Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 303 Swallowed!

Chapter 303 Swallowed!
When Lin Yi saw the Zhenyao Pagoda, he was really taken aback by its appearance.

He originally thought that the Zhenyao Pagoda was a seven-story tower, at least tens of meters high.However, what he didn't expect was that the tower was meter high. Can such a toy be called a tower?

"Master Wuxiang, what's going on here? This is the Demon Suppressing Tower? How do you get in such a small tower?" Weiwei looked suspicious, and she even wondered if Wuxiang was fooling them.

"Amitabha, I know that the two of you must have doubts when you see this pagoda. In fact, a long time ago, there was no ancient martial arts world in China, and everyone did not practice ancient martial arts, but all kinds of exquisite cultivation techniques. At that time, many treasures of cultivation were handed down, and those treasures possessed amazing power, which could not be explained by the so-called science of this era. Later, the lack of spiritual energy on the earth caused the path of cultivation to be almost cut off, and those who cultivated it turned to martial arts , This is how the ancient martial arts world appeared." Wu Xiang said very seriously, and a trace of doubt immediately appeared on Lin Yi's face.

"Abbot Wuxiang, why are you telling us this? You haven't told us how to enter this tower..."

"Amitabha, this pagoda is the true treasure of the Shushan Sword School. The way to enter it is to directly shrink people and then absorb them." Wuxiang explained to Lin Yi, and Lin Yi's face changed suddenly. Unexpectedly, this tower is so magical.

"It can directly shrink the body of a person, I've never seen it before!" Weiwei looked at the Zhenyao Tower expectantly, it was the first time she had heard of such a wonderful thing.

Lin Yi looked at this awe-inspiring golden pagoda, and murmured to himself: "It seems that the legend is indeed true. I thought it was just fabricated by the ancients. By the way, the golden bowl used by Master Wudu last time should also be a cultivator. Treasures."

"Amitabha, Lord Lin's eyes are like torches, and he is right in his words. Indeed, it is one of the treasures of our Prajna Temple, which can absorb demons and ghosts. However, it is nothing compared to the Tower of Demon Suppression. Master Lin is ready Are you ready? If you are ready, you can enter now." Wuxiang clasped his hands together and chanted scriptures.

Facing the evil spirit in the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, he, a Buddhist practitioner, naturally felt very uncomfortable.

This demon-suppressing pagoda is indeed domineering. Even if it is suppressed by the eighteen arhats of Buddhism, its evil spirit is still so strong.However, when Xie Dao felt the evil spirit, he became extremely excited, as if enjoying the evil spirit very much.

Lin Yi nodded and took a step forward, but was grabbed by Weiwei.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said: "Weiwei, don't worry, I am determined to come back safely. I am determined to obtain such a good cultivation treasure."

"Be careful, don't force yourself too much, life is the most important thing." Weiwei let go of Lin Yi's hand and said very seriously.

Lin Yi nodded, and took out a small bronze sword from his pocket, which was a token given to him by Tian Lingzi.

When the little sword appeared, a red light suddenly burst out from the Town Demon Tower, shining on Lin Yi.

Wu Xiang called out the Buddha's name, sat down cross-legged slowly, and said: "Benefactor Lin, just go through the barrier with peace of mind, and the old monk will suppress evil spirits for you outside the pagoda."

Wuxiang kept chanting scriptures, and a huge Buddha power wrapped the Demon Town Tower. In this way, all the evil spirits in the Demon Town Tower were suppressed by that Buddha power, and their power was naturally greatly reduced.

Even if Wuxiang's cultivation is close to the alchemy state, it is not easy to do this. Under the situation of exerting all his strength, being able to persist for an hour is already the limit.

Lin Yi nodded, slowly closed his eyes, and poured his inner energy into the little sword.

Soon, his body began to shrink continuously, and was finally sucked into it by the Demon Town Tower.

Weiwei stood aside very nervously, holding the Holy Spirit Cross tightly.She was ready. If Lin Yi didn't come back before the phaseless Buddha's power was exhausted, she would use the Holy Spirit Cross to forcibly rush into the Demon Suppressing Tower to save people.For Lin Yi, so what if you risk your life?

As soon as Lin Yi entered the Zhenyao Pagoda, he felt evil spirits coming towards him from all directions.

However, he has the evil knife, and the evil energy just touched his body, and was completely swallowed by the evil knife, leaving nothing behind.

After Xie Dao absorbed those evil qi, he didn't forget to feed Lin Yi back, and injected the pure inner qi into Lin Yi's body. As a result, Lin Yi naturally felt better.

"If there are no troublesome evil spirits here, and if I use the evil knife to transform and practice, my inner qi will probably reach the peak of the real qi state soon. It's a pity that there is no follow-up technique, otherwise I can fight hard and go to the pill qi The environment has been impacted." Lin Yi said to himself.

In front of him was a three-meter-wide endless corridor. Although the evil spirit was completely swallowed by the evil knife, Lin Yi found it difficult to get rid of the invisible oppressive feeling.

Fortunately, Lin Yi still has the Ruyi Dragon Ball and the Jingchen Pearl to rely on, even if he faces a strong person at the peak of the true energy state, he will have no problem retreating completely.

What made him feel strange was that he had walked about several miles without seeing the end of this corridor.

Logically speaking, there is no reason for a tower to be so big.

Soon, he realized that something was wrong again, and a sour smell suddenly hit his face, which made people want to vomit.

He stopped, his face changed slightly, and he said to himself: "Something seems wrong, this feeling is so strange..."

He immediately activated the clean dust bead, aroused its powerful soul power, and poured it into the sea of ​​his own soul.

Soon, his eyes flickered with golden light, and he saw something that he couldn't see just now.

He saw the wall of flesh and the mucus that was emitting green smoke. He looked down and found that his shoes had been corroded with big holes, which was shocking.

"Not good! I've been swallowed!" Lin Yi finally realized, and immediately prepared to run behind.

At this time, the surrounding environment began to change, and just in front of him was a terrifying "cliff".

Green smoke rose from under the "cliff", and the sour smell came from under the "cliff". Lin Yi judged that it was stomach acid.

"Hahaha, little guy, I was discovered by you. It feels pretty good in the esophagus of my uncle. Jump down quickly, and my uncle will soon turn you into another object, which is my uncle's. Shit!" A strange laughter suddenly sounded from Lin Yi's ears, and the flesh wall under his feet also began to squirm, pushing Lin Yi down the "cliff".

Lin Yi hurriedly took a few steps away from the "cliff", and said with a cold snort: "Who the hell is your Excellency? There is a feeling that we will fight each other with open swords and guns. Isn't it too disgusting to play such a small trick! "

"Haha, disgusting? Are you stupid? You took the initiative to enter my mouth, and you blame me for being disgusting? Do you want to laugh at me to death? But it doesn't matter. I can't remember how many years I haven't eaten human flesh. Since you took the initiative to send it to your door, I will be disrespectful!"

(End of this chapter)

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