Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 198 Why Are You So Serious

Chapter 198 Why Are You So Serious
Qin Shuang was stunned by Lin Yi's words, and for a while, he didn't even come back to his senses.

Zeng Xiong's expression changed drastically, and he said, "You actually want to drive a wedge between our brothers, stop dreaming! If you want to kill me, kill me, my brother has nothing to do with the Klan, you..."

Zeng Xiong's voice stopped abruptly, and there was a knife around his neck, which was Lin Yi's evil knife.

Although the knife didn't cut into Ruru, Zeng Xiong felt as if his head had been flying, and the pain from that "wound" was very obvious.

"What do you think now? As long as I use a little force, your wish will come true. At that time, your head will fly a long way. With the speed of my knife, you should still be able to see the blood on your neck Spraying it out, that scene is absolutely wonderful." Lin Yi smiled speculatively, and Zeng Xiong suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

He swallowed, and said in a low voice: "Knife... the people under the knife are just for food, why are you so serious? Zeng is a little confused, why did you suddenly attack Zeng's Klan? Five of us The K Party doesn’t seem to have any grievances with Your Excellency, does it?”

Zeng Xiong seemed to be a different person, not as impassioned as before.Lin Yi was right, he thought Qin Shuang could scare Lin Yi, so he acted so righteously.What now?Qin Shuang was beaten like that bear, and it didn't help at all to move out the big name of Shushan Sword School.

So, of course he didn't dare to be so arrogant again, after all, his life was the most important thing, and if his life was gone, everything would be gone.

Qin Shuang was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he never expected that Zeng Xiong would suddenly become a turtle grandson, there is no doubt that he was really used.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said, "Sure enough, you are a double-faced guy. It seems that you have deceived many people's trust with this trick. Haha, no wonder you can take the position of boss."

"Your Excellency is admirable. As a person in power, of course I have to learn some emperor's mind skills. Although I am far from the emperor, but compared to mind skills, I am definitely no worse than anyone else." Zeng Xiong was not humble, he looked at the emperor with a smile Lin Yi's demeanor and actions are very humble.

"Really? Since you only know the emperor's mind, it seems that it is useless for me to keep you here. What I need is a slave, not an emperor." Lin Yi sneered, and as soon as he moved his hand, Zeng Xiong unexpectedly knelt on the ground with a plop. on the ground.

"My lord, you are joking. In fact, what I am best at is the way of slavery. As a slave, I am definitely better than anyone else. You want the Klan. It is only a matter of your words. I guarantee that no one will resist!" Zeng Xiong's movements were simple and capable, and his subordinates were all stunned.

It was the first time they had seen Zeng Xiong behave like this, and it turned out that this guy had such a terrifying skill.

Lin Yi was also taken aback. In order to survive, this guy didn't even want his dignity. It's really scary to keep such a person by his side.

However, Lin Yi is more at ease with this kind of person.Because this kind of person knows fear and pain.As long as he has absolute strength, this kind of person is definitely the strongest weapon in his hands!

Qin Shuang's face was ashen for a long time. This is the first time he found himself so stupid? , It's ridiculously stupid.He suddenly realized that what Lin Yi said was very true. He grew up in the Shushan Sword Sect, how had he ever seen the sinister heart?Where have you ever felt insidious and cunning?Just like now, even if he doesn't want to die anymore, he can't do Zeng Xiong's step.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Interesting, although you are dangerous, I like you quite a bit. Compared with the hypocrite you were before, I like the real villain you are now. Haha, since you want to know who it is, then It’s okay for me to tell you. Let me ask you, do you know that a new gang has sprung up in the XC area recently, called the Dragon Gang?”

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Zeng Xiong's face immediately changed. His mind turned quickly, and he immediately bowed to the ground and shouted: "Subordinate Zeng Xiong, pay homage to the leader of the Shenlong Gang. From now on, the Five Ku Klux Klan will submit to you!" Shenlong Gang, waiting for your order from the leader!"

Lin Yi didn't expect that this guy could be so obedient. Before he could say anything, this guy was already kneeling and licking.

But it's normal when you think about it, Zeng Xiong knelt down to the point of kneeling, it doesn't matter if he makes a little more effort.The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, Lin Yi has shown such terrifying strength, the rise of the Dragon Gang is already irresistible.

That being the case, now that he has the earliest chance to surrender, he certainly cannot let it go.

"Hehe, it seems that I really underestimated your intelligence. You really are a guy who knows current affairs. Then you should know, what do I want you to do next?" Lin Yi smiled and looked at Zeng Xiong. Turned around, with a clear look.

"Master, this subordinate will call all the members of the KKK to wipe out all the gangs in Beicheng District, unify the entire Beicheng District, and then dedicate Beicheng District to you!" Zeng Xiong looked loyal, and Lin Yi was very satisfied. Nodding, he took the knife across Zeng Xiong's neck and walked to Hua Chuchu who was drunk.

Hua Chuchu didn't drink much before, but the wine that the bartender made was delicious, and she didn't stop drinking it.

As for the bartender, he was exhausted long ago, but under the control of Hua Chuchu, he still kept shaking the mixing pot.

Lin Yi walked up to him, took the shaker from the bartender's hand, and with a light touch, the guy passed out and fell asleep.

Hua Chuchu came back to his senses, saw that it was Lin Yi, immediately hugged him by the waist, and said with drunken eyes: "Brother Yi, I listened to you, I didn't kill anyone! Would you like to reward me well?" ?”

Hua Chuchu's body was so hot that she could force out the smell of alcohol without using her internal energy, as if she wanted to maintain this buoyant state.That's the only way, she can speak so unscrupulously, once these words come out, any man may find it hard to resist.

Lin Yi put his hand on his wrist, and frowned slightly.Indeed, the restrictions he set were somewhat loose, and if Hua Chuchu maintained this state, it would be easy for evil personalities to appear.

He smiled slightly, opened Hua Chuchu's arms lightly, and said, "Chuchu, since you like cocktails so much, I'll make you a drink too."

"You know how to mix wine? Hehe, I...I don't believe it." Hua Chuchu laughed and couldn't stand still.

"Don't believe me? Then I'll transfer it to you. You stand far away first, my movements are a bit rough, I'm afraid of bumping into you." Lin Yi chuckled, took two steps back, and secretly stuffed it into the mixing pot a pill.

Then, the shaker seemed to come alive in his hands, especially the moment it was thrown up, everyone's eyes dazzled, as if a red sun rose into the sky.

Then, the mixing pot kept changing directions in the air, completely controlled by the inner energy, and Lin Yi didn't touch it with his hands at all.

Hua Chuchu was dazzled, it was a dreamlike feeling, although the bartender's movements just now were quite fancy, but it was definitely not one percent as good as Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's pretentious stage was over, and the shaker fell into his hands. He opened it gently, and a strong aroma of wine immediately filled the nightclub.

Lin Yi poured liquids of seven colors into a goblet, which was exactly doubled.

He handed over the wine glass very gentlemanly, and said with a smile, "This glass of wine is called Eternal Love, I hope Chu Chu's wife will like it."

(End of this chapter)

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