medical skills very good? The three dead old ghosts said that they are not as good as you , if you help her cure her, maybe you will cure her!" Long Baichuan said cheerfully, and Lin Yi admitted that his fists were extremely hungry, and he was looking forward to beating this dead old man.

"If I can cure it, do I still need to ask you Prajna Temple? You are getting more and more unreliable, you old man, thanks to you blowing yourself up so much every day, I'm sorry!" Lin Yi said unceremoniously, and said What he said made Long Baichuan's old face turn red.

"Banruo Temple? I have been there before..." A weak voice suddenly sounded, and the speaker turned out to be Yin Zheng.

Yin Zheng walked over with vain footsteps. He forcibly burned his potential in the previous battle, which caused him to be in a very poor state, sick, and as if he wanted to die.

When he said this, Lin Yi's eyes lit up immediately, he supported him, and gave him a stream of Nine Yang Inner Qi, stabilizing his injury.

Yin Zheng's injury is not serious, and he probably needs to rest for a while. What Lin Yi is afraid of is that he will suddenly pass out. The location of Banruo Temple can only be known after he wakes up. Lin Yi can't wait that long!
Yin Zheng let out a long breath, smiled and said, "Brother Lin, you should remember that when we first met, I was seriously injured and failed to seek medical treatment in many places. A place I have been to. There, I received the help of the Great Zen Master Kongming, which temporarily suppressed the injury."

"It's no wonder that the first time I treated you, I found out that someone had treated you. Brother Yin, since you have been to the Banruo Temple, you should know where the Banruo Temple is. Take me there quickly. I really can't wait any longer! Lin Yi said anxiously, even wanting to grab Yin Zheng's arm and leave here.

Yin Zheng smiled wryly, and said: "Look at me now, I'm afraid I'll faint before I take a few steps. Don't worry, anyway, Miss Chuchu's situation is still stable, if you care about it, you will be confused, and you will be too excited. I Guaranteed, I will definitely take you to Banruo Temple, don’t you believe me? Oh, no, I’m starting to feel dizzy again. As soon as my injury heals, I’ll take you right away..."

When Yin Zheng said this, his eyes suddenly rolled up, and then he really fainted.

His sister, he didn't take a step, okay?

Yin Zheng sacrificed so much for Lin Yi, of course Lin Yi could only let him rest.Looking at his current situation, it won't be a week if he can't wake up at all. As for fully recovering, it won't be possible in half a month.

For sects like Banruo Temple that even Long Baichuan doesn't know the exact location, it must be the one that can't tell the exact location.Without Yin Zheng leading the way, it would have been difficult to find the location.

Fortunately, the villa was not damaged too much, and the wounded were all arranged to rest.

Lin Yi used the magic vein needle to restrain Hua Chuchu. Although the effect cannot be guaranteed, if Hua Chuchu is not stimulated, that evil personality should not appear.

Lin Yi did all this well, and his body and mind were on the verge of collapse.This battle consumed him a lot. If Long Baichuan hadn't arrived in time to help him relieve the side effect of the magic needle's soul stimulation, he might have already fainted.

However, before he rested, he discovered a strange thing, that is Long Baichuan's identity.

Solanum nigrum once told him that Long Baichuan was not the Dragon King of Dragon Fury, but he only saw Long Baichuan make a phone call, and not long after, the mountain was completely boiling.

Lin Yi roughly estimated that at least tens of thousands of soldiers began to gather here, the armed helicopters stopped directly at the entrance of the villa, and various high-ranking officers stood in a row, looking like they were being inspected.

Long Baichuan trained them so that they dare not say a word. After all, this villa is also within the range of the military area. It is unreasonable that no one from the military area came after such a big commotion!
Of course, Long Baichuan knew that this was the intervention of the Lin family's forces. Now that the evidence of the Lin family's collusion with the Yingumen was in his hands, he had to take the opportunity to show his power.

When those people left in desperation, Lin Yi walked up to Long Baichuan and asked in a low voice: "Old man Long, you have been hiding it from me for so many years, and it has been so hard for me! Now you should be able to tell me your true identity." Bar?"

Long Baichuan glanced at him, snorted softly, and said, "I won't tell you, what can you do to me? Hehe, if you want to get anything from me, you have to beat me. This is my rule. You won't forget it."

Long Baichuan had shamelessness written all over his face, Lin Yi was stunned for a while, and could only point at him.If it wasn't for his sanity, he might have pulled out the evil sword.

Long Baichuan's eyes fell on the evil knife, his brows were slightly frowned, and he said, "I didn't expect that the evil knife for killing old ghosts would fall into your hands. Brat, you won't even learn the art of killing gods!" Alright."

"Of course I learned it, otherwise how can I use this knife? However, I feel a little strange. It is said in the Killing God Art that you have to kill a lot of people to use the knife technique. Why is there no such restriction here? I The inner qi of the nine suns seems to make this knife cheer, old man Long, can you tell me seriously, what is going on with my nine suns holy martial arts? The rest of it is really completely lost? I can't beat it now You, but I really want to know!"

(End of this chapter)

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