Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 200 Embarrassing Supermarket Shopping

Chapter 200 Embarrassing Supermarket Shopping

After Lin Yi spoke, Hua Chuchu's little face blushed even more, even his neck became red.

She nodded slightly, and hummed, her voice was so low that even Lin Yi couldn't hear it clearly.

Lin Yi got up from the bed, and gently hugged Hua Chuchu. His movements were very gentle, as if he was hugging a delicate work of art.

They quickly entered the bathroom, and Lin Yi took off Hua Chuchu's clothes very skillfully. This girl drank a lot of alcohol, and the smell of alcohol on her body was very strong.

This was the first time Lin Yi took off Hua Chuchu's clothes, and when he took off his clothes, he was a little nervous even though he was always skilled.

Hua Chuchu folded his hands on his chest, his skin was powdery and hot.This was the first time she had actively exposed herself to Lin Yi, and for some reason, she suddenly became a little nervous.

Lin Yi's fiery eyes alone aroused the fire in her heart. Her body seemed to be burning and boiling. It was hard to describe that feeling in words.

At this time, the nozzle suddenly turned on, and warm water poured on her body. Like a frightened bird, Hua Chuchu suddenly jumped up and was hugged by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at her quietly, at this moment, it seemed that time had stopped.

The eyes of both of them are full of longing, which is a kind of physical and psychological desire.

Gradually, the mouths of the two came together and kissed deeply, each other's heartbeats were so clear.

Lin Yi's big hand started to walk away...Suddenly, he smelled a faint smell of blood, which seemed to come from under Hua Chuchu's body...

In the small supermarket next to Home Inn, Lin Yi was carrying more than a dozen packs of brightly colored paper products to the cash register. As a pure beginner in this field, he had no idea what to buy.

Sufi?Happy every month?Or Octave?
He suddenly found that his life had a new challenge. Let him, the legendary hunting god who kills without blinking an eye, buy sanitary napkins for a woman.

But the truth of the matter is so dumbfounding. Lin Yi suddenly discovered that when God punishes people, he can only bear it obediently.

With all the guns and bullets ready, how could he have thought that he would kill Aunt Cheng halfway? Only he could feel the bitter feeling.

He still remembered that when he walked out of the hotel, he saw a few boys from the Shenlong Gang at the door.When they saw him walking out of the hotel to go to the supermarket, they kept reminding Lin Yi that there was TT in the hotel, so there was no need to go to the supermarket to buy it.

Buy a fart TT!Lin Yi really wanted to beat them all to death!

Of course he didn't dare to tell them that he was going to buy that thing. If they found out, it would be difficult for him, the boss, to hold his head up in front of them in the future.

When he returned to the hotel, Hua Chuchu was wrapped in a bath towel and put on a towel. Seeing Lin Yi's funny appearance carrying a big bag, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Brother Yi, I told me to go by myself, but you still want to go. Look at you, you look like a thief." After Hua Chuchu relaxed, he became much more cheerful. A joke, no ambiguity.

Lin Yi gave her an annoyed look and said, "You heartless bad girl, I'm a mafia boss, and I'm going to help you buy this thing, and you still have the nerve to laugh at me? No, my body and mind have been severely injured. You have to find a way to help Zhizhi."

At the end of Lin Yi's speech, he greedily gouged out Hua Chuchu's body, and the flames in his body burned fiercely.

Hua Chuchu found the bag she wanted from the bag, took out one, and ran into the bathroom to change it.

After changing, she said shyly with a pretty face: "Brother Yi, I'm inconvenient today, how can I help you heal your body and mind?"

Hua Chuchu showed a delicate look, of course she knew that Lin Yi was very uncomfortable now, but she was really not suitable to do that in this state.

Their martial arts practitioners all know that communicating in this situation will cause great physical harm to both parties.Hua Chuchu was not worried about herself, she was afraid that Lin Yi would be hurt.

Lin Yi smiled wickedly, and said, "If I had known you were blank in this area, I would have prepared everything for you!"

Lin Yi took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and plugged it into the computer in the room.

Soon, some naked men and women appeared on the computer, and then, various strange sounds and pictures appeared in Hua Chuchu's ears and eyes.

Hua Chuchu was stunned. Although she kept talking about giving Lin Yi her body, she didn't know what to do.

She sneaked a peek at the battle between Lin Yi and Solanum nigrum last time, and barely knew something about it.Now, watching this educational film again, she suddenly discovered that it doesn't have to be like that.

"Chuchu wife, how is your study going, can we start?" Lin Yi turned off the video, Hua Chuchu woke up from a very serious study state, his hands were still shaking up and down.

She nodded seriously, and said in a deep voice: "I almost understand, some things I don't understand, I guess I have to verify it in practice. Brother Yi, you lie on the bed first, I'm here."


Lin Yi originally thought that Hua Chuchu would resist, but he didn't expect that she would cooperate so much, and her comprehension ability was quite good, Lin Yi's body and mind were relaxed.

When it was almost night, the two of them reluctantly got up from the bed. After a day's rest, both of them recovered to their best condition.

As soon as the two of them left the hotel, Lin Yi received a call from a stranger.

After he connected, he only heard the voice, and his face showed a trace of surprise, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Miss Yueshu, why did you remember to call me? Did you miss me?"

Is Lin Yi stupid for not flirting?According to the principle, he immediately launched a molesting offensive against this iceberg beauty.

"I didn't think about you, don't think too much." He Yueshu's voice was still so cold, as if Lin Yi owed her a lot of money.

Lin Yi sighed, looking very helpless, other women are easy to teach, but he really has nothing to do with this iceberg beauty.

When Hua Chu saw his dejected look, he couldn't help being curious, what kind of woman could give Lin Yi such a headache?
"Okay, then tell me, what can you do with me? Is there something uncomfortable?" Lin Yi sighed softly. He could only grind slowly for such a woman. The first woman he fell in love with when he came to Pinghu.

"I don't have any discomfort. Something happened to Sun Wen. Last time you touched him, but you didn't help him relieve it. Unexpectedly, just a few days ago, he suddenly developed a high fever and was sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctor has already issued a critical illness notice, saying that if the fever does not subside tonight, he will not be able to survive. People from the Sun family found out that this matter is related to me, so they sent people to look for me and put pressure on our He family. I asked You, I just want you to help me solve this problem, I don't want to implicate so many people because of me."

(End of this chapter)

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